Transcript Slide 1

Centre for Superconducting and Magnetic Materials
Microwave properties of quasione-dimensional nanostructures
One-dimensional nanostructures have attracted considerable attention because of their
novel physical properties and potential applications in nanodevices. In this project, the
use anodic alumina oxide (AAO) process and pulsed laser ablation techniques to
fabricate nanowires of controlled length and diameter with high aspect ratios as well as
inorganic mesostructures with controlled size, shape, crystal structures, and surface
structures will be studied. The nanowire will be characterized by SEM, XRD ,AFM and
TEM. Techniques to study the microwave properties of the fabricated nanowires will
also be developed.
Study of multiferroic magnetic
are a family of materials in which ferroelectricity and ferromagnetism
occur in the same phase. This means that they have a spontaneous magnetization,
which can be reoriented by an applied magnetic field and a spontaneous polarization
which can be oriented by an applied electric field. Perovskite BiFeO3 is ferroelectric (Tc
1103 K) and antiferromagnetic (Tn : 643 K). The ability of multiferroics to couple the
magnetic and electric polarization present opportunities for potential application in
information storage, spintronics and sensors.
However, there are several issues to be solved before multiferroics can become useful
materials for devices. These include electrical leakage, small spontaneous polarization,
inhomogeneous magnetic spin structure and ferroelectric reliability. The objective of this
project is to address some of the above issues by impurities doping. The project will
involve the design, synthesize and characterization of single phase magnetic oxides that
demonstrate sensitive responses to electric field alone, magnetic field alone and
combinations of electric and magnetic field.
Recruitment for year 2005 Research Projects