Yardsticks by Chip Wood

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Transcript Yardsticks by Chip Wood

• Presented by
• Dusty Wright
Chip Wood
Presented by:
Dusty Wright
Our Kids
•Children develop at different rates: emotionally,
physically, intellectually, socially.
•As a parent, it is sometimes comforting to have a
general guideline to help create appropriate
boundaries and expectations for our children as
they grow and develop.
•This presentation shares “snapshots” of
development based on research, theorists, and
observations of classroom teachers. It in now way
answers the question “why”!
4 Year Olds
• Have endless amount of energy and
• Learn best by “doing”
• Seem clumsy, awkward, and have
accidents/spills often
• Friendly, bubbly, love friends, but
play parallel
• Like responsibility, “want to be big”
• Experimenting with new vocabulary
• Love to be read to
5 Year Olds
• Gross motor improving, but falls out
of chair sideways
• Active but more personal control
• Likes rules and routines
• Needs approval
• Literal
• Does not communicate about school
at home
• Inanimate objects have life
• Seem illogical, but logical in their way
of thinking (one way to do things,
time for bed because it’s dark)
6 Year Olds
Sloppy and in a hurry
Wants to be first
“poor sport”
Anxious to do well, but does a lot of
Friends are important
Like to “work”
Loves to ask questions
Cooperative play elaborated
Loves jokes and guessing games
7 Year Olds
Written work becoming tidy
Many hurts, real and imagined
“Nobody likes me”
Doesn’t like to make mistakes
Strong likes and dislikes
Good listener
Likes to send notes
Likes to be read to
Curious about how things work
Enjoys one-on-one conversations
8 Year Olds
Speedy, works in a hurry
Attention span limited
Somewhat awkward
Gregarious, humorous
Overestimates own ability
Trouble with limits and boundaries
Friendship group broadening
Basic skill begin to be mastered
9 Year Olds
Pushes physical limits
Somatic complaints
Worrier, critical, moody
Baby-talk may emerge
Begin to see the Bigger World
Less imaginative
Intellectually curious
10 Year Olds
• Desperately need outdoor time
• Handwriting becomes sloppier
• Snacks and rest times are good for
growing bodies
• Fairness issues peak and can be
• Usually truthful
• Talkative, friendly, generally happy
• Likes rules and logic
• Able to concentrate
11 Year Olds
• Vast appetite for food, physical activity
and talking
• Growth spurt for some girls
• More illness and need for more sleep
• Moody, sensitive
• Impulsive, rude, unaware
• Self-absorbed
• Height of cliques
• Argumentative
• Able to abstract
• Increased ability to de-center and see
world from various perspectives