The Match - GKE online

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The Match
Joseph S. De Gaetano, DO, MSEd, FAAFP,FACOFP
Associate Professor of Family Medicine
Assistant Dean for Clinical Curriculum/GME
Time to Decide!
• Focus on a specialty
• Set up fourth year electives
• Utilize class “experts”
Two National Accrediting
Organizations for Residencies
3 Major National Residency
• Military
• Osteopathic
• Allopathic
Military Match
• First match
• Completed by December of the M4 year
• Students who match in the military must
take their government assignment and will
automatically be withdrawn from the AOA
and ACGME matches
• The National Residency Matching Program
• only ACGME accredited residencies participate in the
• osteopathic students are considered independent
applicants: NSU-COM does not manage your interaction
with the NRMP
• An impartial venue for matching students to residency
• provides a uniform time for selection without pressure
• 30,000 applicants compete for 25,000 positions annually
NRMP Residency Categories
• Categorical: programs that begin in the
PGY1 year
• Advanced: programs that begin in the
PGY2 year
• preliminary: programs that count as a
PGY1 year and are a prerequisite for
advanced programs
NRMP Process
• Students apply to the NRMP and their
residencies independently
• application is to the residency via ERAS
• ERAS is run by the AAMC: an electronic
clearing house
• registering with NRMP does not
register you with ERAS
NRMP Matching Algorithm
• Always attempts to place a student in
his/her most preferred site
• matches remain tentative until the official
posting after the match is over
• the final preferences of program directors
and applicants are reflected in the posted
rank order list
• the final posting is a binding commitment
Guidelines for a Student’s Rank
Order List
• Only list programs that you absolutely
wish to attend
• list programs in sequence of preference
• an unlimited number of programs can be
listed based upon a specialties
ACGME Program Directors
• Invite students for interviews
• institutional policies override NRMP policy
• however, any attempt for an applicant
or program to supply specific rank
order info. prior to the match is a
violation of the match
• the NRMP rank order list takes
precedence over any verbal
Approximate NRMP Timeline in the
M4 Year
• August: student registration opens
• December 1: applicant registration deadline
• January 15: applicants and programs begin to
enter their rank order lists
• January 31: programs finalize their rank lists
• February 26 at 11:59 p.m. EST: student rank
list deadline
• March 17: students notified if matched or
unmatched on web at noon
Approximate Timeline Continued
• March 18 at 11:30 a.m.: unfilled positions listed:
unmatched students begin to scramble: contact
between students and programs prior to this
time is a violation
• March 20 at 1 p.m. EST: all student match
results listed: notification to students prior to
this time is a violation
• March 22-April 22: letters of appointment sent by
hospitals to students
NRMP policies
• Matches are legally binding
• failure to honor this commitment is
a breach of contract
Policies Cont.
• Teaching hospitals set their own deadline
for their own application submission via
• any subversion of the matching
process will automatically withdraw the
applicant from the process
• verbal commitments are non-binding
• independent applicants must withdraw on
their own from the match
Policies Cont.
• Students with a commitment via the
military match are automatically withdrawn
from the NRMP
• students who are selected for a
position via the AOA match are
automatically withdrawn from the
• registration fees are non-refundable
Electronic clearinghouse for:
• Letters of recommendation
• Transcripts
• Separate registration from matches
• Utilized by Military, MD, and DO
The Restructured Osteopathic
Three Options for the Class of
Option 1
Categorical Internship
Residency programs will grant credit for the 1st
postdoctoral year of training.
Students will “Match” directly into the residency
and the 1st postdoctoral year will be
considered the first year of residency training.
Specialties- Anesthesiology, Family Practice,
Internal Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology
and Pediatrics have chosen this option.
Option 2
Preliminary Internship
• Residencies who choose this option will require a
preliminary 1st year of training as a prerequisite for entry
into the 1st year of residency in the 2nd postdoctoral
year of training.
• Matching successfully assures entry into both the
preliminary year and the subsequent 2nd year in
residency training.
• Both the preliminary year and residency will be offered in
the same institution
• Specialties- Emergency Medicine, General Surgery,
Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine/Osteopathic
Manipulative Medicine, Neurology, Neurosurgery,
Ophthalmology, Orthopedic Surgery, Otolaryngology,
Pathology, Psychiatry, Radiology, Radiation Oncology,
Urology have chosen this option.
Option 3
Traditional Rotating Internship
This option represents a traditional rotating internship and stands
Specialties that have chosen this option prefer residents in their
specialty to have completed a traditional rotating internship.
This option is available to students who are undecided on future
plans or for students planning on entering ACGME training.
Students completing a traditional rotating internship and then
selecting option 1 or 2 specialties must contact that specialty
college to determine whether advanced standing will be granted.
This option will depend on available residency positions since
most will have been filled with first year matched trainees
advancing to the OGME-2 year.
Specialties- Dermatology, Occupational/Preventive Medicine,
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and Proctology has chosen
this option.
The new rotation schedule for Option 3 –
The Traditional Rotating Internship
1. At least six months of training rotations in any or all basic core disciplines.
These include general internal medicine, general surgery, family practice,
pediatrics, obstetrics/gynecology (ambulatory gynecology) and emergency
2. No less than two months of exposure in general internal medicine.
3. One-month exposure in emergency medicine.
4. At least one month in family practice in a hospital or ambulatory site or
one-half day per week for a minimum of 46 weeks of ambulatory exposure
in a family practice continuity of care type practice site.
5. No more than three months of elective exposure adequate to meet the
individual needs of the interns and approved by the DME/internship
program director.
6. All remaining time may be scheduled at the discretion of the base
7. No more than one month may be spent in non-clinical experience
(research, scholarly pursuits, administration, etc.).
8. Exposure must occur to the support disciplines of pathology, radiology,
and anesthesiology. This may occur directly by rotation or indirectly by
formal didactic conferences and/or exposure while on medical and surgical
services. This exposure must be verified
AOA accreditation of an ACGME
• FL, WV, MI, OK, PA require an
osteopathically accredited internship for
• Resolution 42
AOA Match
• Administered by the National Matching Service
(NMS) for the AOA
• each student independently registers with the
NMS and submits a rank order list
• all osteopathic students automatically receive
registration packets from NSU-COM in June of
their M3 year
• the deadline for registration is October of the
M4 year
• Rank order lists are submitted electronically by
the end of January
Preparing for the AOA Match
• Students must also independently apply to
residency programs
• ERAS is utilized by osteopathically accredited
• verbal agreements are non-binding
• contracts signed before the match are nonbinding
• Official match results are binding
• a student may rank order as many programs as
they desire
Notification of Results
• Students are notified by email of results in
February of their M4 year
• a contract will be sent by mail to matched
students from the hospital that selected
• a student must sign the contract within 30
days after receipt
• failure to sign violates the match rules
Match Violations
• Students who violate match rules cannot take
AOA training for one year after the violation
• the AOA will never approve allopathic training
performed by students who violate the AOA
match rules
• Only a residency training program can
release a matched student from their
contractual agreement.
• Contract disputes occur between the student
and the program
Failure to Match
• All students who do not match via the
NMS will receive a listing of open AOA
slots across the country via email
• students and programs independently
contact each other to fill open slots