Transcript Document

Platforms and tools for Web
Services and Mobile Applications
Introduction to C#
Bent Thomsen
Aalborg University
3rd and 4th of June 2004
Introduction to C#
What is C#
Java like language from Microsoft
Object Orientated Language
Derived from C++
Has the power of C++ and the simplicity of
Visual Basic
Part of Microsoft .NET framework
If you are serious about .Net you need to
learn C#
Introduction to C#
What is C# (con’t)
Cross Platform (or not)
Can only run on Windows OS
Cross Language
Able to use objects created in C++.NET and
Visual Basic.NET and all the other .NET
Introduction to C#
Getting started with C#
• What do you need?
– Windows OS Machine.
• Windows 2000, XP or 2003
– Microsoft .NET SDK
– Text Editor
• Save files with a .cs extension
Introduction to C#
Getting started with C# (con’t)
• What about a development environment?
– Visual C++ from Visual Studio 6.0
• Requires registry tweaking
– Visual Studio.NET
– 3rd Party software
• Emacs and XEmacs
• Borland
C# vs. The World
How does C# work?
• Compilation Process
Source Code
C# vs. The World
How does C# work? (con’t)
• Common Language Runtime (CLR)
– Provides an execution engine for developers code
Code management (loading and execution)
Memory management
Garbage Collection
Verification of type safety
Enforcement of code access security
Interoperation between managed code, COM objects,
and pre-existing DLLs
C# vs. The World
The Language (con’t)
• Hello world
using System;
class HelloWorld {
public static void Main() {
Console.WriteLine(“Hello World!");
>csc HelloWorld.cs
>Hello World!
C# vs. The World
The Language (con’t)
• Properties
public class button {
private string caption;
public string Caption {
get {
return caption;
set {
if (value != null)
caption = value;
button b = new button();
b.Caption = “abc”
string s = b.Caption;
C# vs. The World
The Language (con’t)
• Parameter Passing
By Value
By Reference
public static void Swap(ref int x, ref int y) {
int z = x;
x = y;
y = z;
C# vs. The World
The Language (con’t)
• Pointers
– Not recommended for use
public struct Node {
public int value;
public unsafe Node* next;
public unsafe class A {
. . .
public class A {
public unsafe void B (char *p) {
. . .
C# vs. The World
The Language (con’t)
• Boxing / Unboxing
– Allows value types to be converted to and from
objects automatically
ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
int z = 100;
list.Add(z); //integers are automatically boxed
//when they are added to the list
C# vs. The World
The Language (con’t)
• Delegates
– Basically a type-safe object orientated function
delegate void simpleDelegate();
Class Test {
static void F() {
static void main (){
simpleDelegate d = new simpleDelegate(F);
C# vs. The World
The Language (con’t)
• Delegates (con’t)
void multiCall (simpleDelegate d, int count) {
for (int i=0; i<count; i++){
C# vs. The World
The Language (con’t)
• Versioning
Class A
Class A
Class B
Class B
Which one to use?
C# vs. The World
The Language (con’t)
• Versioning
– C# requires developers to clearly state their intent
• Use of the keyword ‘new’ and ‘override’
Class Derived B {
new public void x () {
. . .
Class Derived B {
public override void x () {
. . .
C# vs. The World
The Language (con’t)
• Libraries
Few core libraries
Uses the libraries from the .NET framework
Threading, Collection, XML, ADO+, ASP+, GDI+ &
WinForms libraries
C# vs. The World
Comparison of C# syntax with Java and C++
• Similarities
Single rooted class hierarchy
Similar keywords (derived from C++)
Virtual Machine & IL/CLR
Garbage Collection
No global methods
Interface, no Multiple inheritance
Exception handling
C# vs. The World
Comparison of C# syntax with Java and C++
• Differences
Syntax and Keywords not from C++
Properties, Delegates, Boxing, Pointers,
Libraries, etc.
Preprocessor Directives
C# vs. The World
C# Advantages
• Easy to learn, similar to both C++ and JAVA
• Can use existing pool of C++ and Visual Basic
• Can use components from .NET
• Syntactical Sugar
C# vs. The World
C# Disadvantages
Only runs on Windows machines
Limited choice in development environment
Locked into Microsoft compatibility
Not extensively tested
Not enough maturity time