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Wednesday, April 29, 2015
General Reminders
 Please sign up for you 10 hours of study/review sessions for a major grade. 1
hour = 10 points
 “All Gods Children” – Transforming America Lesson 17 is due BY FRIDAY
Today’s Objective – Respond thoughtfully to the following essential question:
 Was America justified in becoming involved in Vietnam?
 Was the war winnable?
Today’s Activities
 Video and notes: The War in Vietnam
 Read Chapter 28. Learning Curve is due FRIDAY!
 Read Chapter 29. Learning Curve is due SUNDAY!
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
General Reminders
 Please sign up for you 10 hours of study/review sessions for a major grade. 1
hour = 10 points
 “All Gods Children” – Transforming America Lesson 17 is due BY FRIDAY
Today’s Objective – Respond thoughtfully to the following essential question:
 Were non-violent or peaceful methods more effective in bringing about change for
African Americans in the 1960s?
Today’s Activities
 Video and notes: A Long Walk to Freedom
 Read Chapter 28. Learning Curve is due FRIDAY!
 Read Chapter 29. Learning Curve is due SUNDAY!
Monday, April 27, 2015
General Reminders
 Please sign up for you 10 hours of study/review sessions for a major grade. 1
hour = 10 points
 “All Gods Children” – Transforming America Lesson 17 is due BY FRIDAY
Today’s Objective – Respond thoughtfully to the following essential question:
 Were non-violent or peaceful methods more effective in bringing about change for
African Americans in the 1960s?
Today’s Activities
 Video and notes: A Long Walk to Freedom
 Read Chapter 28. Learning Curve is on and due FRIDAY!
Friday, April 24, 2015
General Reminders
 Please sign up for you 10 hours of study/review sessions for a major grade. 1
hour = 10 points
 “All Gods Children” – Transforming America Lesson 17 is due TUESDAY
Today’s Objective – Respond thoughtfully to the following essential question:
 The period between 1945 and 1963 was a time of increasing fear and tension in
the United States. Compare and contrast the effectiveness with which TWO of the
following presidents dealt with Cold War developments.
 Harry S. Truman
 Dwight D. Eisenhower
 John F. Kennedy
Today’s Activities
 Long Essay practice
 Read Chapter 27. Learning Curve is on and due SATURDAY!
Thursday, April 23, 2015
General Reminders
 Please sign up for you 10 hours of study/review sessions for a major grade. 1
hour = 10 points
 “All Gods Children” – Transforming America Lesson 17 is due next TUESDAY
Today’s Objective – Respond thoughtfully to the following essential question:
 To what extent was the world on the brink of nuclear war during the 1960s?
Today’s Activities
 Video: “The World on the Brink”
 Take notes. Some of the information might be useful in your essay tomorrow.
 Prepare for Cold War essay by researching 3 events from Truman, Eisenhower, and
Kennedy’s presidencies (3 EACH – total of NINE events) (Essays about Kennedy
from Profiles in Audacity and Folly are posted on the webpage. They may be
helpful in your essay preparation.)
 Read Chapter 27. Learning Curve is on and due SATURDAY!
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
General Reminders
 There will be 26 hours of after school/Saturday extra sessions to review and/or
cover additional material. You are required to attend 10 hours of those
sessions for a major grade. 1 hour = 10 points
Today’s Objective – Respond thoughtfully to the following essential question:
 In what ways were the perceived roles of women changing in American society by
the end of 1950s?
Today’s Activities
 Short answer writing practice – finally!
 You need your list of Historical Thinking Skills (green sheet)
 Prepare for Cold War essay by researching 3 events from Truman, Eisenhower, and
Kennedy’s presidencies (3 EACH – total of NINE events) (Essays about Kennedy
from Profiles in Audacity and Folly are posted on the webpage. They may be
helpful in your essay preparation.)
 Read Chapter 27. Learning Curve is on and due Friday!
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
General Reminders
 Learning Curve 26 deadline is TONIGHT at 11:59.
 There will be approximately 20 hours of after school/Saturday extra sessions to
review and/or cover additional material. You are required to attend 10 hours
of those sessions for a major grade. 1 hour = 10 points
Today’s Objective – Respond thoughtfully to the following essential question:
 In what ways can the 1950s be characterized as a “pursuit of happiness” for
American society?
Today’s Activities
 Transforming America Video Lesson #16 – “Pursuit of Happiness”
 Questions for video (You will need notebook paper)
 Prepare for Cold War essay by researching 3 events from Truman, Eisenhower, and
Kennedy’s presidencies (3 EACH – total of NINE events) (Essays about Kennedy
from Profiles in Audacity and Folly are posted on the webpage. They may be
helpful in your essay preparation.)
 Read “A Purpose for Modern Woman” by Adlai Stevenson (handout)
 Read “Betty Friedan and a Woman’s Place” – Profiles in Audacity p. 183 (also on
Monday, April 20, 2015
General Reminders
 Your 3 paragraphs from “When America Was Rocked” are due today. You may
e mail them if you choose.
 APUSH exam is May 8. The next 2 weeks will be a little rough – possibly very
Today’s Objective – Respond thoughtfully to the following essential question:
 How can knowing words help us express historical concepts intelligently?
Today’s Activities
 Vocabulary Test – chapters 20 - 25
 Prepare for Cold War essay by researching 3 events from Truman, Eisenhower, and
Kennedy’s presidencies (3 EACH – total of NINE events)
 Read Chapter 26 – Learning Curve deadline is TUESDAY night at 11:59.
