Transcript Bez nadpisu

Present State of Harmonisation and Implementation of
Legislation in the Field of Industrial Pollution Control in
the Conditions of the Slovak Republic
Vladimír Benko, [email protected]
Slovak Environmental Agency
Slovak Republic and the European Union
• access to the European Union - the strategic objective
- the most important
priority in economic
and political sphere
• EU Helsinki Summit in December 1999:
the six non-negotiating countries, including the Slovak
Republic, were invited to open negotiations
Negotiations of the EU with the Slovak Republic
current state
• negotiations were officially opened during the
Portuguese presidency in December in Brussels
• in the year 2000 the EU opened the negotiation with the
Slovak Republic in 16 chapters, 10 of them were
provisionally closed
• the Slovak Republic gained thus, together with Malta,
the leading position in the second group of countries
The chapter Environment
• one of the most difficult chapters (the EC and also
individual candidate countries consideration)
• high investments and technical improvements are
needed for the implementation of the EU legislation
• countries apply for transition periods
• Slovak Republic submitted officially its negotiated
position in the field of environment in December 2000
• Slovak Republic identified originally 14 transition
periods in the field of environment, this number was
changed into 10
Industrial pollution control and Risk management
• EC Directive 96/61/EC concerning integrated pollution
prevention and control (IPPC):
- in the present legal system of the Slovak Republic the
integrated approach in environmental protection is not
- project “Capacity Development for the Integrated
Pollution Prevention and Reduction”
- transposition of the IPPC Directive - new law adoption
or amendments of several existing laws
Principles have been proposed for the IPPC permit
• the process of the environmental impact assessment
(EIA) according to the Law No. 127/1994 Coll. on
environmental impact assessment in the wording of the
Law No. 391/2000 will be separated from the IPPC permit
• building permission must be rendered before
submitting the application for IPPC permit. After the
transposition of the IPPC Directive the building
procedure will not be affected and can be carried out
according to the valid legal regulations.
• the application for the IPPC permit shall be submitted
to the newly established state administration body
(IPPC Office) operating on the whole territory of the
Slovak Republic belonging to the sector of the MoE of
the SR. The Office will provide for the whole integrated
procedure from the preliminary discussion of the
application, making it public, justification of the
application up to the final permit
• it will be possible to use and operate the installation
only on the basis of two independent decisions –
approval for the utilisation of the installation and the
permit of the IPPC Office to operate the installation
Next steps
• Project “Assistance to the Slovak Republic in the
development of the Integrated EU Approximation
Strategy in the Environment”:
- financial, staff and institutional requirements will be
- time schedule of the IPPC Directive transposition and
implementation will be specified
SR requests a transition period for:
• the Council Directive 96/61/EC concerning
integrated pollution prevention and control
• the Council Directive 94/67/EC on the incineration of
hazardous waste
• the Council Directive 88/609/EEC on the limitation of
emissions of certain pollutants into the air from large
combustion plants
• the Council Directive 1999/13/EC on the limitation of
emissions of volatile organic compounds due to the
use of organic solvents in certain activities and
Implementation of “SEVESO directives”
• the Draft Act on the prevention of major industrial
accidents and relevant implementing regulations have
been developed - will take effect since 1 January 2002:
- the full implementation of the Council Directive
96/82/EC on the control of major-accident hazards
involving dangerous substances will be ensured
- SR will be prepared to accede to the Convention on the
Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents
Implementation of the revised Council Regulation
880/92/EEC on a Community eco-label award scheme
• the Draft Act on the environmental labelling have been
- will come into force in the second half of 2002
- not fully harmonised current state of environmental
acquis implementation in the field of Industrial pollution
control and risk management
- majority of obligations will be adopted before the
reference date of accession
- there are still spheres for which transition periods are
- from the total number of 9 applications of the Slovak
Republic for transition periods, as many as 4 are from
the field of industrial pollution control