Lecture Presentation to accompany Investment Analysis

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Transcript Lecture Presentation to accompany Investment Analysis

Chapter 9
An Introduction to Asset Pricing
Innovative Financial Instruments
Dr. A. DeMaskey
Capital Market Theory:
An Overview
Capital market theory extends portfolio
theory and develops a model for pricing all
risky assets
Capital asset pricing model (CAPM) will
allow you to determine the required rate of
return for any risky asset
Assumptions of
Capital Market Theory
All investors are Markowitz efficient investors who
choose investments on the basis of expected return
and risk.
Investors can borrow or lend any amount of money
at the riskfree rate of return (RFR).
All investors have homogeneous expectations; that
is, they estimate identical probability distributions
for future rates of return.
All investors have the same one-period time horizon,
such as one-month, six months, or one year.
Assumptions of
Capital Market Theory
All investments are infinitely divisible, which means
that it is possible to buy or sell fractional shares of
any asset or portfolio.
There are no taxes or transaction costs involved in
buying or selling assets.
There is no inflation or any change in interest rates,
or inflation is fully anticipated.
Capital markets are in equilibrium; that is, we begin
with all investments properly priced in line with their
risk levels.
Assumptions of
Capital Market Theory
Some of these assumptions are unrealistic
Relaxing many of these assumptions would
have only minor influence on the model and
would not change its main implications or
Judge a theory on how well it explains and
helps predict behavior, not on its assumptions.
Riskfree Asset
Provides the risk-free rate of return (RFR)
An asset with zero variance and standard
Zero correlation with all other risky assets
Covariance between two sets of returns is
Will lie on the vertical axis of a portfolio
Combining a Riskfree Asset
with a Risky Portfolio
Expected return:
The expected variance for a two-asset portfolio:
Because the variance of the riskfree asset is zero
and the correlation between the riskfree asset and
any risky asset i is zero, this simplifies to:
Combining a Risk-Free Asset
with a Risky Portfolio
Given the variance formula:
The standard deviation is:
Therefore, the standard deviation of a portfolio that
combines the riskfree asset with risky assets is the
linear proportion of the standard deviation of the
risky asset portfolio.
Risk-Return Possibilities with
To attain a higher expected return than is
available at point M (in exchange for
accepting higher risk)
Either invest along the efficient frontier beyond
point M, such as point D
Or, add leverage to the portfolio by borrowing
money at the riskfree rate and investing in the
risky portfolio at point M
The Market Portfolio
Because portfolio M lies at the point of tangency, it
has the highest portfolio possibility line
Everybody will want to invest in Portfolio M and
borrow or lend to be somewhere on the CML
Therefore, this portfolio must include ALL RISKY
Since the market is in equilibrium, all assets are included
in this portfolio in proportion to their market value.
Since it contains all risky assets, it is a completely
diversified portfolio, which means that all the unique risk
of individual assets (unsystematic risk) is diversified
Systematic Risk
Only systematic risk remains in the market
Systematic risk is the variability in all risky assets
caused by macroeconomic variables
Systematic risk can be measured by the standard
deviation of returns of the market portfolio and
can change over time
Factors Affecting Systematic
Variability in growth of money supply
Interest rate volatility
Variability in
How to Measure Diversification
All portfolios on the CML are perfectly
positively correlated with each other and with
the completely diversified market Portfolio M
A completely diversified portfolio would
have a correlation with the market portfolio of
Diversification and the
Elimination of Unsystematic Risk
The purpose of diversification is to reduce the
standard deviation of the total portfolio
This assumes that imperfect correlations exist among
As you add securities, you expect the average
covariance for the portfolio to decline
How many securities must you add to obtain a
completely diversified portfolio?