Friday, April 17, 2015
General Reminders
 Vocabulary Test has been moved to MONDAY but will count on THIS grading
term– Chapters 20 - 25
 APUSH exam is May 8. This will all be over soon. You will survive.
Today’s Objective – Respond thoughtfully to the following essential question:
 In what ways did popular music of the 1950s reveal significant changes in post-war
American culture?
Today’s Activities
 Video: Ten Days That Unexpectedly Changed American History – “When America
Was Rocked”
 Writing assignment – 3 paragraphs in response to selected questions
 Answer 3 questions from When America Was Rocked fully in COMPLETE
paragraphs – due MONDAY
 Read the Cold War Time Line (twice). Determine who is President during each
event. Choose 3 events under each president (not FDR) to research further. An
essay is coming soon!
 Read Chapter 26 – Learning Curve deadline is MONDAY night at 11:59.
Thursday, April 16, 2015
General Reminders
 Vocabulary Test has been moved to MONDAY but will count on THIS grading
term– Chapters 20 - 25
 APUSH exam is May 8. This will all be over soon. You will survive.
Today’s Objective – Respond thoughtfully to the following essential question:
 Were the fears American felt about the Communist threat valid?
Today’s Activities
 Discussion of essential questions for “Marshall Plan” and “Berlin Airlift "readings.
 What social, economic, and political changes were caused by the Cold War?
 Read the Cold War Time Line (twice). Determine who is President during each
event. Choose 3 events under each president (not FDR) to research further. An
essay is coming soon!
 Read the blue, green, and pink sheets – Historical Themes, Thinking Skills, and
Time Periods. Memorize them all.
 Look over the set of questions for “When America Was Rocked” for tomorrow’s
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
General Reminders
 Vocabulary Test this FRIDAY – Chapters 20 - 25
 APUSH exam is May 8. This will all be over soon. You will survive.
Today’s Objective – Respond thoughtfully to the following essential question:
 Is it possible to choose the correct answer on a stimulus based multiple choice
Today’s Activities
 Multiple choice test practice
 Read the Cold War Time Line (twice). Determine who is President during each
event. Choose 3 events under each president (not FDR) to research further. An
essay is coming soon!
 Read the blue, green, and pink sheets – Historical Themes, Thinking Skills, and
Time Periods. Memorize them all.
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
General Reminders
 Vocabulary Test this FRIDAY – Chapters 20 - 25
 APUSH exam is May 8. This will all be over soon. You will survive.
Today’s Objective – Respond thoughtfully to the following essential question:
 Is it possible to choose the correct answer on a stimulus based multiple choice
Today’s Activities
 Multiple choice test practice
“Marshall and the Marshall Plan” (page 169)
“Truman and the Berlin Airlift” (page 234)
Read Chapter 25
Learning Curve 25 deadline TODAY at 11:59
Monday, April 13, 2015
General Reminders
 Vocabulary Test this FRIDAY – Chapters 20 - 25
 If you have an appointment to see me after school today, DO NOT FORGET!
 APUSH exam is May 8. This will all be over soon. You will survive.
Today’s Objective – Respond thoughtfully to the following essential question:
 Today you will write your own essential questions.
Today’s Activities
 Silent reading in Profiles in Audacity –
 “Marshall and the Marshall Plan” (page 169)
 “Truman and the Berlin Airlift” (page 234)
 Write TWO essential questions for each essay (a total of 4) and be prepared to
discuss with your classmates. (Remember that these questions should cause
others to ponder and discuss. They are not simple questions of fact.)
 Read Chapter 25
 Learning Curve 25 deadline TOMORROW April 14 at 11:59
Friday, April 10, 2015
General Reminders
 If you have a zero for the Jungle dialectical journal, I need to see you after class
 Transforming America Video Lesson 14 is due NOW.
 Korematsu v. the U.S. is due at the end of class.
 APUSH exam is May 8. This will all be over soon. You will survive.
Today’s Objective – Respond thoughtfully to the following essential question:
 Is it justifiable to suspend civil liberties during a time of national crisis?
Today’s Activities
 Class discussion – the Korematsu case
 Read Chapter 25
 Learning Curve 25 deadline TUESDAY April 14 at 11:59
Thursday, April 9, 2015
General Reminders
 APUSH exam is May 8. This will all be over soon. You will survive.
 For your convenience, I will be showing TA video lesson #14 in the room TODAY,
WED and THURS after school at 3:00, 3:30, and 4:00 (that’s 9 times).
Today’s Objective – Respond thoughtfully to the following essential question:
 Is it justifiable to suspend civil liberties during a time of national crisis?
Today’s Activities
 Lost day of instruction for AP Exam bubbling
 Students who have completed the process may stay in the room and work on any
necessary school work at their own discretion
 Finish reading Chapter 24 (World War II)
 Learning Curve deadline THURSDAY April 9 at 11:59
 Watch Transforming America video lesson 14 (World at War) on your own and
answer questions. (Due FRIDAY)
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
General Reminders
 APUSH exam is May 8. This will all be over soon. You will survive.
 For your convenience, I will be showing TA video lesson #14 in the room TODAY,
WED and THURS after school at 3:00, 3:30, and 4:00 (that’s 9 times).
Today’s Objective – Respond thoughtfully to the following essential question:
 Is it justifiable to suspend civil liberties during a time of national crisis?
