Iowa Arts Council Grant Workshop

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Transcript Iowa Arts Council Grant Workshop

Iowa Arts Council Grant Workshop

Workshop Schedule

 Power Point and Discussion  10 Minute Break  Grant Panel Exercise  Mini Grant  Major Grant

Who We Are

The Iowa Arts Council is a Division of the

Department of Cultural Affairs (

the other Division is the State Historical Society)

Our Mission Statement

The mission of the Iowa Arts Council is to enrich the quality of life for Iowans through support of the arts.

IAC Staff Roles


BRUCE WILLIAMS ARTS PROGRAMMER 3 Public Art & Operating Support Folklorist DAWN MARTINEZ OROPEZA ARTS PROGRAMMER 2 Arts Education/Community Programs LINDA LEE ARTS PROGRAMMER 2 Grants Manager SARAH EKSTRAND ARTS PROGRAMMER 2 Grant W orkshops & Artist Serv ices (PT) VERONICA O'HERN ARTS PROGRAMMER 1 Panels & D irectories Facilitator (PT)

Cultural Leaders hip Partners (CLP) Program Folklife General Program m ing: Iowa Roots , State Folklife Survey & Docum entation, Folk & Traditional Arts Ros ter, Folklife Curriculum , etc.

Arts Education General Program m ing: Profes s ional Developm ent for Teaching Artis ts, Statewide Networking, Teaching Artis t Ros ter, etc.

Big Yellow School Bus Grants EZ 1-2-3 Grants Artis t Services : No More Starving Artists Conference, Web Res ources , Perform ing Artis t Ros ter, etc.

Panel Facilitation: m anage panelis t pool, arrange panelis t logis tics for review m eetings , com m unicate with panelis ts Public Art Program m ing & Support: Annual Public Art Conference, Com m unity Cons ulting, etc.

Art in State Buildings Program IA Com m unity Cultural Com m unity Arts Agencies Database Reports & Coordination Grant Works hops & Office on the Road Artis t Directories : m aintain site & artis t inform ation, res pond Grants s upport & as s is tance to artis t inquiries The Iowa Arts Council is a Division of the

Department of

Acces s ibility Coordination Poetry Out Loud Grant Proces s ing - all grants Live the Arts in Iowa Cam paign the other Division is the State Docum ent/Share Outreach Models Sm all Operating Support (SOS) Grants Historical Society) grants


Reviews Major Grant Panel Retreats Final Report Reviews


The mission of the Iowa Arts Council is to enrich the quality of life for Iowans through support of the arts.

PROGRAMS Partnership Grants Special Projects IAC ADMINIS TRATION Staff Planning Pers onnel IAC Budgets Strategic Planning NEA Connections DCA ADMINIS TRATION Managem ent Team Departm ental Planning Cultural Trust Oversight & Grants Adm in Staff Meetings & Supervis ion DAS Cus tomer Council

Staff Directory

       Mary Sundet Jones – 515.281.4641, [email protected]

Sarah Ekstrand – 515.281.4657, [email protected]

Linda Lee – 515.242.6194, [email protected]

Veronica O’Hern – 515.281.3293, veronica.ohern

Dawn Martinez Oropeza – 515.281.5773, [email protected]

Riki Saltzman – 515.242.6195, [email protected]

Bruce Williams – 515.281.4006, [email protected]

Funding Programs Administered by the Iowa Arts Council

 EZ 1-2-3  Big Yellow School Bus Iowa  Scholarship for the Arts  Cultural Leadership Partners  Iowa Community Cultural Grant  SOS Grants 

Major Grants

Mini Grants

Grant Deadlines

 Mini Grants - first business day of the month. You must apply at least one month prior to the start date of your project.

Major Grants

– April 1, 2011

Funding Amount

 


maximum for Mini Grants $10,000 maximum for Major Grants  OK to ask for less than the maximum  Both - one pot of money, not divided by discipline.

Note: you may receive a maximum of TWO Major and/or Mini Grants in 1 fiscal year.


