YEAR 12 2012 - James Fallon High School, Albury NSW

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Transcript YEAR 12 2012 - James Fallon High School, Albury NSW

 Year
11 is a Preliminary Year. Take five
minutes to write down
What you have learned to do this year in terms of
your learning
What have you learned NOT to do this year in
terms of your learning
What aspects of your life have changed
What you want to change in order to cope with
next year
 Lindy
Billings will tell you about the rules
and support the Board of Studies gives you.
These include Special Provisions, which are
due in April
 You should look up the Board’s site – students
online is a fantastic resource
 As the HSC class of 2012, consider HOW you
wish to leave school
As a group
As individuals
 There
are many support structures that we
have at our school to help you through this
Expert, trained teachers
Mentor scheme
Extracurricular activity guidelines
Examination time frame
How we manage your study path
BOS warnings and how we manage them
 In
NSW Public schools, you CANNOT take an
HSC class unless you are academically
qualified and trained in this subject.
 You have a range of expert teachers who will
support you with advice on how to maximise
your opportunities in the HSC
 Teachers
at JFHS volunteer to support and
mentor individuals who are interested,
outside of their responsibilities.
 Mrs Thurling is the coordinator. If you are
interested, she will give you a form with
teacher preferences to match you up with a
 This mentor assists you with organisation,
motivation, time management, and
specifically helps you with your particular
questions and concerns
 Your
extracurricular activities at JFHS in the
HSC year are trimmed down to TWO.
 This is to allow you time to prepare for your
 CHOOSE CAREFULLY as your choices are made
for the year at the beginning of 2012.
 The
first four weeks of Term 4, 2011, are
free of assessment due dates
 The last four weeks of Term 3, 2012, are free
of general excursions and any distracting
individual students are placed in isolation
from their class
 There is a ONE WEEK moratorium before your
HSC Course Examinations
 WHY? So that you can prepare for the events
ahead – the HSC at the beginning, the exams
on the other two occasions
 We
value our timing of the examinations.
 Our HSC Course examinations are held in
Weeks 9 and 10 of Term 2, 2012.
 This means that the whole course is not
examined BUT:
It gives you time to look at strengths and
weaknesses the whole of Term 3
It gives you a rest time in the holidays
It allows major works and performances to be
held without the pressure of examinations in
Term 3
BUT it is cold, so keep well and prepare for this
busy time in June/July.
 Students
who have extension courses and
currently study over 12 units have permission
to consult with Mrs Parrett to discontinue a
 However, if you are dropping from 12 to 10
units, you will not be given permission to
consult with Mrs Parrett until Week 9 of Term
4, 2011.
 This is because you need to know how the
HSC pattern of study works for you, as
opposed to Preliminary study.
 If
you are considering dropping from 12 to
10, we are very cautious about this.
It is risky to have no back up subject within your HSC,
which takes your 10 BEST units (there is always a
stinky examination lurking in October 2012)
Believe it or not, some students, who have all the best
intentions in the world, do not use their time
effectively once they have dropped a subject. It is a
risk, therefore, and a waste.
Most students want a good HSC, not an ATAR, and 10
units do not show this aspect as effectively as 12.
If you are interested in discontinuing a subject,
you need to see Mrs Parrett.
She gives you an application that needs to be signed
by your parents/carers.
 Then, she starts a consultative process with your
teachers. She asks them to fill out a progress report
on you, asking two questions
Will this discontinuation advantage this student?
Is this student capable of independent study?
If you think your teachers will not answer these questions
to your wishes, it is time for you to change your habits,
or not bother applying for this discontinuation.
On review of the comments made by teachers, a yes, no,
or review period of a month will be given.
 If
you have outstanding BOS letters from Year
11, you will need to finish these before you
sit in your HSC class.
 So, everyone who has submitted their work
and does not have BOS letters, has a very
well earned break – you cannot really do
much as HSC courses are new study.
 Those who have BOS letters, if you don’t
wish to sit in isolation and be behind in the