Today’s Activities
 Korematsu v. United States
 Analysis of case and class discussion
 Finish reading Chapter 24 (World War II)
 Learning Curve deadline THURSDAY April 9 at 11:59
 Watch Transforming America video lesson 14 (World at War) on your own and
answer questions. (Due FRIDAY)
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
General Reminders
 APUSH exam is May 8. This will all be over soon. You will survive.
 Questions from the Roosevelt and Taft speeches were due yesterday. Your last
chance to turn them in is NOW.
 For your convenience, I will be showing TA video lesson #14 in the room TODAY,
WED and THURS after school at 3:00, 3:30, and 4:00 (that’s 9 times).
Today’s Objective – Respond thoughtfully to the following essential question:
 What geo-political events led to the outbreak of world war in 1939?
 Was it possible for the U.S. to avoid becoming a belligerent in World War II?
Today’s Activities
 Transforming America video lesson #13 – The Road to War and questions
 You will need notebook paper.
 Begin reading Chapter 24 (World War II)
 Learning Curve deadline THURSDAY April 9 at 11:59
 Watch Transforming America video lesson 14 (World at War) on your own and
answer questions. (Due FRIDAY)
Black people are
the best people.
–Treniece Hall
Monday, April 6, 2015
General Reminders
 APUSH exam May 8. This will all be over soon.
 Questions from the Roosevelt and Taft speeches are due today.
Today’s Objective – Respond thoughtfully to the following essential question:
 To what extent is the federal government responsible for the welfare of the
 Which presidential candidate would you have voted for in 1932?
Today’s Activities
 Reading of 3 anonymous speeches from the presidential election of 1932
 Discussion of key points from Roosevelt speech of 1932 and Robert Taft speech of
Begin reading Chapter 24 (World War II)
Learning Curve deadline Thursday April 7 at 11:59
Transforming America video lessons 13 and 14
Questions for each video
Friday, April 3, 2015
General Reminders
 APUSH exam May 8. This will all be over soon.
Today’s Objective – Respond thoughtfully to the following essential question:
 To what extent is the federal government responsible for the welfare of the
 Which presidential candidate would you have voted for in 1932?
Today’s Activities
 Finish CCC Video and graphic organizer
 Great Debate discussion
 Finish Chapter 23 and Learning Curve (deadline Saturday 11:59)
 Begin reading Chapter 24 (World War II)
Thursday, April 2, 2015
General Reminders
 MUSICA TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Please turn in your Story of Us paragraph if you did not yesterday (yellow sheet)
Today’s Objective – Respond thoughtfully to the following essential question:
 To what extent is the federal government responsible for the welfare and security
of the individual?
 To what extent were the measures passed under FDR beneficial for Americans?
 Why were the measures passed under FDR criticized by Americans?
Today’s Activities
 Video: American Experience - “The CCC”
 T-chart – Positives and negatives
Read: “The Cruelest Year” (posted on the web page)
Great Debates: FDR & Robert Taft
Read Chapter 23
Learning Curve deadline Saturday 11:59
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
General Reminders
 Today we will again cover about 4 class days worth of material.
Today’s Objective – Respond thoughtfully to the following essential question:
 How did a seemingly healthy economy suddenly “crash” in 1929?
 Could this crash have been prevented?
Today’s Activities
 Video: American Experience – “1929”
 Graphic organizer – Key people and key questions
 Large group sharing of responses to key questions
 Video: History Channel, Story of Us – “Bust”
 Four discussion questions/paragraph responses
 Large group sharing of written responses
 Video: History Channel, American Presidents – “Hoover” & “Roosevelt”
 Great Debate Unit 9 – Roosevelt & Robert Taft – “To What Extent is the Federal
Government Responsible for the Welfare and Security of the Individual”
 Finish: “The Cruelest Year” (posted on the web page)
 Chapter 23 in the textbook. Learning Curve deadline Saturday night.
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
General Reminders
 AP exam is May 8. We will be moving through the material at a rapid pace.
Today’s Objective – Respond thoughtfully to the following essential question:
 What cultural, social, and economic issues divided Americans in the 1920s?
 Was “Fordism” beneficial for America?
 Was “Fordism” beneficial for the American worker?
Today’s Activities
 Class discussion – “Henry Ford and the American Worker”
 Practice determining how to use documents to respond to a multi-faceted DBQ
 Read: “The Cruelest Year” (posted on the web page)
 Begin reading Chapter 23 in the textbook.
Monday, March 30, 2015
General Reminders
 Fasten your seatbelts!
 Today we will cover about 4 class days worth of material.
Today’s Objective – Respond thoughtfully to the following essential question:
 What cultural, social, and economic developments unified Americans in the 1920s?
 What cultural, social, and economic issues divided Americans in the 1920s?
Today’s Activities
Repeat of Video Lesson 10 – “Modern Times”
Quick Write – (T Chart) List positive and negative aspects of the 1920s
Group sharing of responses
Video clips from – “Birth of a Nation” (30 minutes) followed by class discussion
Group analysis and sharing of Opposing Viewpoints Documents – “Social and
Cultural Issues in the 1920s”
 “In Search of History – The Monkey Trial” – video and discussion questions
 Read: “The Cruelest Year” (posted on the web page)
 Begin reading Chapter 23 in the textbook.
Friday, March 27, 2015
General Reminders
 Monday and Wednesday next week is the ELA STAAR testing. All APUSH classes will
meeting in the Omni Room together ALL day.
 AP exam is May 8. We will be moving through the material at a rapid pace.
