Transcript Document

The First Vietnam War
Part I. Review
Bad Japan. You are
very, very bad! No
more trading with
During World War II
Part II. (New Stuff)
What would happen
after the war?
Hopeful Ho Walked a Tightrope
• Ho Chi Minh had a clear goal  Vietnamese
• However, there were A LOT of obstacles
– Not all Vietnamese nationalists accepted Ho’s
leadership, especially since not all nationalists were
• Would Communism place Vietnam under the control of the
Soviet Union?
– Foreign powers were jockeying for world power
• A small nation could get trampled underfoot
• China and France were the two countries most interested in
Vietnam in the short term
Ho Tried to Play His Cards Skillfully
• He let France return to force China out
– Why a good bet from Ho’s perspective?
• Formed the Vietminh
– A group dedicated to Vietnamese independence
– Is a coalition, including non-Communist nationalists
• Appealed to the U.S.
– Declaration of Independence
– Multiple letters to President Truman asking for
American help against the French
Help us,
about us,
President Charles de Gaulle in 1945
“ The Russians are advancing apace as you
well know…If the public here comes to
realize that you are against us in Indochina,
there will be terrific disappointment and
nobody knows to what that will lead. We do
not want to become communist; we do not
want to fall into the Russian orbit, but I
hope you do not push us into it.”
U.S., Increasingly Influenced by the
Looming Cold War, Decided to Side
With France in Vietnam
I know I’m
gonna regret
• France would keep Vietnam
• Also, American friendliness
might keep France itself from
falling to Communism
The War Began
• French and Vietminh friction built as
each tried to assert control over as
much of the nation as possible
• A fight over customs revenue in
Haiphong Harbor, resulted in French
shelling of city of Haiphong
• Vietminh headed for the hills/jungle
of North West Vietnam in order to
prepare for a protracted guerrillastyle war
Haiphong Harbor
Guerrilla Warfare
• The French were cocky
– ‘We can win in eight
– 1st World v 3rd World
• Ho is convinced that the
Vietnamese desperate need
for independence was the
key to victory
– “You may kill 10 men for
every 1 you lose, but even at
these odds, I will win.”
• Also, Vietnam is pretty
ideally suited to Guerrilla
Part III. Growing American Involvement
Cold War Hysteria….
The Domino Theory…
In 1949, China ‘fell’ to
Communism. Was this the 1st
The U.S. developed the strategy
of ‘Containment’- using military
orce to prevent the spread of
One example of containment was
the Korean War… (fought at the
same time as the 1st Indochina War)
Similarities between Korea and
- Small peninsular nation dominated by
-Separate occupations of
North and South after WWII
- nationalists wanted to reunite the nation
-north (communist)
-south (capitalist)
-U.S. supported the south
-China supported the north
-Proxy War
End Result
-partition (to this day!)
The French War in Vietnam Began to
Turn Into Proxy War, Too
began to get
from China
and the
supported the
French, who
soon became
exhausted by
the fight
•By Dien
Bien Phu,
the U.S.
was paying
80% of the
war costs!
Part IV. French Determination Began to Waver
Attempts Were Made
by the French to Preserve
Some Kind of Victory • Mid-War, The French declared
Vietnam ‘independent’ under Bao
• he was a blood heir of the
Vietnamese royal family (from
before the French arrived)
• The French had used him as a
puppet before WWII
• Few Vietnamese supported Bao Dai
because they knew he was a puppet
The French Increasingly Limped Along
• French were weakened by their system of government
– Parliamentary System
• This means that governments are coalitions
• Positive lots of voices heard
• Negative If a few members of coalition leave, gov. collapses
– During the last few years of the war with Vietnam, French
govs lasted an average of 3 months
• Hard to follow a clear military policy with a new gov every 3 months
• “Yellowing” of the French army
• War lasted from 1946 to 1954
– As the war dragged on, it increasingly harmed France’s
international reputation
• why?
Part V. Dien Bien Phu
• French plan to disrupt Vietminh supply
lines (which?) and to lure the Vietminh
into a conventional battle
– Location
• While the French were fortifying Dien
Bien Phu, the United Nations called for a
conference in Geneva in 3 months’ time
(the Geneva Conference) to try to bring
peace to Indochina. All major players
were invited: U.S., France, Russia,
China, Vietminh, Bao Dai, etc.
• One might expect the fighting to let up
during these three months, but it didn’t
– Why not?
Dien Bien Phu (cont.)
• Vietnamese managed to move heavy artillery
– How?
• U.S. aid denied by Eisenhower
• Casualties
– Vietminh
• 7,950 dead
• 15,000 wounded
– France
• 2,293 dead
• 5,195 wounded
• 11,800 captured
• Point of these #s…?
