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ITC Project
New Zealand:
Status Report
Chris Bullen
on behalf of the NZ ITC Project Team
Unique features
• Linkage to NZ Health Survey
– Face-to-face interviews re. health status &
health services
– Smokers invited to be re-contacted by
– 30-45 minute call by RMR
• Large Māori sample
– 15% of NZers, high smoking prevalence,
high RYO use
Linkage to NZ Health Survey
Potential advantages
Shared expertise and collaboration with Ministry of Health
Improved and more cost-effective recruitment
Information on non-responders
Data linkage allows additional analyses in NZ arm e.g. linking
change in beliefs and behaviours to:
• Household composition & socio-economic status
• Physical and mental health (including presence of smoking-related
• Health of children in the household
• Alcohol use
• Health care utilisation
• Experience of racism and discrimination
Large Māori sample
Estimated 40%+ of cohort will be Māori
– Allows separate analysis of Māori sample
– Opportunity to address issues of specific interest
to Māori eg:
• Cultural influences on attitudes to and impact of policies
• Reasons for increased use of RYO tobacco
• Influence of family on quitting behaviour
– Unique findings internationally as other ITC arms
have only small numbers of indigenous peoples
Current situation
• Wave 1 data collection completed.
Undergoing quality checks and weighting
• Wave 2 data collection starts March 2008
• Complete linkage with all the NZ Health
Survey data by September 2008
• Despite incentives ($20 store vouchers),
suboptimal (65%) response rate to Wave 1
• Submitted cigarettes to the Repository
Outputs to date
• Review article NZMJ (in press).
• Cigarette butt study, N&TR (in press) &
poster at this meeting
• Pack colour study (Report on Igloo),
submitted to N&TR, poster at this meeting
• Research letters in NZMJ (n=3)
• 5 posters at International Conferences
• Collaboration on warnings labels work with
Ron Borland et al
Priorities for 2008
Analyse data and produce outputs:
• Methods report
• Priority topic areas:
– Light/mild (current enquiry in NZ)
– Point-of-sale (policy development)
– New graphic warnings (appearing now)
– Smoking cessation (new NZ cessation
guidelines and Ministry funding)
– Tobacco tax / use of RYOs
• Minimising attrition in Wave 2 & 3 in a setting
with a heavy burden of commercial marketing
telephone surveys – ideas welcomed.
• What are the pros/cons of continuing as a
“control country” if shift in political direction
late 2008 (unlikely to favour new tobacco
control policy changes) occurs?
We are keen to get your views
Email: [email protected]
Project Team
• Nick Wilson (PI), Tony Blakely, George
Thomson, Richard Edwards, Jo Peace.
University of Otago, Wellington
• Chris Bullen, Hayden McRobbie. Clinical Trials
Research Unit, University of Auckland
• Ron Borland. VicHealth Centre for Tobacco
Control, Cancer Council Victoria, Australia
• Sharon Ponniah. Ministry of Health
• Heather Gifford. Whakauae Research
Services, Whanganui
• Judy Li, Quit Group, Wellington (PhD student)
Funders and acknowledgements
• Health Research Council (funds for
• Ministry of Health (Public Health
Intelligence) – data sharing & support
• Advisory Group in NZ
• Other ITC Project teams (Australia,
Canada, UK, US)