Today’s Objective – Respond thoughtfully to the following essential question:
 What cultural issues divided Americans in the 1920s?
 How did economic trends go from boom to bust in the decade of the 1920s?
Today’s Activities
 Video and interactive notes: Lesson 10 – “Modern Times”
 View PowerPoint slide show on The Jazz Age
 Finish reading Chapter 22 “Cultural Conflict, Bubble, and Bust” (the Roaring
Twenties and the great crash of the stock market!)
 Read the set of Opposing Viewpoints documents.
 Learning Curve 22 deadline is Sunday at midnight.
Thursday, March 26, 2015
General Reminders
 AP exam is May 8. We will be moving through the material at a rapid pace.
Today’s Objective – Respond thoughtfully to the following essential question:
 Was America’s entry into World War I justified?
 Was Woodrow Wilson able to achieve his stated goals at the end of the war?
Today’s Activities
 Video and interactive notes: Lesson 9 – “A War to End All Wars”
 View PowerPoint slide show on World War I
 Start reading Chapter 22 “Cultural Conflict, Bubble, and Bust” (the Roaring
Twenties and the great crash of the stock market!)
 Learning Curve 22 deadline is Sunday at midnight.
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
General Reminders
 AP exam is May 8. We will be moving through the material at a rapid pace.
Today’s Objective – Respond thoughtfully to the following essential question:
 Does America have a responsibility to spread democracy in the world?
 Does America have a responsibility to bring civilization to uncivilized parts of the
Today’s Activities
 Finish Imperialists /Anti-Imperialist discussion
 Video and interactive notes: Lesson 9 – “A War to End All Wars”
 View PowerPoint slide show on World War I
 Complete interactive notes on Video Lesson #9 – “A War to End All Wars”
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
General Reminders
 AP exam is May 8. We will be moving through the material at a rapid pace.
Today’s Objective – Respond thoughtfully to the following essential question:
 Does America have a responsibility to spread democracy in the world?
 Does America have a responsibility to bring civilization to uncivilized parts of the
Today’s Activities
 Please vote on the two questions on the white board.
 Imperialists /Anti-Imperialist discussion
 View PowerPoint slide show on World War I
 View Transforming America Video Lesson #9 – “A War to End All Wars”
Monday, March 23, 2015
General Reminders
 I need 9 volunteers for class discussion tomorrow on American imperialism.
 AP exam is May 8. We will be moving through the material at a rapid pace.
Today’s Objective – Respond thoughtfully to the following essential question:
 Was America’s declaration of war against Spain just?
 Was America’s declaration of war against the Philippines just?
Today’s Activities
 Video and “interactive” notes: Transforming America Lesson 7 – “A Question of
 View PowerPoint slide show on American Imperialism
 Read Opposing Viewpoints documents 8A & 8B (Should America retain the
 Read McKinley and the Spanish-American War Documents A - H
Friday, March 20, 2015
General Reminders
 Murder at the Fair questions due NOW
 AP exam is May 8. We will be moving through the material at a rapid pace.
Today’s Objective – Respond thoughtfully to the following essential question:
 What are good reasons for going to war?
Today’s Activities
 Class discussion – War? What is it good for?
 View PowerPoint slide show on American Imperialism
 Read Opposing Viewpoints documents 8A & 8B (Should America retain the
 Read McKinley and the Spanish-American War Documents A - H
Thursday, March 19, 2015
General Reminders
 Movie Night! TODAY - 5:00 – 7:30 in the Omni Room. The Wizard of Oz
 Murder at the Fair questions due TOMORROW
 AP exam is May 8. We will be moving through the material at a rapid pace.
Today’s Objective – Respond thoughtfully to the following essential question:
 To what extent were Progressive reformers and Populists successful in bringing
about needed change in America society?
Today’s Activities
 Class discussion – Federal Reform Measures 1883 – 1921
 Civil Rights work of Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois
 View PowerPoint slide show on American Imperialism
 View Transforming America Video Lesson 7 “The Question of Empire”
 Complete short survey on good and bad reasons for going to war.
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
General Reminders
 Movie Night! TOMORROW 5:00 – 8:00 in the Omni Room. The Wizard of Oz
 Murder at the Fair questions due FRIDAY
 AP exam is May 8. We will be moving through the material at a rapid pace.
Today’s Objective – Respond thoughtfully to the following essential question:
 To what extent were Progressive reformers and Populists successful in bringing
about needed change in America society?
Today’s Activities
 Class discussion – Federal Reform Measures 1883 - 1921
 View PowerPoint slide show on American Imperialism (for Thursday discussion)
 View Transforming America Video Lesson 7 “The Question of Empire”
 View Murder at the Fair and respond to the discussion questions in writing – due
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
General Reminders
 Political Cartoon for Two Populist Speeches due today (after discussion)
 Movie Night! This Thursday. 5:00 – 8:00 in the Omni Room. The Wizard of Oz
 AP exam is May 8. We will be moving through the material at a rapid pace.
Today’s Objective – Respond thoughtfully to the following essential question:
 To what extent were Progressive reformers and Populists successful in bringing about
needed change in America society?
Today’s Activities
 Class discussion – The Populist Party Platform of 1892
 Two Populist Speeches – Mary Elizabeth Lease and William Jennings Bryan
 Review information on Booker T Washington and WEB DuBois for discussion
 View PowerPoint slide show on American Imperialism (for Thursday discussion)
 View Transforming America Video Lesson 7 “The Question of Empire”
 View Murder at the Fair and respond to the discussion questions in writing – due
Monday, March 16, 2015
General Reminders
 AP exam is May 8. We will be moving through the material at a rapid pace.
