Changes in Initial Eligibility Requirements

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BOD Adopted Academic Standards
•Freshmen beginning 2015
•Two Year Transfers
Holiday Break Issues
Initial Eligibility Standards
 Tougher academic standard for incoming freshmen,
effective for PSA’s enrolling in August 2015. PSA’s that
are currently freshmen in high school.
- Split into 2 types of eligibility
1) Eligible to practice & receive athletically related
financial aid
2) Eligible to compete
Standard For Practice
& Athletics Aid
 PSA’s must meet current qualifier standard in order to
practice during the first regular academic term and for
the receipt of athletically related financial aid during
the first year.
 To be eligible for 2nd semester practice, must have
successfully completed 9 semester hours in the first
regular academic term of enrollment.
To Practice:
 PSA’s who achieve the current minimum intial-
eligbility standard on the test score-GPA sliding scale
with at least a minimum 2.0 core-course GPA would
continue to be eligible for athletically related financial
aid during first year of enrollment & practice for the
first regular academic term.
Standard for Competition for First
Year of Collegiate Enrollment
 In order to compete in the first year of enrollment a
PSA must obtain a core GPA/test-score that is set at
approx. ½ of a standard deviation below the national
student body mean.
 This is an increase from the current one standard
deviation below the nation student mean.
 The proposal increases the standard for immediate
access to competition to at least 2.3 GPA in the 16 core
courses currently required and an increased sliding
Example: to compete
 The new sliding scale requires a high school core GPA
to be approximately 0.5 GPA units higher for a given
test score compared to the current qualifier standard.
A score of 1000 (combined critical reading and
math) requires a 2.5 high school core GPA for
competition instead of a 2.0.
A 2.0 would allow the PSA to be eligible for aid
and practice.
Additional Requirements to
Compete in First Year
 PSAs must successfully complete 10 (out of 16) core
courses prior to the seventh semester (end of Junior
year) of high school.
 Seven of the 10 core courses must be successfully
completed in English, math and natural/physical
 These core courses and grades must be used in
calculating the core GPA for purposes of meeting the
sliding scale and GPA minimum.
 The changes don’t deny access to college to any
student-athlete who meets the current standard. The
enhanced standard is designed to identify students at
risk of academic difficulties in college and intervene by
imposing an academic redshirt year.
 This allows PSAs just beginning their high school
careers ample time to plan their academic curriculum
to meet these standards.
In Related News
 The Board adopted legislation for the continuation
and enhancement of early academic certification for
PSAs after 6 semesters of high school. These details
will be finalized over the next year.
Two-Year College SAs
 New transfer requirements for students initially
enrolling full time in any college on/after August 1,
 Legislation that increases 2 year college transfer
requirements for qualifiers and nonqualifiers:
Increase minimum transferable GPA for eligibility for
competition to 2.5.
2) Require completion of 3 semester hours of transferable
natural/physical science credit for nonqualifiers.
3) Permit use of no more than 2 credit hours of phys. ed
activity in courses in all sports to meet requirements.
Reminders for Vacation Period
Official Interp: Travel expenses for SA remaining at site
of competition after team departure.
 A SA who remains at the site of an institution’s regular-season
competition that occurs during an institution’s official vacation period
may receive expenses from the institution to return to campus at any
time during the vacation period.
Reminders for Vacation Period
NCAA Bylaw – General Rule: Contests during
vacation period
 An institution may provide team transportation for a student-
athlete to travel from campus to the site of a regular-season
contest and back to campus.
NCAA Bylaw – Transportation for Competition
Occurring Between Terms
 It is permissible for any athletics department staff member to furnish
transportation to eligible student-athletes to the campus from the
nearest bus or train station or major airport in conjunction with
practice and/or team travel relating to competition that occurs between
the end of a final examination period of the fall semester (or fall or
winter quarter) and the beginning of the following regular term.
Reminders for Vacation Period
Meal Expenses
 All student-athletes on the same team must receive identical meal
allowances during vacation periods when student-athletes are required
to remain on the institution’s campus for organized practice sessions or
competitions. Such allowances may not exceed the amount provided by
the institution to institutional staff members on away from campus
trips and may not be provided for a particular meal if the studentathlete receives that meal (or equivalency) from another source.
 Fruits, Nuts, Bagels can be provided at any time.
 Bah Humbug, Head Women’s Tennis Coach at Ocean
State University, wants to buy and send Christmas
cards to her 5 NLI signees.
Is this permissible?
 No. NCAA Bylaw does not include greeting cards. The coach could,
however, send an institutional note card to the prospects with a hand written
note wishing them Happy Holidays.
 (i) Institutional Note Cards. Institutional note cards may not exceed 8 1/2 by
11 inches when opened in full. In addition, such cards may only contain the
institution's name and logo or an athletics logo on the outside, must be blank
on the inside (one side of the card when opened in full) when produced and
may include only handwritten information (e.g., words, illustrations) on the
inside when provided to the recipients. (Adopted: 1/8/07 effective 8/1/07,
Revised: 4/15/08, 4/13/09)
 (j) Postcards. An institution may send an institutional postcard, provided its
dimensions do not exceed 4 1/4 by 6 inches, it includes only the institution's
name and logo or an athletics logo on one side when produced and it includes
only handwritten information, (e.g., words, illustrations) on the opposite side
when provided to the recipients. Blank postcards issued by the U.S. postal
service also may be sent. (Adopted: 1/14/09 effective 8/1/09, Revised: 4/29/10
effective 8/1/10)
Bylaw Reminder
 A student-athlete may receive compensation for teaching or coaching sport
skills or techniques in his/her sport on a fee-for-lesson basis, provided:
(a) Institutional facilities are not used
(b) Playing lessons shall not be permitted
(c) The institution obtains and keeps on file documentation of the recipient of the
lesson(s) and the fee for the lesson(s) provided during any time of the year
(d) The compensation is paid by the lesson recipient (or the recipient's family)
and not another individual or entity
(e) Instruction to each individual is comparable to the instruction that would be
provided during a private lesson when the instruction involves more than one
individual at a time; and
(f) The student-athlete does not use his or her name, picture or appearance to
promote or advertise the availability of fee-for-lesson sessions.
 Fall Sports – Award Form
 Midterm Aid Awards
 Midyear Transfers
 Remind PSA’s to check EC for TASKS!