Staff Performance Reviews: Making It Meaningful

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Transcript Staff Performance Reviews: Making It Meaningful

COLLABORATIVE Performance Management

Non-Supervisory Staff

By Liz Hedrick April, 2006



Pain Gain

0 10 10

Performance Reviews

• Why do them?

• What is achieved?

Collaborative Performance Management Discussions with Employees

      Support strategic initiatives Clarify expectations & responsibilities Review progress toward goals Identify opportunities and challenges Discuss job/career training, development Develop blueprint for future performance – goals, assignments, improvement  Develop a high level of job satisfaction

What factors impact job satisfaction?

Factors Impacting Job Satisfaction

• Workplace Support • Individual Variability • Job Quality • Job Demands • Earnings and Benefits National Study of Changing Workforce, Families and Work Institute 37% 26% 32% 3% 2%

Impact of Employee Attitudes

• Organizations where employees have above average job satisfaction have: – 38% higher customer satisfaction scores – 22% higher productivity –

27% higher profits!

         

What Do YOU Want From Your Job?

Full Appreciation for Work Done Good Wages/Benefits Good Working Conditions Interesting Work Job Security Promotion/Growth Opportunities Personal Loyalty to Workers Feeling “In” On Things Sympathetic Help on Personal Problems Tactful Disciplining

What Do EMPLOYEES Want From Their Jobs?

• Rank these factors 1-10 in order of importance to you!

• How do your priorities compare with national data?

Managers What Do Employees Want From Their Jobs?

Employees 1 4 5 2 3 8 6 10 9 7 Full Appreciation for Work Done Good Wages Good Working Conditions Interesting Work Job Security Promotion/Growth Opportunities Personal Loyalty to Workers Feeling “In” On Things Sympathetic Help on Personal Problems Tactful Disciplining 1 5 9 Full Appreciation for Work Done Good Wages Good Working Conditions Interesting Work 6 4 7 8 2 Job Security Promotion/Growth Opportunities Personal Loyalty to Workers Feeling “In” On Things 3 Sympathetic Help on Personal Problems 10 Tactful Disciplining

Key Motivators That Draw Us to the Best Organizations


Keep Us There, Performing At Peak Effectiveness

Key Motivators

• The QUALITY of the work itself


• Our RELATIONSHIPS with others at work

Grimme’s Top 10 Tips: To Attract, Retain, And Motivate Employees 1. Pay fairly and well – then get them to forget about money.

2. Treat each and every employee with respect. Show them that you care about them as persons, not just workers.

Grimme’s Top 10 Tips:


Praise accomplishments & attempts….

- Both large & small At least 4 time more than you “criticize” - Publicly and in private - Verbally and in writing - Promptly (as soon as observed) - Sincerely

Grimme’s Top 10 Tips:

4. Clearly communicate goals, responsibilities and expectations; Never criticize in public – redirect in private

Grimme’s Top 10 Tips:


Recognize performance appropriately and consistently:

– Reward outstanding performance (promotions, raises, and opportunities) – Do not tolerate sustained poor performance – coach and train or remove

Grimme’s Top 10 Tips:

6. Involve employees in plans and decisions, especially those that affect them.

a. Solicit their ideas and opinions.

b. Encourage initiative.

7. Create opportunities for employees to learn and grow. Link the goals of the organization with the goals of each individual in it.

Grimme’s Top 10 Tips:

8. Actively listen to employees concerns - both work-related and personal.

9. Share information promptly, openly, and clearly.

Tell the truth…………..with compassion.

Grimme’s Top 10 Tips:

10. Celebrate successes and milestones reached – organizational and personal.

Create an organizational culture that is open, trusting, and fun!

Don Grimme, GHR Training Solutions

Retain & Optimize Your Greatest Asset – Your People!

The University will prosper and grow by: • Maximizing the untapped talents of the individuals and teams; • Creating an environment of respect, trust, and mutual support • Encouraging open communication

Employee Retention Headquarters

Realities and Options

• Money is necessary – but not sufficient condition to attract, retain and motivate good employees.

• You and I go


work for a paycheck and benefits plan. But we won’t really


work (

at least our best work

), unless something else is present.

Realities and Options

It is the


itself and the


at work that draw us to the best organizations and


us there, performing at



OCU’s Collaborative Performance Review Process

– – –

Is interactive and collaborative by design Supports strategic planning initiatives Provides input by both employees and supervisors

Identifies high performance areas & growth opportunities

– – – – –

Identifies & targets training and development Reinforces high productivity & effectiveness Develops a highly trained, effective staff Is research-based Supports merit pay recommendations

Performance Reviews

Continuing Employees: Annual Reviews

• Timeline: due May 15 th

Planning Document

– Completed by employee – Discussed with supervisor prior to performance review

Goal Setting Documents:

• •

To be completed by employee Discuss progress and estimated completion with administrator

Employee and administrator discuss possible 2006-07 goals

• •

Correlate goals with Strategic Plan 2006-07 Goal Planning Documents due September 30, 2006.

Goals SMART –S










Types of Goals




Personal Development

Organizational Development



Complete one goal document for 2006-07

Annual Performance Review Forms Performance Review Forms

Two formats, outline or narrative

To be completed by administrator following discussion of planning document and review of progress on goals.

To be discussed/reviewed with employee

– –

Attach completed goal documents Attach job description

To be used only for continuing employees whose performance is satisfactory or higher.

Introductory Performance Review

• Performance review to be completed prior to the end of six-month introductory employment period

Performance Review Form

Completed by supervisor

– – – –

Reviewed with employee Strengths and areas of growth noted Retention decision made Future development, goals discussed

Probationary Performance Review Performance Review Form

To be completed by administrator.

Document progress toward targeted key areas and core values since last evaluation.

Retention decision and or change of status made by administrator.

To be reviewed with employee.

Tasks to be Done By Employee

   Complete 2005-06 goal documents.

Complete planning document.

Make appointment with administrator to review.

 Review, discuss revisions to job description.

-------------------------------------------------------  Discuss performance review.

 Identify possible goals for 2006-07.

Tasks to Be Done by Supervisor

  Review/discuss Planning Document prepared by employee Review/discuss 2005-06 goal documents prepared by employee -------------------------------------------------------------------      Complete performance review Discuss with employee Discuss possible goals for 2006-07 Review, discuss revision to job description, sign/attach.

Merit pay increases for 2006-07 will be based upon 2005-06 performance reviews.


• Discussion/Suggestions