Today’s Objective – Respond thoughtfully to the following essential question:
 To what extent were Progressive reformers and Populists successful in bringing about
needed change in America society?
Today’s Activities
 Class discussion – The Populist Party Platform of 1892
Homework for the Break
Read Chapter 20
Learning Curve for Chapter 20
Read 1892 Populist Party Platform
Read Two Populist Speeches and create political cartoons as directed
View Transforming America Video Lesson 6 “The Populist Challenge”
View Transforming America Video Lesson 8 “The Progressive Paradox”
View Murder at the Fair and respond to the discussion questions in writing
Read Chapter 21
Learning Curve for Chapter 21
View Transforming America Video Lesson 7 “The Question of Empire”
Friday, March 6, 2015
General Reminders
 AP exam is May 8. We will be moving through the material at a rapid pace.
Today’s Objective – Respond thoughtfully to the following essential question:
 To what extent were Progressive reformers and Populists successful in bringing about
needed change in America society?
Today’s Activities
 Transforming America Video Lesson 6 – “The Populist Challenge”
 Take BRIEF notes based on 8 discussion questions
Homework for the Break
Read Chapter 20
Learning Curve for Chapter 20
Read 1892 Populist Party Platform
Read Two Populist Speeches and create political cartoons as directed
View Transforming America Video Lesson 6 “The Populist Challenge”
View Transforming America Video Lesson 8 “The Progressive Paradox”
View Murder at the Fair and respond to the discussion questions in writing
Read Chapter 21
Learning Curve for Chapter 21
View Transforming America Video Lesson 7 “The Question of Empire”
Thursday, March 5, 2015
General Reminders
 AP exam is May 10. We will be moving through the material at a rapid pace.
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 To what extent were Progressive reformers and Populists successful in bringing about
needed change in America society?
Today’s Activities
 School cancelled due to icy weather
Homework for the Break
Read Chapter 20
Learning Curve for Chapter 20
Read 1892 Populist Party Platform
Read Two Populist Speeches and create political cartoons as directed
View Transforming America Video Lesson 6 “The Populist Challenge”
View Transforming America Video Lesson 8 “The Progressive Paradox”
View Murder at the Fair and respond to the discussion questions in writing
Read Chapter 21
Learning Curve for Chapter 21
View Transforming America Video Lesson 7 “The Question of Empire”
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
General Reminders
AP exam is May 10. We will be moving through the material at a rapid pace.
Today’s Objective – Respond thoughtfully to the following essential question:
 What were the most urgent problems facing American society by 1910?
 If you had been a progressive reformer during the time, what measures would have
advocated for addressing these problems?
Today’s Activities
 Writing practice – a “long essay” based on the above essential questions
Homework for the Break
Read Chapter 20
Learning Curve for Chapter 20
Read 1892 Populist Party Platform
Read Two Populist Speeches and create political cartoons as directed
View Transforming America Video Lesson 6 “The Populist Challenge”
View Transforming America Video Lesson 8 “The Progressive Paradox”
View Murder at the Fair and respond to the discussion questions in writing
Read Chapter 21
Learning Curve for Chapter 21
View Transforming America Video Lesson 7 “The Question of Empire”
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
General Reminders
 AP exam is May 10. We will be moving through the material at a rapid pace.
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 How great was the disparity of wealth created by the rapid industrialization,
immigration, and urbanization in the latter part of the 19th century?
 What were the most urgent problems facing American society by 1910?
 If you had been a progressive reformer during the time, what measures would have
advocated for addressing these problems?
Today’s Activities
Brief video: Jacob Riis and How the Other Half Lives
PowerPoint pictorial exposé: “The Rich and Poor in the Gilded Age”
Quick write response to the 2nd essential questions above
Small group discussion of the 3rd essential question above
 The Jungle - dialectical journal due this Friday March 6th
Monday, March 2, 2015
General Reminders
 AP exam is May 10. We will be moving through the material at a rapid pace.
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 How can understanding of key terms and people aid in the understanding of
historical time periods?
Today’s Activities
 Vocabulary Test – Chapters 16 - 19
 The Jungle - dialectical journal due Friday March 6th
Friday, February 27, 2015
General Reminders
Star Wars Lock-in: TODAY! (Weather permitting)
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Should government authority have the power to regulate the reproductive practices
of private citizens?
Today’s Activities
Document 19-9: The Case for Birth Control by Margaret Sanger (1917)
Document 19-20: Progressivism and Compulsory Sterilization (1907)
Read and discuss
Respond to questions in writing and add to binders as notes
 Read the following:
 Begin reading textbook chapter 19
 The Jungle - dialectical journal due March 3rd
Thursday, February 26, 2015
General Reminders
Star Wars Lock-in: TOMORROW! Free food. All the Star Wars movies played back to
back. Costume contest and prizes.
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Should the owners of the Triangle Shirtwaist Company have been convicted of
manslaughter for the 1911 fire that killed 146 workers in their NYC shop?
 How might this tragedy have been prevented?
Today’s Activities
 PBS American Experience documentary: “Triangle Fire”
 Read the following:
 Read textbook chapter 19
 The Jungle - dialectical journal due March 3rd
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
General Reminders
Star Wars Lock-in: Friday, February 27! Free food. All the Star Wars movies played
back to back. Costume contest and prizes.
