Transcript Document

OSHA Mock Inspection
Are You Ready?
Every establishment covered by the OSH Act is
subject to inspection by OSHA compliance safety
and health officers (CSHO's).
With some exceptions, inspections are conducted
without advance notice.
1. Imminent Danger (any condition where there is
a reasonable certainty that a danger exists that
can be expected to cause death or serious
physical harm immediately, or before the
danger can be eliminated through normal
enforcement procedures)
2. Fatalities and Catastrophes (resulting in
hospitalization of 3 or more employees)
3. Employee Complaints/Referrals
4. Programmed High-Hazard Inspections
On your mark
 Get Set
Programmed High-Hazard Inspections
Comprehensive Inspection
OSHA’s Site-Specific Targeting (SST) program is
OSHA’s main programmed inspection plan for
non-construction workplaces that have 20 or more
employees. The SST plan is based on the data
received from the prior year’s OSHA Data
Initiative survey. The Data Initiative survey and
the SST program help OSHA achieve its goal of
reducing the number of injuries and illnesses that
occur at individual workplaces by directing
enforcement resources to those workplaces where
the highest rate of injuries and illness have
Review of your injury – illness records
Minimal Review of the Facility’s Safety &
Health Programs
 Machine Guarding
 Emergency Response – BBP
 Electrical Installations
 Housekeeping
1. Display official credentials
2. Opening conference
3. Walkaround inspection
4. Closing conference
Who is representing your interest?
Do you have a procedure?
Do you have your programs together
Who will represent your employees?
Who has authority to correct hazards?
Display official credentials
Are they who they say they are?
Opening conference: Purpose, nature and scope
of the inspection
Do you require a warrant? They will get one.
Preempted Warrant- We will save you the trouble.
Generally speaking OSHA’s representative has
the authority to look at everything
Will take photos, measurements, and conduct
These are private interviews
Employees have a right to request an employee
representative to participate in interview
Are you taking notes/photos/measurements
 Are documenting request from CSHO
 Are you correcting conditions
Employer/Management Interviews
Who is authorized to speak on your behalf
 Who can be there during the interviews
 Do you have an area set aside
 If you don’t know the answer to a question, DON’T
answer the question.. Tell the Compliance Officer
that you will have the appropriate person follow up
with them.
Closing conference
Note that there can be multiple closing conferences
 Usually conducted with employee representative but
can be separate
 CSHO will discuss findings, standards and
 Will explain penalties can be issued
 CSHO does not issue Citations only the Area
Director or someone acting on their behalf
Where are your safety and health programs?
Who maintains your training records?
Who maintains your 300 Logs?
Do you have a safety committee?
How can an employee bring forward a safety
How are safety issues resolved
Do you document hazard abatement?
Do you have a progressive disciplinary program?
Do you perform oversight of contractors?
On your mark
 Get Set
Un-programmed Inspection
Machine Guarding Complaint
The Act gives each employee the right to
request an OSHA inspection when the
employee believes he or she is in imminent
danger from a hazard or when he or she thinks
that there is a violation of an OSHA standard
that threatens physical harm. OSHA will
maintain confidentiality
if requested, OSHA will inform the employee
of any action it takes regarding complaints,
and, if requested, hold an informal review of
any decision not to inspect.
1. Display official credentials
2. Opening conference – What is different this
time – the SCOPE- This is a limited scope
3. Walkaround inspection- Again, what is different.
Does the Compliance Officer have free rein?
4. Closing conference
After CSHO reports findings, the area director
determines what citations, if any, will be issued, and
what penalties, if any, will be proposed
Citations inform employer and employees of the
regulations and standards allegedly violated and of
the proposed time for abatement
Citations and notices of proposed penalties are sent
by certified mail
Employer must post a copy of each citation at or near
place where violation occurred, for 3 days or until
violation abated, whichever is longer
Other Than Serious - $?
Serious- $$
Willful - $$$$
Repeat - $$$$
Violation that has a direct relationship to job safety
and health, but probably would not cause death or
serious physical harm
Penalty of up to $7,000 is discretionary
Violation where there is substantial probability
that death or serious physical harm could result
and that the employer knew, or should have
known, of the hazard
Penalty of up to $7,000 is mandatory
An intentional violation of the Act or plain
indifference to its requirements
 Penalties of up to $70,000, with a minimum
penalty of $7,000 for each violation
 If violation results in death of an employee, a fine
up to $250,000 for an individual, or $500,000 for
a corporation, and/or imprisonment for up to six
months may be imposed for a criminal conviction
Substantially similar violation found upon reinspection
Penalties of up to $70,000 for each violation
Falsifying records, reports or applications can
bring a fine of $10,000 or up to 6 months in jail,
or both.
 Violations of posting requirements can bring a
penalty up to $7,000.
 Assaulting a compliance officer or interfering with
their duties is a criminal offense, subject to fine of
not more than $5,000 and imprisonment for not
more than 3 years.
Failure to abate a prior violation may bring a
penalty of up to $7,000 for each day the violation
continues beyond the prescribed abatement date.
OSHA has six months from the date of the
opening conference to issue Citations
The Compliance Officer may follow up with
you for additional information (programs,
training records, additional interviews, etc.)
The Compliance Officer will review your
company OSHA History
The Compliance Officer make
RECOMMENDATIONS (only) for Citations
Good Faith Goes a Long Way- NOTE
Abatement efforts
Employer Options
Informal Conference – Present your case to the Area
 Expedited Informal Settlement Agreement (EISA)
 Pay your penalty- Provide abatement- Move on
 Contest –
Out of the Area Office – Now with the Solicitors
Formal Hearing
If an inspection was initiated by employee
complaint, employee or authorized
representative may request an informal review of
any decision not to issue a citation
 Employees may not contest citations,
amendments to citations, penalties or lack of
 May contest time for abatement
 May also contest employer's Petition for
Modification of Abatement (PMA), which requests
an extension of the abatement period
When issued a citation or notice of proposed
penalty, employer may request an informal
meeting with OSHA's area director, who is
authorized to enter into settlement agreement
 Employer may request an extension of
abatement period through a PMA
 Employers may contest either the citation,
abatement period, or proposed penalty within 15
working days of receipt through a written "Notice
of Contest"