Digital Driver’s License - Campbell County Schools

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Digital Driver’s License
Prove that you are ready for the
responsibility of receiving your
Digital Driver’s License.
1) I receive a mean and threatening
message while online or texting. My
response should be to:
a.reply back with something mean.
b.ask them to apologize.
c.not respond in writing but wait until I
can confront them face to face.
d.not respond at all and tell an adult.
2. I met someone on the Internet
and they want to get together. Can I
arrange a meeting?
a.Absolutely, the Internet is a great place
to meet new people.
b.Yes as long as I plan to meet in a public
c.No, I should not plan a meeting.
3. My friend has a project due that he
needs to email to his teacher. He is not
able to log in to the computer using his
password. I let him use my login
information so that he can get his
assignment turned in on time. Is this ok?
a.Yes, he has to get his assignment turned in or
he will get a bad grade.
b.No, I should keep my log in information
Every time you log onto a website, you
leave a mark. Your “stuff” can be seen,
searched, copied, and forwarded to others.
This permanent mark you leave is known as
a.Computer pathway
b.Digital footprint
c.Public domain
d.Digital lifeline
5. One way that handheld
computers, smartphones and
electronic devices should be used in
school is for:
a.exchanging ideas from class discussions. friends answers.
c.playing games and visiting social networking
d.sending personal messages to family and/or
6. Cyberbullying is:
a. just one area of digital law.
b. very serious and never funny.
c. the use of the internet and related
technologies to harm other people, in
a deliberate, repeated and hostile
d. all of the above.
7. All information on the Internet:
a. is available for people to use as they
b. should be treated as someone else’s
c. should be used by easily copying and
pasting into your own documents.
d. is unreliable .
Downloading and sharing music and
some copyrighted material online,
without permission, for my personal use:
a.keeps the musicians and authors popular. the best way to get the music or images I
want. illegal and should not be done.
d.doesn’t hurt anyone because the musicians
already make a lot of money.
9. If someone puts copyrighted
material on the Internet and another
person wants to use it for educational
purposes, that person should:
a.use it however you want, if it is for
educational use it doesn’t really matter.
b.take it and use it as he/she wants.
c.not use the information because it is most
likely inaccurate.
d.ask permission from the author and/or cite
the source.
10. Sending, receiving and
forwarding inappropriate
images/messages could have
serious consequences.
11. One of your friends at school is
communicating electronically with a new friend.
Your friend tells you they are going to meet
outside at the park next week. Which of the
following is the best advice for your friend?
a.Talk to your parents and do not meet this person
without a parent present.
b.The park is not the best place to meet, the mall
would be better because there are more people.
c. Do not go around telling people you are meeting
up with someone you met online.
d.It is your decision and you don’t need advice from
12. When writing on a blog or social
network site, is it ok to post anything
you want?
a.Sure, it is like a diary so it is ok to put all your
thoughts there.
b.It doesn’t matter only my “friends” will ever read
c.No, anything that I put out on the Internet is not
completely private.
d.It is ok as long as someone doesn’t know my true
13. When using technology in
school, it is important for you to
a.the rules for using technology. to appropriately use technology and
work with others when using technology. to choose the best technology tool
available to use for your task.
d.all of the above.
14. Information that I send as text
messages or online communication is
never completely anonymous – there are
many ways to track information and to
discover a user’s true identity.
15. When deciding if a website is
reliable some things to consider
would be:
a. the author.
b. the date.
c. the extension of the URL… .gov, .edu,
d. all of the above.
Sources for information/questions:
Digital Citizenship in Schools iste, 2007