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 How safe were the working conditions in sweatshops and factories during the
industrial revolution?
 Do employers have a responsibility to protect workers from incidents such as
workplace fires?
Today’s Activities
 Class discussion: Student responses to their reading of The Jungle so far.
 Brief teacher lecture: Introduction to factors contributing to the Triangle Shirtwaist
fire disaster
 Read the following:
 Read textbook chapter 19
 The Jungle - dialectical journal due March 6th
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
General Reminders
Star Wars Lock-in: Friday, February 27! Free food. All the Star Wars movies played
back to back. Costume contest and prizes.
Permission slips must be signed by a parent. Get one NOW. Return ASAP. We must
limit attendance to first 60 students.
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 In what ways did the large numbers of immigrants transform American urban society
in the post Civil War period?
Today’s Activities
 School cancelled due to icy weather
 Read the following:
 Read textbook chapter 19
 The Jungle - dialectical journal due March 6th
Monday, February 23, 2015
General Reminders
Star Wars Lock-in: Friday, February 27! Free food. All the Star Wars movies played
back to back. Costume contest and prizes.
Permission slips must be signed by a parent. Get one NOW. Return ASAP. We must
limit attendance to first 60 students.
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 In what ways did the large numbers of immigrants transform American urban society
in the post Civil War period?
Today’s Activities
 School cancelled due to icy weather.
 Read textbook Chapter 19
 The Jungle - dialectical journal due March 6th
Friday, February 20, 2015
General Reminders
Star Wars Lock-in: Friday, February 27! Free food. All the Star Wars movies played
back to back. Costume contest and prizes.
Permission slips must be signed by a parent. Get one NOW. Return ASAP. We must
limit attendance to first 60 students.
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 In what ways did the large numbers of immigrants transform American urban society
in the post Civil War period?
Today’s Activities
 Transforming America Video Lesson 3 – “Moving to the City”
 Take notes. Answer discussion questions in complete full sentences.
 Read the following:
 Read textbook chapter 19
 The Jungle - dialectical journal due March 6th
Thursday, February 19, 2015
General Reminders
Star Wars Lock-in: Friday, February 27! Free food. All the Star Wars movies played
back to back. Costume contest and prizes.
Permission slips must be signed by a parent. Get one NOW. Return ASAP. We must
limit attendance to first 60 students.
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 To what extent was the intent of the 14th Amendment carried out in the law and
social customs during the post Reconstruction Era.
Today’s Activities
 Class discussion of 14th and 15th Amendment and the Plessy v. Ferguson case
 Read the following:
 Begin reading textbook chapter 19
 The Jungle - dialectical journal due March 3rd
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
General Reminders
Instructions for The Jungle dialectical journal are on line. Start reading and
journaling. Journal due in 2 weeks. (March 3rd) Major grade.
Star Wars Lock-in: Friday, February 27! Free food. All the Star Wars movies played
back to back. Costume contest and prizes. Permission slips available tomorrow.
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 To what extent was the intent of the 14th Amendment carried out in the law and
social customs during the post Reconstruction Era.
Today’s Activities
 Class discussion of assigned documents
 Video segment: The Supreme Court, episode 2
 Read the following:
 Textbook chapter 18
 15th Amendment, and Plessy v. Ferguson case
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
General Reminders
Instructions for The Jungle dialectical journal are on line. Start reading and
journaling. Journal due in 2 weeks. (March 3rd) Major grade.
Star Wars Lock-in: Friday, February 27! Free food. All the Star Wars movies played
back to back. Costume contest and prizes. Permission slips available tomorrow.
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 In what ways societal norms changing during the Victorian Era?
 How were African American rights progressing during the Victorian Era?
Today’s Activities
 Class discussion of assigned documents
 Read the following:
 Textbook chapter 18
 Learning Curve 18 is available for extra credit until midnight tonight.
 14th Amendment, 15th Amendment, Plessy v. Ferguson case
Friday, February 13, 2015
General Reminders
Start bringing The Jungle to class and reading it on your own time. I’ll give
instructions soon.
Star Wars Lock-in: Friday, February 27
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 What major issues divided society during the Industrial Era?
Today’s Activities
 Silent reading and study day
 Prepare for class discussion over all readings next Tuesday
 Read the following:
 Textbook chapter 18
 Document Reader Chapter 18 - # 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 (answer ONE question for each)
 “Lynching at the Curve” by Ida B. Wells
 14th Amendment, 15th Amendment, Plessy v. Ferguson case
Thursday, February 12, 2015
General Reminders
Start bringing The Jungle to class and reading it on your own time. I’ll give
instructions soon.
Star Wars Lock-in: Friday, February 27
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 What major issues divided society during the Industrial Era?
Today’s Activities
 Roundtable discussion
 Find your seat as quickly as possible and be ready
 You will turn in your research at the end of our discussion today (possibly tomorrow)
 Read the following:
 Textbook chapter 18
 Document Reader Chapter 18 - # 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 (answer ONE question for each)
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
General Reminders
Start bringing The Jungle to class and reading it on your own time. I’ll give
instructions soon.
Star Wars Lock-in: Friday, February 27
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 What major issues divided society during the Industrial Era?
Today’s Activities
 Roundtable discussion
 Find your seat as quickly as possible and be ready
 You will turn in your research at the end of our discussion today (possibly tomorrow)
 Read the following:
 Textbook chapter 18
 Document Reader Chapter 18 - # 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 (answer ONE question for each)
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
General Reminders
Star Wars Lock-in: Friday, February 27
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 What major issues divided society during the Industrial Era?
