Chapter 9 power point

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Chapter 9
Religious Pluralism in Secular Classrooms
Focus Questions
 Have you ever been exposed to other religions?
 How do parochial schools and secular schools differ?
 In what ways should religion be part of public schooling?
 Should public funds be used to support parochial
 Why did the framers of the Constitution prohibit a state
religion but also guarantee religious freedom?
Religion in America
 Theocracy- a society where religion plays a major role
 Fourteenth Amendment- (1868) granted citizens of states the
same rights as citizens of the nation
 Separation of Church and State
 What is religion?
 Universal vs. Sectarian
 European Influences
 African Influences- Nativists Religions
 Middle Eastern Influences
Religious Pluralism in the Classroom
 Religious diversity in the classroom
 Conflicts
 School roles and customs
 School calendar
 “Truth”
 Evolution debate
Public Welfare vs. Private Freedoms
 First Amendment Rights
 Compulsory Attendance
 Pledge of Allegiance-loyalty to the government
 Saluting the flag
 Prayer and Bible reading in schools
 Public funds for religious schools
Important Court Cases
 Pierce v. Society of Sisters (1925)- overturned the 1922 law that
made public education mandatory
Wisconsin v.Yoder (1972)- Amish children could quit school in
the eighth grade
Meyer v. Nebraska (1923)- unconstitutional to prohibit teaching
foreign languages
West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnett (1943)- don’t
have to salute the flag
Lee v. Weisman (1992)- prayers at high school graduations are
Everson v. Board of Education (1947)- busing parochial
Competition for Public Schools
 Charter Schools
 Home Schooling
 Vouchers
Organized Religion
 Religious Right
 Fundamentalism- in response to globalization and
institutional change
 Censorship