DDC in Scandinavia : exploring new translation models of

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Dewey in Sweden

: leaving SAB after 87 years

Presentation at the IFLA satellite preconference Looking at the Past and Preparing for the Future Florence, 20-21 August 2009 Magdalena Svanberg, National Library of Sweden



• • • The switch to DDC in Sweden – what is going on?

Classification in Sweden during the last 92 years – looking at the past The Swedish Dewey project – preparing for the future


The switch to DDC in Sweden – what is going on?

• • • The National Library of Sweden decided to switch to DDC last year.

Until now 14 research libraries have decided to join the National Library in the switch. A switch is under discussion at most Swedish research libraries.

• • • • A general switch recommended by the Swedish Library Association.

The consequences of a switch for the public libraries will be further investigated.

Bibliotekstjänst will add DDC numbers to their records if there is a demand among their cumstomers, but continue with SAB parallell.

Interest among public libraries, but no formal decisions.


Classification in Sweden during the last 92 years – looking at the past

• • • • • Adopt an international classification scheme of develop a national scheme?

In 1917 the Swedish Library Association decided to go for a national scheme – to get a scheme well adopted to Sweden and Swedish phenomena – to get short alphanumerical notation and avoid the long DDC numbers.

The scheme, generally known as SAB, was published in 1921. The scheme came to be used in the national bibliography and by the public libraries By the 1960s, it had been adopted by the national library and by most research libraries.


Classification in Sweden during the last 92 years – looking at the past (2)

• • • • • • SAB became outdated due to lacking maintenance Report 1981 – stick to SAB or adopt an international scheme?

– A switch to an international scheme, UDC, DDC or LCC would facilitate international cooperation and reduce the resources needed for maintenance – Changing classification scheme would cause problems on the shelves and in the catalogues Conclusion: too much effort would be needed to make the switch possible, and Sweden should stick to SAB.

The importance of maintenance of the scheme was stressed, with a new edition planned to be published every ten years. A new throughly updated edition was published in 1984.

New editions 1997 and 2006.


Bibliographic control in Sweden – looking at the past

• • • Strong tradition of national cooperation in the field of bibliographic control in Sweden, but subject cataloguing an exception.

Lacking interest in subject cataloguing in Sweden Every library classified and subject indexed on their own using their own principles, stressing the special needs of their users.



• Tobakshandeln i Uppsala, 1872-1988 : lite tobakshistorik samt tobakshandelns utveckling i Uppsala från sekelskiftet fram till idag • • • • • • Qimpmbab-c (Commerce - Specific products and services – Tobacco – Sweden) Qi-cz Uppsala (Commerce – Specific places - Uppsala) Ncabz Uppsala (Geography and local history – Sweden – Uppland – Uppsala) Kt-c.49 (Cultural history – Sweden - 1865-1905) Kt-c.5 (Cultural history – Sweden – 1905-) Subject heading: Uppsala


Bibliographic control in Sweden – looking at the past

• • • • • • Things changed: New library system in LIBRIS Switch from national MARC format to MARC21 International principles for authority work Every book classified and subject indexed only once Svenska ämnesord, a national subject heading language based on international principles


Catalogue survey 2006

• Part 3: A Swedish switch to DDC? What would that mean?

• A switch to DDC is a good idea.

• • • International cooperation Streamlining the classification process A better classification scheme


Foreign literature published 2002-2006 in LIBRIS after the classification scheme used in the national bibliography in the country of publication

90 80 30 20 10 0 70 60 50 40 DDC UDK Övriga www.kb.se

Svenska ämnesord SAB LCSH Dewey RAMEAU Medical Subject Headings Library of Congress Classification SWD


Ohib Substance related disorders Narkotika missbruk Narkomani Narkotikaberoende Drug abuse 362.293

Drug use Drogues - Abus RC564 Drogen missbrauch Drogen problemen


Oh Ohi Vlnb Ohib Narkomani Narkotikaberoende Drog missbruk Narkotika missbruk 616.863