Today’s Activities
 Roundtable discussion
 Find your seat as quickly as possible and be ready
 You will turn in your research at the end of our discussion today (possibly tomorrow)
 Read chapter 18 in the textbook as quickly as possible!
Monday, February 9, 2015
General Reminders
Your Carnegie and Henry George questions are due NOW.
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 In what way was the Homestead lockout “the darkest day in American labor
Today’s Activities
 History Channel series, Ten Days That Unexpectedly Changed American History,
 Get a set of questions from the back table
 Research your character and prepare for discussion TOMORROW
 Documents from the large reader have been posted on the web page. Some of them
might be very helpful to you in preparing for our discussion (1, 2, 3, 5, 11, 12, 13)
Friday, February 6, 2015
General Reminders
Pep rally schedule today
Sign up for a character for our round table discussion next TUESDAY
Clean out your binders – This semester begins with Historical Period 6 (Ch 17)
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 How did rapid industrialization and capitalism affect all segments of American
society in the late 19th century?
Today’s Activities
 Transforming America video lesson 5 – “Labor’s Struggle”
 Read Looking Backward excerpt by Edward Bellamy
 Research your character and prepare for discussion next TUESDAY
Thursday, February 5, 2015
General Reminders
Sign up for a character for our round table discussion next TUESDAY
Clean out your binders – This semester begins with Historical Period 6 (Ch 17)
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Did industrial leaders, such as Vanderbilt, Carnegie, and Rockefeller do greater harm
or good for American society?
Today’s Activities
 Class discussion of Great Debates in American History – Unit 6 (Rockefeller)
 Transforming America video lesson 1 – “The Gilded Age”
 Finish reading and taking notes on Chapter 17
 Learning Curve deadline TONIGHT at 11:59.
 Read Great Debates in American History – “Has Industrialization Produced More
Benefits or More Problems for the Nation?”
 Answer comprehension and critical thinking questions on a separate sheet of paper
(either type or handwrite in INK)
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
General Reminders
TODAY - Sign up to purchase The Jungle - $5
Clean out your binders – This semester begins with Historical Period 6 (Ch 17)
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Did industrial leaders, such as Vanderbilt, Carnegie, and Rockefeller do greater harm
or good for American society?
Today’s Activities
 Complete video: History Channel – The Men Who Built America – Episode 2
 Write a paragraph about Rockefeller, exploring the essential question above
 Debating the Documents – “Rockefeller: Monster Monopolist or Marketplace Hero?”
Finish reading and taking notes on Chapter 17
Learning Curve deadline Thursday at 11:59.
Finish paragraphs on Vanderbilt and Rockefeller
Finish Debating the Documents questions
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
General Reminders
Your paragraph on Carnegie’s “Triumph of America” should go in your binder
Sign up to purchase The Jungle - $5 (only if you want a personal copy of the book)
Clean out your binders – This semester begins with Historical Period 6 (Ch 17)
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Did industrial leaders, such as Vanderbilt, Carnegie, and Rockefeller do greater harm
or good for American society?
Today’s Activities
 Video presentation: History Channel – The Men Who Built America – Episode 2
 Write a paragraph about Rockefeller, exploring the essential question above
 Finish reading and taking notes on Chapter 17
 Learning Curve deadline Thursday at 11:59.
Monday, February 2, 2015
General Reminders
Sign up to purchase The Jungle - $5
“A Century of Dishonor” questions were due FRIDAY.
You should have read the two Edison essays and taken notes
Clean out your binders – This semester begins with Historical Period 6 (Ch 17)
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Did industrial leaders, such as Vanderbilt, Carnegie, and Rockefeller do greater harm
or good for American society?
Today’s Activities
 Video presentation: History Channel – The Men Who Built America – Episode 1
 Write a paragraph about Vanderbilt, exploring the essential question above
 Read Carnegie’s, “The Triumph of America”
 Write a paragraph responding to the following:
 What three reasons does Carnegie give for America’s success?
 In what ways do you agree or disagree?
 Read and take notes on Chapter 17
 Learning Curve deadline Thursday at 11:59.
Friday, January 30, 2015
General Reminders
“A Century of Dishonor” questions due NOW. (Even if you are absent)
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Were Thomas Edison’s actions audacious or foolish?
 How does Edison represent freedom in the era of industrialization?
Today’s Activities
 Reading of essays on Edison in
 Profiles in Audacity (p. 87)
 Profiles in Folly books (p. 193)
 Read and take notes on Chapter 17
 Learning Curve deadline Thursday at 11:59.
Thursday, January 29, 2015
General Reminders
“A Century of Dishonor” questions due TOMORROW. (Even if you are absent)
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 What is freedom?
 Why do we value it as Americans?
Today’s Activities
 Small and large group discussion of essential questions above
 Introductory teacher lecture for historical period 6 - Industrialization
 Read and answer 3 questions for “A Century of Dishonor” – (Doc 16-7) posted on-line
or check out a large document reader.
 Read and take notes
 Profiles in Audacity – “Edison and the Electric Light” (p. 87)
 Profiles in Folly – “Thomas Edison and the Fight Against Alternating Current (p.
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
General Reminders
TODAY – Omni Room – 5:00 to 8:15 – Dances With Wolves
Sign up for pizza (on back table) 2:40 if you want me to order you some.
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 What is historiography?
 How can we use historiography to analyze differing accounts of historical events?