Observe what happens as you increase the sample
size of the portfolio by adding securities that have
some positive correlation
The CML and the Separation
The CML leads all investors to invest in the M
Individual investors should differ in position on the
CML depending on risk preferences
How an investor gets to a point on the CML is based
on financing decisions
Risk averse investors will lend part of the portfolio
at the riskfree rate and invest the remainder in the
market portfolio
The CML and the Separation
Investors preferring more risk might borrow funds
at the RFR and invest everything in the market
The decision of both investors is to invest in portfolio
M along the CML
The decision to borrow or lend to obtain a point on the
CML is a separate decision based on risk preferences
Tobin refers to this separation of the investment
decision from the financing decision as the
separation theorem
A Risk Measure for the CML
Covariance with the M portfolio is the
systematic risk of an asset
The Markowitz portfolio model considers the
average covariance with all other assets in the
The only relevant portfolio is the M portfolio
Together, this means the only important
consideration is the asset’s covariance with
the market portfolio
A Risk Measure for the CML
Since all individual risky assets are part of the M portfolio,
an asset’s rate of return in relation to the return of the M
portfolio may be described using the following linear
R it  a i  b i R Mi  
Rit = return for asset i during period t
ai = constant term for asset i
bi = slope coefficient for asset i
RMt = return for the M portfolio during period t
 = random error term
Variance of Returns for a Risky
Var(R it )  Var (a i  b i R Mi   )
 Var (a i )  Var (b i R Mi )  Var ( )
 0  Var (b i R Mi )  Var ( )
Var(biRMi) is variance related to market return
Var() is the residual return not related to the market portfolio
The Capital Asset Pricing Model:
Expected Return and Risk
The existence of a riskfree asset resulted in deriving
a capital market line (CML) that became the relevant
An asset’s covariance with the market portfolio is
the relevant risk measure
This can be used to determine an appropriate
expected rate of return on a risky asset - the capital
asset pricing model (CAPM)
The Capital Asset Pricing Model:
Expected Return and Risk
CAPM indicates what should be the expected or
required rates of return on risky assets
This helps to value an asset by providing an
appropriate discount rate to use in dividend valuation
The estimated rate of return can also be compared to
the required rate of return implied by CAPM to
determine whether a risky asset is over- or
The Security Market Line (SML)
The relevant risk measure for an individual
risky asset is its covariance with the market
portfolio (Covi,m)
The return for the market portfolio should be
consistent with its own risk, which is the
covariance of the market with itself - or its
variance:  m
The Security Market Line (SML)
The equation for the risk-return line is given as:
E(R i )  RFR 
(Cov i,M )
Cov i,M
 RFR 
(R M - RFR)
We then define
as beta (  i )
E(R i )  RFR   i (R M - RFR)
Determining the Expected
Rate of Return for a Risky Asset
E(R i )  RFR   i (R M - RFR)
The expected rate of return of a risky asset
is determined by the RFR plus a risk
premium for the individual asset
The risk premium is determined by the
systematic risk of the asset (beta) and the
prevailing market risk premium (RM-RFR)
Determining the Expected
Rate of Return for a Risky Asset
In equilibrium, all assets and all portfolios of assets
should plot on the SML
Any security with an estimated return that plots above the
SML is underpriced
Any security with an estimated return that plots below the
SML is overpriced
To earn better risk-adjusted rates of return than the
average investor, a superior investor must derive
value estimates for assets that are consistently
superior to the consensus market evaluation
Identifying Undervalued and
Overvalued Assets
Compare the required rate of return to the expected
rate of return for a specific risky asset using the SML
over a specific investment horizon to determine if it
is an appropriate investment
Independent estimates of return for the securities
provide price and dividend outlooks
Calculating Systematic Risk:
The Characteristic Line
The systematic risk input of an individual asset is derived
from a regression model, referred to as the asset’s
characteristic line with the model portfolio:
R i,t   i   i R M, t  
Ri,t = the rate of return for asset i during period t
RM,t = the rate of return for the market portfolio M during t
i  R i - i R m
i 
 M2
 = the random error term
The Impact of the Time Interval
Number of observations and time interval used
in regression vary
Value Line Investment Services (VL) uses
weekly rates of return over five years
Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith (ML)
uses monthly return over five years
Weak relationship between VL & ML betas due
to difference in intervals used
There is no “correct” interval for analysis
Interval effect impacts smaller firms more
The Effect of the Market Proxy
Choice of market proxy is crucial
Proper measure must include all risky
Standard & Poor’s 500 Composite Index
is most often used
Large proportion of the total market value of
U.S. stocks
Value weighted series
Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT)
CAPM is criticized because of the difficulties
in selecting a proxy for the market portfolio as
a benchmark
An alternative pricing theory with fewer
assumptions was developed:
Arbitrage Pricing Theory
Assumptions of
Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT)
Capital markets are perfectly competitive
Investors always prefer more wealth to less
wealth with certainty
The stochastic process generating asset
returns can be presented as K factor model
Assumptions of CAPM
That Were Not Required by APT
APT does not assume:
A market portfolio that contains all risky assets,
and is mean-variance efficient
Normally distributed security returns
Quadratic utility function
Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT)
Ri  Ei  bi1 i  bi 2 i  ...  bik k   i
For i = 1 to N where:
Ri = return on asset i during a specified time period
Ei = expected return for asset i
bik = reaction in asset i’s returns to movements in a common
k = a common factor with a zero mean that influences the
returns on all assets
i = a unique effect on asset i’s return that, by assumption, is
completely diversifiable in large portfolios and has a
mean of zero
N = number of assets
Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT)
Multiple factors, k, expected to have an
impact on all assets:
Growth in GNP
Major political upheavals
Changes in interest rates
And many more….
