Internet Marketing - Missouri State University

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Internet Marketing

Barbara Weathers, M.A.

Campus College Chair University of Phoenix, Springfield Campus

So you have a Website – Now what??

Built it and they will come will NOT work.

So what will??

 Build it correctly  Search engine placement both natural and paid  Banner advertising  E-mail marketing  Web Analytics

Types of Websites


or HTML - web pages that are not changed before being displayed in a web browser 


– when accessed a program generates instructions to call up and construct the dynamic pages, usually created from a database

Dynamic Websites and Search Engines

 Not all Search Engines can index dynamic sites. Ways to help:  Use static URLs to reference dynamic content  Link to dynamic URLs from static URL content, ie. develop a static HTML site map, link to other high quality sites or even better have them link to you.  Pay for inclusion - AltaVista, Ask Jeeves/TEOMA, FAST, and Inktomi

How Search Engines Rank Websites

Through algorithms (a set of rules):  Keyword frequency and location  Incoming links from relevant quality sites  URL, webpage title, meta tags  Quality content that gives genuine value  Properly working website without errors

Search Engine Placement Tips

 Pick targeted key words based upon consumer search patterns  Position keywords in HTML title tag, copy headlines, high up on the page  Relevant copy – search engines look for words NOT graphics   ALWAYS have an HTML sitemap Don’t frame linked websites

Tips Continued

  Build high quality links, especially incoming, even if you have to pay for them DON’T use automated search engine submission software – hand submit once and let the spiders find you  Be patient – it takes a while to develop natural placement sometime 5-6 months  Don't obsess over your ranking

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 nes.html

   dex.html

Pay Per Click

  Every major search engine with significant traffic accepts paid listings They allow you to ‘bid’ on certain keywords which is called "pay-per-click" (PPC) or a "cost-per-click" (CPC)   Overture – Yahoo, MSN, AllTheWeb, AltaVista Google’s AdWords – AOL, AskJeeves, Netscape, Teoma

Banner Ads

 Usually priced by Impression (CRM) Although they don't measure the effectiveness of a branding campaign, they do measure how many visitors were exposed to it  The typical click-through-rate is something under 1 percent, and click-through rates significantly higher than that are very rare  Think of it as Brand Exposure – like a billboard  What websites does your target market visit??

E-mail Marketing vs. SPAM

 E-mail is still the best way to reach a mass online audience of current or potential customers.

 The question that remains unanswered is when is it overstepping the bounds to become SPAM??

 The definition of SPAM varies depending upon who you ask. How do you define SPAM?


CAN-SPAM Act of 2003  It bans false or misleading header information  It prohibits deceptive subject lines  It requires that your email give recipients an opt-out method  It requires that commercial email be identified as an advertisement and include the sender's valid physical postal address

Where to get e-mails

 Customer database – Do you keep records on your customer?

 Think of ways to collect e-mails of potential customers.

 E-Newsletter  Register to win  Trade shows

Web Analytics

 Measuring the success of Internet Marketing campaigns  Need a web analytics tool – WebTrends, Hitbox  Two types – server log file and page tags  Both have strengths and weaknesses  Visit


for more information

Log Files

 The server stores visitor information in files with the .log extension. Here is how the log file records a single request to a Web server:  - - [03/Jan/2001:15:20:06 0800] "GET /Inauguration.htm HTTP/1.0" 200 8788 "" "Mozilla/3.0 WebTV/1.2 (compatible; MSIE 2.0)"

Server Log Files Tell You

  Which pages get the most traffic - and the least.

What sites are referring visitors to you.

 Which pages visitors look at.

 What browsers and operating systems are most popular with visitors.

 When search engine spiders and directory editors visit.

Page Tags

 Information collected is non-identifying through the use of cookies  Includes user behaviors such as visits and buys, responding to off-site or on-site promotions, and product viewing  Collects user characteristics, including profiles of visitor’s hardware and software  Provides information on pages visited, number of visits, and various timing and duration measures.

Word of advice – monitor what is successful and what is not. Internet Marketing can be expensive use it wisely .
