Transcript Document

18 and 19 September 2013
Okay, so we’re reading the Genesis
creation stories on a symbolic level,
but what if they’re not true? What
if the account of creation they give
never really happened?
The Word
of God
The Word of
human beings
“Those divinely revealed realities which are
contained and presented in Sacred Scripture have
been committed to writing under the inspiration of
the Holy Spirit.
For holy mother Church, relying on the belief of the
Apostles, holds that the books of both the Old and
New Testaments in their entirety, with all their
parts, are sacred and canonical because written
under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, they have
God as their author and have been handed on as
such to the Church herself.
In composing the sacred books, God chose men
and while employed by Him they made use of their
powers and abilities, so that with Him acting in
them and through them, they, as true authors,
consigned to writing everything and only those
things which He wanted.
Therefore, since everything asserted by the
inspired authors or sacred writers must be held
to be asserted by the Holy Spirit, it follows that
the books of Scripture must be acknowledged
as teaching solidly, faithfully and without error
that truth which God wanted put into sacred
writings for the sake of salvation.
God uses the Word of human beings to be a means of
communicating the Word of God.
o What we need to hold in balance: the words of the Bible are both
human and divine words.
The sort of truth that a newspaper article seeks to report,
and the sort of truth that the Bible communicates, are not
o In other words, the primary goal of the Bible is not to report facts.
Because the Bible is a human word, it can contain factual
errors, language we would today find offensive, and imagery
that is profoundly violent…
But because the Bible is also the Word of
God, none of the truths it contains that
pertain to our salvation, to our deepening
relationship with God, can ever be in error.
All of you have had your Bible Verse Treasure Hunt and
Symbolic Functioning of Genesis homework assignments
returned via Doctopus.
o Look at them.
o If I require you to make some changes to what you have done, make
them by tomorrow morning to receive full credit for this assignment.
o Make them by Monday morning to receive partial credit.
o After Monday morning, you will receive no credit for these
If you have not submitted one or both of those assignments,
please complete them and tell me why you are doing them
only now.
Genesis 3
Check out the new Doctopus homework!
If, when you get home tonight, you have nothing from me in
your Google Drive, then e-mail me immediately.