Contrast with CAPM’s insistence that only
beta is relevant
Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT)
Bik determine how each asset reacts to this
common factor
Each asset may be affected by growth in
GNP, but the effects will differ
In applying the theory, the factors are not
Similar to the CAPM in that the unique
effects (i) are independent and will be
diversified away in a large portfolio
Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT)
APT assumes that, in equilibrium, the return
on a zero-investment, zero-systematic-risk
portfolio, is zero when the unique effects are
diversified away
The expected return on any asset i (Ei) can be
expressed as:
Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT)
Ei  0  1bi1  2bi 2  ...  k bik
0 = the expected return on an asset with zero systematic risk
where 0 = E0
1 = the risk premium related to each of the common factors,
with i = 1 to k
bi = pricing relationship between the risk premium and asset i
Example of Two Stocks
and a Two-Factor Model
1 = changes in the rate of inflation. The risk premium
related to this factor is 1% for every 1% change in the
rate (1 = 0.1)
2 = percent growth in real GNP. The average risk premium
related to this factor is 2% for every 1% change in the
rate (2 = 0.02)
3 = the rate of return on a zero-systematic-risk asset (zero
beta: boj = 0) is 3% (3 = 0.03)
Example of Two Stocks
and a Two-Factor Model
bx1 = the response of asset X to changes in the
rate of inflation is 0.50 (bx1 = 0.50)
by1 = the response of asset Y to changes in the
rate of inflation is 2.00 (by1 = 2.00)
bx2 = the response of asset X to changes in the
growth rate of real GNP is 1.50 (bx2 = 1.50)
by2 = the response of asset Y to changes in the
growth rate of real GNP is 1.75 (by2 = 1.75)
Example of Two Stocks
and a Two-Factor Model
Ei  0  1bi1  2bi 2
= .03 + (.01)bi1
+ (.02)bi2
Ex = .03 + (.01)(0.50) + (.02)(1.50)
= .065 = 6.5%
Ey = .03 + (.01)(2.00) + (.02)(1.75)
= .085 = 8.5%
Empirical Tests of the APT
Studies by Roll and Ross and by Chen
support APT by explaining different rates of
return with some better results than CAPM
Reinganum’s study did not explain small-firm
Dhrymes and Shanken question the
usefulness of APT because it was not possible
to identify the factors
When you combine the riskfree asset with any risky
asset on the Markowitz efficient frontier, you derive
a set of straight-line portfolio possibilities
The dominant line is tangent to the efficient frontier
Referred to as the capital market line (CML)
All investors should target points along this line
depending on their risk preferences
All investors want to invest in the risky portfolio, so
this market portfolio must contain all risky assets
The investment decision and financing decision can be
Everyone wants to invest in the market portfolio
Investors finance based on risk preferences
The relevant risk measure for an individual risky
asset is its systematic risk or covariance with the
market portfolio
Once you have determined this Beta measure and a
security market line, you can determine the required return
on a security based on its systematic risk
Assuming security markets are not always
completely efficient, you can identify undervalued
and overvalued securities by comparing your
estimate of the rate of return on an investment to its
required rate of return
The Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT) model makes
simpler assumptions, and is more intuitive, but test
results are mixed at this point
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