•On the first day of the Geneva
Conference, Dien Bien Phu fell.
•Vietminh and French refused to
speak to each other
•American ambassador refused to
shake the hand of the Chinese
•Agreement at Geneva
– partition the county
•Vietminh get north
•French get south
–General elections to be held in 2 years
to decide the fate of the south (Why were
Vietminh Ok with this?)
•Most experts felt that Ho Chi Minh
would win the election when it
–It never did. (cue the eerie music!!!)
The Vietnam Era
Name ____________________
Period _________
Lecture Guide- The 1st Indochina War – France v Vietnam
► Part I. Review of WWII
►Part II. What Would Happen After the War?
Hopeful Ho Walked _________________________
Ho Chi Minh had a clear goal  _________________________
However, there were A LOT of obstacles
• Not all Vietnamese nationalists accepted _________
____________________, especially since not all
nationalists _______________________
– Would Communism place Vietnam under ____
• Foreign powers were ____________________________
– A small nation could get __________________
– ____________________ were the two countries
most interested in Vietnam in the short term
Ho tried to __________________________________
He let France return to __________________________
• Why a good bet from Ho’s perspective? - ___________
Formed the Vietminh
• A group dedicated to ____________________________
• Is a coalition, including __________________________
Appealed to the U.S.
• Declaration of Independence
• Multiple letters to _____________________ asking for
American help _________________________
U.S., Increasingly Influenced by the Looming Cold War, Decided to
France would keep ______________________
Also, American friendliness might keep ___________________
The War Began
French and Vietminh friction built as each tried to _________________
A fight over customs revenue in Haiphong Harbor resulted in
Vietminh headed for the _________________________________
in order to prepare for a __________________________________
Guerrilla Warfare
The French were ____________
• ‘We can win _________________________’
• ___________ v _______________ military
Ho was convinced that the Vietnamese’ desperate need for
• “You may kill 10 men for every 1 you lose, but _________
Also, Vietnam is pretty ideally suited to Guerrilla warfare…
► Part III. Growing American Involvement
The Domino Theory - ___________________________________________
In 1949, _____________________________________ . Was this
the __________________________?
The U.S. developed the strategy of ________________ - using
military force to ______________________________________
One example of containment was the Korean War… (fought at the same
time as the 1st Indochina War)
Similarities between Korea and Vietnam
nationalists wanted to reunite the nation
_________ (communist)
_________ (capitalist)
_______ supported the south
_______ supported the north
Proxy War- __________________________________________
End Result
• ________________________
• _______________ (to this day!)
The French War in Vietnam Began to Turn Into Proxy War, Too
North Vietnamese began to get supplies from China and the
Americans supported the French, who soon became exhausted by
the fight
• By Dien Bien Phu, ______________________________
► Part IV. French Determination ___________________________
Attempts Were Made by the French to ___________________________
Mid-War, The French declared Vietnam ___________________
he was a _______________________________________ (from
before the French arrived)
The French had used __________________________________
______________________________________ Bao Dai because
they knew he was a puppet
The French Increasingly Limped Along
French were weakened by their system of government
Parliamentary System
This means that governments __________________
Positive _______________________
» Negative If a few members of coalition
During the last few years of the war with Vietnam, French
Hard to follow a _______________________ with a
new gov every 3 months
“Yellowing” of the French army - ________________________
War lasted from ________________________
As the war dragged on, it increasingly harmed France’s
international reputation
– why? ____________________________________
Part V. Dien Bien Phu
The Fight
French plan to disrupt Vietminh supply lines (which?____________ ) and to lure the Vietminh into a conventional battle
• Location- ______________________________________
While the French were fortifying Dien Bien Phu, the United Nations
called for ___________________________________ (the Geneva
Conference) to try to bring peace to Indochina. All major players
were invited: ____, France, Russia, China, ________ , Bao Dai, etc.
One might expect the fighting to let up during these three months,
but it didn’t
• Why not? ________________________________________
Vietnamese managed to move heavy artillery
• How? - __________________________________________
U.S. aid to the French _________________________________
• Vietminh
– _______ dead, __________ wounded
• France
– _____ dead , _______ wounded, _______ captured
Point of these #s…? ______________________________________
On the first day of the Geneva Conference, __________________________
______________________________ refused to speak to each other
American ambassador refused to shake the hand of ___________________
Agreement at Geneva
Vietminh _____________________
_______________ get south
___________________ to be held in 2 years to decide the fate of
the south (Why were Vietminh Ok with this?- ______________)
Most experts felt that Ho Chi Minh would win the election when it
_________________. (cue the eerie music!!!)