Transcript Slide 1

How much do rich countries spend on subsidising
their farmers every day?
A: $100m
B: $500m
C: $1 billion
D: $ 5 billion
Subsidising these farmers means that farmers in
the developing countries can not compete with
farmers from these rich countries in the
international market, as governments in
developing countries lack resources to subsidies
their own farmers. On the other hand, these
same rich nations provide financial aid to these
poor countries.
The answer was C
Rich countries spend $320bn each year on subsidising agriculture - six times the
amount they spend on foreign aid.
 What percent of Zambia's exports are
made up of copper?
 A: 20%
B: 35%
C: 70%
D: 95%
 The answer was C
Many of the poorest developing
countries are dependent on the export
of a single commodity, which has hurt
their growth prospects.
 What sector makes up the biggest
proportion of developing country exports?
A: Manufacturing
B: Agriculture
C: Mining
D: Service
 The answer was A
Over half of developing country
exports are now manufacturing goods,
compared to 20 years ago when oil
exports dominated.
How much of the price of a jar of instant coffee
purchased in a supermaket goes to the coffee
A: 50%
B: 20%
C: 10%
D: 1%
 The answer was D
Most of the price of instant coffee goes to the
supermarket, the distributor, the importer
and the manufacturer. The price of raw coffee
beans has fallen 80%.
 What was the WTO known as before 1995?
 The answer was D
Before 1995 trade talks were based on a
treaty called the General Agreement on
Tariffs and Trade (GATT), which had weak
enforcement powers over trade disputes.
 Who is the world's biggest exporting nation?
 A: Japan
C: Germany
D: China
 The answer was B
The USA, with the world's biggest economy,
is both the largest importer and exporter,
including agricultural exports.