Kokain missbruk Substance abuse Heroin missbruk Cocaine abuse Drug abuse Heroin abuse Intravenous drug abuse Drug use Crimes without victims 362.29




Giving up SAB

• Well adapted to Swedish phenomena • • • • Reindeer herding 2518 records in LIBRIS SAB: Qdff Renskötsel DDC: 636.294 Animal husbandry - Cervidae and Giraffidae


• • • • Bandy 46 records in LIBRIS SAB: Rbgcd Bandy DDC: 796.96 Ice games

Giving up SAB (2)


Giving up SAB (3)

• The material in the collections of Swedish libraries is not only about Sweden and Swedish phenomena • • • • Camel husbandry 37 records in LIBRIS SAB: Qdfö Miscellaneous domestic animals DDC: 636.295 Animal husbandry - Camels


Giving up SAB (4)

• • • • Cricket 41 records in LIBRIS SAB: Rbbc Base ball, cricket, golf DDC: 796.358 Cricket


Giving up SAB (5)

• • • Place names SAB: F.032 (Lingustics – Onomastics- Place names) DDC: 910.014 (Geography and travel – Language and communication)


Giving up SAB – multiple classification codes

• • • • A world of their own making : myth, ritual, and the quest for family values / John R. Gillis SAB codes: Oac (Sociology - Family) My (Ethnograpy, ethnology and anthropology – Society and family life) Kt (Cultural history) LCSH: Families -- Folklore. Family festivals -- History. Families -- North America -- History. Families -- Europe -- History. DDC: 306.85


The Swedish Dewey project

• •   • Goals: Translate DDC to Swedish using the mixed model Map Swedish subject headings to DDC Update and revise the existing conversion table SAB-DDC Develop tools to search and navigate material with SAB codes and material with DDC numbers together.

Train librarians. • Started May 2009


Mapping Svenska ämnesord (SAO) to DDC

• • • serve as an entry vocabulary to DDC be one of the sources for the terminology in the Swedish translation of DDC be used behind the scene in retrieval systems to improve subject retrieval • • • • • • Mapping the most important and most commonly used subject headings of the 40 000 headings in Svenska ämnesord to DDC.

Editiorial work Automatic and based on co-occurance in LIBRIS DDC numbers in the authority records of Svenska ämnesord Coding of relationship between subject heading – DDC when the relationship is not expressed in the DDC scheme.

Information about the different DDC numbers when multiple numbers are added.




Examples – automatic mappings

• • Bandy  0 LCSH  0 DDC Bandy  Rbgcd  796.96

• • Cricket  Cricket  796.352

Cricket  Rbbc  796.35

• • • • Renskötsel  Reindeer herding  636.294

Renskötsel  Qdff  636.294

Renskötsel  Mcs  305.89455 Renskötsel  Mcs  390.089455


Examples – DDC numbers in authority records

083 $a 958.1045 $c BroadMatch 150 $a Afghanistankriget 1979-1989 083 $a 362.19888 083 $a 618.88 $c Medicine 083 $a 618.29 $c Nonsurgical methods - medicine 150 $a Aborter


Conversion table SAB-DDC

• • • • basis for decisions on what to translate to Swedish using the mixed model form the basis for a joint search interface for SAB and DDC classed material add DDC numbers to bibliographic records including SAB codes, and possibly vice versa.

help librarians understand DDC and the differences and similarities compared to SAB.

• • The relationship SAB-DDC is coded using SKOS (Simple Knowledge Organisation System) When there are several equivalents, one of them is marked as the primary.


SKOS in the conversion table SAB-DDC

• Exact match DDC = SAB • Narrow match DDC SAB • Broad match SAB DDC • Related match DDC SAB



Thank you!

Magdalena Svanberg National Library of Sweden Telephone: +46 8 463 44 45 E-mail: [email protected]