Mini Grants

  Application form is online  Download, complete, mail in/deliver Supplemental materials in ONE package with application by 4:30 p.m. on the deadline date.

Major Grants

  Application submission is online via eGRANT  Information is entered into online database and submitted. Supplemental materials in ONE package by 4:30 p.m. on the deadline date.


For Major Grants – select which category    Artists Arts in Education Folk and Traditional Arts  Organizations  Public Art Choosing the correct category is very important – please call staff if you are unsure. The criteria is different for each category is and your funding depends on your grant getting evaluated by the right criteria for your project.

No criteria driven category for Minis but you will be:    Artist Organization Scholar (if applying for a Folk and Traditional Arts Scholarly project)

Fiscal Agent

 If you are working with a Fiscal Agent – you complete this section, if you are not, leave blank.

 A Fiscal Agent is an organization that is the official applicant (for tax purposes), who disperses your funding to you per your arrangement with them. If an org is your FA, your application does NOT count toward their 2 grants per year from the IAC.


 For IAC tracking purposes, note if your project will substantially serve any of the following:

Underserved groups in Iowa:

Small towns/rural areas New Iowans, especially immigrant groups People with disabilities

Underserved art forms in Iowa:

Dance Media Arts Folk and Traditional Arts

Project Summary Description

Not scored – but should be compelling and descriptive. What’s your project about? This is what we send out in our PR materials when apps are funded.

 The Narrative Sections and Review Criteria for both Major and Mini Grants have the same titles.  All Mini Grants use one set of Review Criteria.

 For Major Grants, all 3 criteria are interpreted a little differently in each category (see grid).

Artistic Excellence of the Project

This is where you define what the project is – BE DESCRIPTIVE.  Define the project – give the reviewers a mental image of what the project is.  State artistic goals:    Record a new CD I want learn a new style of tango I want my 4 th grade class to learn how to weave  What does success look like?  CD recorded by August 15 th   Attended workshop tango workshop and master the style of “blah” 34 4 th graders worked with weaving artist So and So for 4 two hour sessions.

 Who has an artistic role?  You – what are your artistic qualifications?

 Working with an editor? Designer? Teaching Artist? – talk about theirs.  Important in this section   A clear picture of this project Not too much info on previous projects, unrelated to this    Defined success Artistic Goals Clear roles 

More for Major

 

Orgs – how will this proj. enhance their work in the community.

Public Art – public artist and design concept are excellent

Artistic Excellence of the Project – Review Criteria

Mini Grants

Primary artists/artistic staff involved in the project are clearly identified, roles are clear, and artistic abilities are excellent -

10 pts

 The project’s goals and artistic merit are excellent

10 pts

Major Grants

Usually criteria relates to goals and artistic merit and excellence of art work –

10 pts

More specific criteria relating to category: quality of educators (AIE), authenticity of artist (FTA), excellent design concept (PA) –

10 pts

Who Benefits

For Individuals – how will this project benefit your career? Exposure? Published book? Show in gallery?

All others – who is the Iowa audience and how will they benefit from being involved? What’s their participation? And how will they know to participate?

Important in this section  What’s the impact of this project on your career?

 Don’t describe an audience you can’t reach, say all of Iowa   Describe audience/their involvement How do people know about your project?

More for Major

  FTA – benefit to cultural community and audience are defined Arts in Ed – barriers to Iowa learners involved in the project are minimized – it’s promoted, accessible, etc. Project is relevant to selected learners.

Who Benefits - Review Criteria

Mini Grants

The project will benefit the applicant and any identified Iowa audience/s

– 5 pts

 The project is inclusive and engages appropriate participants -

5 pts

Major Grants

Benefit to the applicant or identified audience, community –

5 pts

Inclusivity, access, engagement – how will you communicate to audience –

5 pts

Project Planning, Management, and Evaluation

 Detailed, logistical information about your project.

 Who’s involved? Where does it take place? When?   What steps will you take to meet success? And how will you evaluate if you’ve been successful?

 What’s the evaluative method? Sales? Survey responses? Getting published? Completing the piece? Describe your qualifications to manage a project of the scale and scope you are proposing.

