HPRP APR Data Quality

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HPRP APR Data Quality
 Program entries
 Missing assessment information
 Service transactions
 Multiple records and twins
 HPRP resources
HPRP APR Data Quality
 Program entries:
─ Make sure that the whole HH is included
─ Entry type is always “HPRP”
─ See resources or call for HH members who enter
after the rest of the members.
─ Make sure that the exit date for a program is always
at least one day after the entry date (important for
HPRP APR Data Quality
 Double program entries:
─ People who enter the HPRP program more than once
will show up with a “Service Before Entry Date”
(SB4ED) error in the HPRP Data Check Report.
─ If your entry dates/times and service start dates/times
line up for them, you do not need to worry about their
─ This has to do with the complexity of the variables in
the data check report and is difficult to avoid.
─ Please call us with any questions.
HPRP APR Data Quality
 Missing assessment information:
─ You need to make sure that all of the required fields
are filled out for all of your HPRP clients, including
─ Be sure to use the Household Data Sharing
Assessment and then answer individual questions on
each client’s HPRP Assessment.
HPRP APR Data Quality
 Missing assessment information:
─ The most commonly missed assessment questions:
Housing status
Income/non-cash benefits in last 30 days
“Total monthly income” field amounts
Veterans question
Disability of long duration question
HPRP APR Data Quality
 Service transactions:
─ All household members should generally be
connected to the same services, with a few
─ Make sure that the end date of a service is always at
least one day after the start date (important for
HPRP APR Data Quality
 Service transactions:
─ Make sure that all financial services are entered
under the head of household’s record.
─ You’ll know this because you will see the financial
amount in their service list.
─ Service Before Entry Date (SB4ED) errors are very
common. Take the entry time back to 12am to get rid
of timestamp issues.
─ Revisit your services data entry instructions for HPRP
as well if you have questions (see HPRP resources)
HPRP APR Data Quality
 Financial service start and end dates:
─ The new fields “Financial service start date” and
“Financial service end date” are now required for
These are to be used with Rental Assistance and
Hotel/motel voucher service transactions to mark
the dates of service.
“Financial Service End Date” is the same as the
Service End Date.
HPRP APR Data Quality
 Financial service start and end dates:
─ “Financial service start date” can be used to denote a
check that applies to the whole month that the client
entered the program.
Program entry date: 06/18/2010
Rental Assistance June:
Service Start Date: 06/18/2010
Service End Date: 06/30/2010
Financial Service Start Date: 06/01/2010
HPRP APR Data Quality
 Multiple records
─ You may find that you have multiple records for the
same person.
─ This will be evident if the client count is higher than
the unduplicated client count in your report.
─ You should only have one record for each client that
is served under HPRP.
─ Call us for help with complex multiple records.
HPRP APR Data Quality
 Twins:
─ Twins with similar names will not be counted as
separate people in your report
i.e.: Alyssa and Alysson
─ Solution: Put a number in the front of one of the
1Alyssa and Alysson
HPRP APR Data Quality
 HPRP Resources:
─ http://www.hmismn.org/forms/HPRP.php
─ HMIS Helpdesk:
[email protected]