Standard 9 - bervelynbenson

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Transcript Standard 9 - bervelynbenson

Standards SSUSH 9
The student will identify key events, issues, and individuals relating to the
causes, courses, and consequences of the Civil War.
Explain the Kansas-Nebraska Act, the failure of popular sovereignty, Dred
Scott decision, and John Brown’s Raid.
Describe President Abraham Lincoln’s efforts to preserve the Union as
seen in Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address and the Gettysburg Address
and in his use of emergency powers, such as his decision to suspend
habeas corpus.
Describe the roles of Ulysses S. Grant, Robert E. Lee, Thomas “Stonewall”
Jackson, William Tecumseh Sherman, and Jefferson Davis.
Explain the importance of the Fort Sumter, Battle of Antietam, Battle of
Vicksburg, Battle of Gettysburg, and the Battle for Atlanta and the
impact of geography on these battles.
Describe the significance of the Emancipation Proclamation.
Explain the importance of the growing economic disparity between the
North and the South through an examination of population, functioning
railroads, and industrial output.
Kansas Nebraska Act
The Kansas-Nebraska Act, 1854
• Stephen Douglas of Illinois proposes that the 36’30’ line from
the Missouri Compromise be given a different meaning.
• The Act divided the western territory in two: Kansas and
• Both territories would use popular sovereignty to determine
whether or not they would allow slavery.
• People were not happy with this. It was a major step toward
“Bleeding Kansas”
(Three Events)
• Event #1
• “The Sack of Lawrence”
– Anti-slavery settlers lived in Lawrence, Kansas.
– A bunch of pro-slavery “border ruffians” attacked
the town, and a small scale civil war pursued.
“Bleeding Kansas”
(Three Events)
• Event #2:
• The Pottawattamie Massacre
– Radical (crazy) abolitionist John Brown believed he
was called by God to end slavery.
– After hearing news of Lawrence, Brown and some
followers brutally murdered 3 men and 2 boys who
supported slavery.
– This was done at the Pottawattamie Creek in Kansas.
“Bleeding Kansas”
(Three Events)
• Event #3:
• The Caning of Charles Sumner
– Charles Sumner was an abolitionist senator.
– While he was giving a speech, he offended
Andrew Butler, a southern Senator.
– Preston Brooks, Butler’s cousin, came to visit
Charles Sumner in his office and took out his
cane and beat him.
– Sumner did not die, but suffered traumatic
Popular Sovereignty
• Idea that people in a territory can decide for
themselves whether to be a slave state or a free
• Kansas Nebraska Act – failed attempt to
implement idea
• Stephen Douglas – promoted idea to solve
problem of extending slavery into the territories
Dred Scott Decision
One of the worst, if not worst decision of the Supreme Court
Dred Scott was a slave who was encouraged to sue his master for his freedom.
He did this because his master took him into free territory and lived there for a while.
Many people believed that this should have made Dred Scott free.
However, the Supreme Court (Roger Taney) ruled that a slave belongs to his master no
matter where they move. Also Slaves HAVE NO RIGHTS THAT A WHITE MAN SHOULD
This outraged those who did not want slavery to exist in their states and who had voted
against it.
John Brown
• Martyr or Murderer depending upon perspective
• Attempted to start slave rebellion in Virginia
• “white” Nat Turner
Ulysses S. Grant
Greatest General for the Union/North
Victory in Vicksburg cut Confederacy in two
Victory over Lee ends the Civil War
His policy of “unconditional surrender” earned him
the nickname – US Grant
Robert E. Lee
• Was offered by Lincoln
opportunity to lead Union Army
• His decision to fight for his
“country – Virginia” # 1 Reason
South had chance to win Civil War
• Greatest General of the Confederacy/South
• His military genius and strategies provided the
South a chance for victory
• Without Lee, South would not have likely kept
fighting for so long
William Tecumseh Sherman
• Most hated General in Atlanta
• “March to the Sea” destroyed South’s will and
capacity to continue the Civil War
• Grant’s “right hand” man
Unusable railroad junction (Atlanta)
Atlanta after Sherman’s
March to the Sea
Atlanta after being burned
Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson
• Brilliant Confederate General – Determination
and Courage in battles helped earn him the
nickname “Stonewall”
• His use of Calvary forces helped Lee keep
superior Union forces from victory
• Lee’s “right hand” man
Fort Sumter
• Fort Sumter: started the Civil War
• South fired first shot on Fort Sumter – responsible for starting
Civil War
• Charlestown, South Carolina-center of Secession sentiment since
the Nullification Crisis
Battle of Antietam
• Antietam: single bloodiest day of battle in US history
• First time South invades the North – if South won battle, most
likely outcome – North would have given up
• Because of Northern victory -Lincoln decides to write the
Emancipation Proclamation
• Because of Northern victory – British alliance with South was
Siege of Vicksburg
• Vicksburg, Mississippi – Southern control of Vicksburg meant
Southern control of Mississippi River
• Grant’s victory split the Confederacy in two; took over the
Mississippi River
• Grant’s victory convinced Lincoln that Grant is the only General
capable of defeating Robert E. Lee
Battle of Gettysburg
• A turning point of the Civil War
• Last attempt by South to invade North and
end the Civil War with a Southern victory
• If South won, most likely would have won the Civil War.
Battle for Atlanta
• General Sherman conquer and destroyed
Atlanta – cut rail lines that inhibited Southern
• From Atlanta Sherman begins his “March to
the Sea” to Savannah – Death/Destruction
Jefferson Davis
• Confederate States of America – first and only
• Could not preserve the Confederacy from
overwhelming Union Forces
• Could not match Lincoln’s strategic and political
Abraham Lincoln
• Considered by many historians as America’s
Greatest President
• Expanded power of the President more than
any other president in history
Habeas Corpus
• A term that refers to a person’s right to be
released from jail, if he/she was placed in jail
• Lincoln suspended this right during the Civil War
• The suspension meant Lincoln put people in
prison without following legal procedures
Emancipation Proclamation
• Issued by President Lincoln, after the Battle of
• Freed slaves only in the Confederacy
• Changed the nature of the war from a fight to preserve
the Union to a fight for the freedom of slaves
• Inspired former slaves and free blacks to join in the
Union Army
Gettysburg Address
• Considered by many historians as the greatest speech
in American history
• Lincoln’s speech explained the Civil War in terms of a
fight for differing versions of Freedom, “new birth of
• Espoused ideas of human equality
• Goal of Speech to inspire the Union to continue the
fight for freedom
Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address
• Named Civil War as a punishment from God for
the sin of slavery
• Offered a vision of “Reconstruction” designed to
heal the wounds of the Civil War