 I’ve managed something really similar in the past, I’ve worked with teaching artists before, I’ve been published before, or I’ve never been published, but have accomplished XYZ.

 Important in this section:    Evaluation linked to goals. Event description – can the reviewer “see” what’s happening in your project?

Who’s doing what? How are they qualified?

More for Major

 Very much the same criteria – since goals, budget, planning are all larger scale – more information will be needed.

Project Planning, Management, and Evaluation – Review Criteria

Mini Grants

The plan to implement the project is well thought out and achievable by the people involved.


The budget is appropriate for the scale and scope of the project. –

5 pts

Major Grants

The applicant is well qualified to successfully manage the project -

3 pts

The plan to implement the project is well thought out and achievable within the funding period-

3 pts

The budget is appropriate for the scale and scope of the project. -

2 pts

The applicant has excellent plans for evaluating whether the project achieved its goals. -

2 pts


   Budget Explanation - describe what IAC funds & matching funds will support, and source(s) of matching funds.

What will you spend the $ on – how will you match it?

More for Major  Supplemental Detailed Budget - breakdown of categories, more specfic numbers, example – marketing, what’s being spent on print ads, TV, internet, radio, etc, not just lump sum.


 Required for Major Grant, but not for Mini Grant.   Use our form or make your own. Really helpful for the reviewer to “see” your project.

Iowa Arts Council Artist Rosters

 If an applicant is working with or is, an Iowa Arts Council rostered artist, they will only need to submit that artist’s page from our online resource as support for artistic excellence. In lieu of other materials (CV, resume, work samples, etc.

 Be sure, however that the artist is doing work for your project that fits with what they are approved for on the roster.

Additional Documents

Mini Grants

    Limit the to


number of pages of work samples and artist information

6 (single sided) pages or fewer

(excluding letters of commitment from artists)


Artist work samples; artist resume or CV; documentation of artist commitment to project


Up to 3 pages of additional material. described, etc.

Make it count!

Examples: a detailed schedule or budget, a strong letter of support, a brochure from the program If artist IS on an IAC roster: a copy of his/her online roster information page - ONLY if the artist's roster material relates to this proposed project

Major Grants

 Limit the total number of pages of supplemental materials to

10 (single sided) pages or fewer

(excluding letters of commitment from artists)  If you submit more than 10 pages, don’t expect that reviewers will have time to look closely at everything!  These can be support letters, fliers, reviews of your work, etc.

Additional Documents

Really review the

Work Sample Guidelines

on our website we outline what we expect re: online work samples, how many pages for literary samples, etc.

     Included within the application are: Service Contract Substitute W-9 Form Minority Impact Form (Required by the State of Iowa) These are required un scored pieces of the application that are included within the application.

Project Dates

  Project dates – you should always use 6/30 as your end date for your project. It’s the end of our fiscal year. This way if something is delayed – you have all that time to finish up. Your final report is due 30 days after completion of your project, so, it would be due July 30 th .

Your beginning date is when you’d start using the money.

Then What Happens?

 

Mini Grants - 2-day Panel Review

  Reviewed by 2 staff and one non-staff 1 day to read and score   Panelists read all applications submitted that month ½ day for panel discussion (not open to public)

Major Grants – 3-day Panel Review

     3-person sub-panels Divided up by category – panelists are matched w/ area of expertise Sub-panels operated as open meetings Statistical score-norming may occur after panel meetings are over IAC Director makes final funding decisions 


  Notification letters include: Info about checks Reviewers comments  You will hear from the IAC Office about 2 weeks after you submit your application for Minis 3 weeks for Majors.

Project Grant Info: Receiving Funding

 Recognize the Iowa Arts Council in promotional materials (directions in award letter)  Send letters to legislators telling them about your project and thanking them for funding the arts

Project Grant Info: Accessibility

 IAC funded projects must meet ADA Accessibility Guidelines.

 Our website offers:  ADA Guide  ADA Planning Guidelines  Disability Etiquette
