Looking at Existing Products Look at the cover of the

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Transcript Looking at Existing Products Look at the cover of the

Looking at Existing Products
Look at the packaging and make a list of the
things you see. The list will help you to make a
good package, try to explain the ones you think
are important.
Things I can see
Look at web guide
pages 3&4
Collect examples of packaging you think are
effective, paste them onto this side of the
page. Write down and explain why you think
they are good.
Design Brief & Specification
Look at web guide
pages 5&7
Complete the given text for the Design Brief to show what theme and product you are designing for.
Create a Design Specification for your personal project by writing a sentence for each heading
Packaging Brief
Target User
Written Information
Additional specification points (add in here any
other points you think are important as part of
your list of rules)
Investigation into Nets
Look at web guide
pages 5,6,8&9
Use 2D Design to draw a selection of Nets for a package. Copy the nets into this document and
resize. Pick the net that you think is the best one for the job and explain why.
Ideas for the Package Graphics
Look at web guide
pages 11&12
Produce a range of design ideas for the package graphics by creating graphics in 2D Design and
adding it to your chosen net. Copy your ideas onto this page.
Development of the package
Look at web guide
page 13
In this area keep an account of the changes you have made to your design for the packaging as a
result of test printing in Black and white. Write them down in stages so it is clear to see what you
have changed and why.
Final Design for Packaging
Look at web
guide page 14
The purpose of this sheet is to show the finished design that you intend to print and make.
By creating a flat view of your design you can write down the sizes, fonts, colours any other notes that
help detail the artwork.
Evaluating the Packaging
Look at web guide
page 15
LOOKING AT THE PRODUCT- Try to judge the success of the product you have made.
How does your design compare to the Design Specification you have drawn up? Does it meet all requirements? Could it be
made better? ( consider each specification point in turn. Try and write a sentence at least on each spec point to explain the
reasons for your judgement).
Target User
Manufacturing Method
Design Modification/ Improvement
Look at web
guide page 16
Here you need to suggest improvements you would make to your completed product to improve it
further. You should try to show your reasons as much as possible so include an explanation of the
Ideally you should make your improvements in 2D Design and copy the improved idea in.