Overpopulation - Hicksville Public Schools / Homepage

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By: Dave Basnet
21st Century Skills
Period 6A
Overpopulation is an indubitable controversial topic of the
present and future. Overpopulation is the unbalanced ratio of
humans to resources. Statistical information shows that every
day over 345,600 babies are born in the world, but every day
153,000 people die. Since more people enter the world than
leave it, the population is overflowing. The more babies born
start a lingering domino effect. More resources are being used
and the world may be forced to take drastic measures.
Effects of Overpopulation
“...the chief cause for the impending collapse
of the world - the cause sufficient in and by
itself - is the enormous growth of the human
population: the human flood. The worst
enemy of life is too much life: the excess of
human life,” said Pentti Linkola the author of
A Radical Approach To The Environmental
Global Population Chart Analysis
According to this graph, there will be many increases and decreases
of the population throughout the year. In this graph, the country of
Niger is the least populated compared to other countries with a
population of over 200 million. And the most populated country is
China currently, but slowly India will trump the population of China.
 There is an estimated 680 Million Chronic starving people in the world.
 In the year 2050, the world population will have reached to a staggering 9.2
billion people.
 There will be 125 million births in the world this year. By the time this group
is ready to start school, there will have been another 625 million births.
 •Every 20 minutes, the human population grows by about 3,000. At the same
time another plant or animal becomes extinct (27,000 each year).
 •The population of the U.S. tripled during the 20th century, but the U.S.
consumption of raw materials increased 17-fold
 •The richest 20 percent of humanity consumes 86 percent of all goods and
services, while the poorest fifth consumes just 1.3 percent.
 1985 Year that humanity's demand for resources first exceeded supply
 •As population and hunger increase in the developing world, water availability
for irrigation is declining.
 •Between 1999 and 2011, the world’s population increased by 1 billion
 The average life expectancy is 61, up from 40 in just 50 years. The numbers
of people 65 and older make up 10-15% of the world population today and is
expected to increase to 20-30% by 2050.
Overpopulation in the World
In the Rio, Brazil this is an everyday
turnout at the beach.
Kukreja, Rinkesh. Conserve Energy Future. Ed. Rinkesh
Kukreja. U.S Department of Energy, n.d. Web. 21 Jan.
Rosenberg, Dr. Eureta. "Population Growth & Sustainable
Development." Enviropaedia. SABC 3, n.d. Web. 16 Jan.
Thomasson, Sir, and Peter Collins. Worldometers . United Nations, n.d.
Web. 14 Jan. 2014.