Today’s Activities
 Class discussion – Comparing primary sources to determine what “REALLY”
happened at the Battle of Little Big Horn
 Read “A Century of Dishonor” – (Doc 16-7) posted on-line or check out a large
document reader.
 Answer all 3 questions at the end of the document. Due Friday.
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
General Reminders
WEDNESDAY Jan 28th – Omni Room – 5:00 to 8:15 – Dances With Wolves
Sign up for pizza (on back table) if you want me to order you some.
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 What is historiography?
 How can we use historiography to analyze differing accounts of historical events?
Today’s Activities
 Class discussion – Comparing primary sources to determine what “REALLY”
happened at the Battle of Little Big Horn
 Read accounts of the Wounded Knee Massacre posted on line.
Monday, January 26, 2015
General Reminders
Battle of Little Big Horn historiography activity due TOMORROW
WEDNESDAY Jan 28th – Omni Room – 5:00 to 8:15 – Dances With Wolves
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 How did U.S. policy makers seek to stimulate the economy and integrate the transMississippi west into the nation?
 How did this affect the people living there?
Today’s Activities
 Presentation of “I Am” poems
 Complete viewing of Transforming America video lesson #2
 Read Little Big Horn documents and prepare for class discussion tomorrow.
Friday, January 23, 2015
General Reminders
Your “I Am” poem is due MONDAY. You will be reading it aloud to the class.
New semester = new opportunity to be wildly successful in your classes
Next Wednesday – Omni Room – 5:00 to 8:15 – Dances With Wolves
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 How did U.S. policy makers seek to stimulate the economy and integrate the transMississippi west into the nation?
 How did this affect the people living there?
Today’s Activities
 Document analysis – Sand Creek Massacre
 “I Am” poem due MONDAY
 Battle of Little Big Horn historiography activity due TUESDAY
Thursday, January 22, 2015
General Reminders
Learning Curve 16 is still on until tonight. You may complete late for points off.
New semester = new opportunity to be wildly successful in your classes
Next Wednesday – Omni Room – 5:00 to 8:15 – Dances With Wolves
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 How did U.S. policy makers seek to stimulate the economy and integrate the transMississippi west into the nation?
 How did this affect the people living there?
Today’s Activities
 Video – The Story of Us - Heartland
 Take notes – This should help with your “I Am” poem
 Watch these videos on YouTube if you didn’t finish them yesterday. Take notes.
 Let Them Eat Grass
 A Good Day to Die
 I Will Fight No More Forever
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
General Reminders
New semester = new opportunity to be wildly successful in your classes
Next Wednesday – Omni Room – 5:00 to 8:15 – Dances With Wolves
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 How did U.S. policy makers seek to stimulate the economy and integrate the transMississippi west into the nation?
 How did this affect the people living there?
Today’s Activities
 Videos
 Let Them Eat Grass
 A Good Day to Die
 I Will Fight No More Forever
 Take notes relevant to the essential questions
Read Chapter 16 in the textbook (AND TAKE NOTES)
Learning Curve 16 due tonight at 11:59.
 History is not what happened.
 History is what we say happened.
 What happened at the Battle of the Alamo?
 What happened at the Battle of Little Big Horn?
 How have Americans traditionally presented
these two stories of history? Why?
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
General Reminders
Movie Club
 Today – 3:00 - History Channel Presidents – Andrew Johnson – Chester A. Arthur
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 How did U.S. policy makers seek to stimulate the economy and integrate the transMississippi west into the nation?
 How did this affect the people living there?
Today’s Activities
 Transforming America Video Lesson 2 – The American West
Read Chapter 16 in the textbook (AND TAKE NOTES)
Learning Curve 16
Friday, January 16, 2015
General Reminders
Semester grades will be finalized by 4:00 p.m. this TODAY
Please check your grades in Skyward and let me know if you think anything is wrong.
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Exam how to respond to stimulus based multiple choice questions
Today’s Activities
 Review of Semester Exam
Read Chapter 16 in the textbook (AND TAKE NOTES) by next Tuesday
Thursday, January 15, 2015
General Reminders
Semester grades will be finalized by 4:00 p.m. this FRIDAY
Please check your grades in Skyward and let me know if you think anything is wrong.
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Use pertinent vocabulary to enhance your understanding of historical events and
Today’s Activities
 Vocabulary Test – Chapters 10 - 15
Read Chapter 16 in the textbook by next Tuesday
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
General Reminders
Vocabulary test TOMORROW (Chapters 10 – 15)
Semester grades will be finalized by 4:00 p.m. this FRIDAY
Please check your grades in Skyward and let me know if you think anything is wrong.
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Use pertinent vocabulary to enhance your understanding of historical events and
Today’s Activities
 Small group vocabulary review
Study for vocabulary test tomorrow
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
General Reminders
Chapter 15 documents questions were due YESTERDAY
Vocabulary test this THURSDAY (Chapters 10 – 15)
Semester grades will be finalized by 4:00 p.m. this FRIDAY
Please check your grades in Skyward and let me know if you think anything is wrong.
If you owe me money, please pay me (so I don’t have to break your legs)
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Use primary and secondary sources as guides in answering questions about U.S.
 Be able to choose a the most plausible response from four choices
Today’s Activities
 Exam
Study for vocabulary test on THURSDAY
Monday, January 12, 2015
General Reminders
Chapter 15 documents questions due NOW
Semester grades will be finalized by 4:00 p.m. this FRIDAY
Please check your grades in Skyward and let me know if you think anything is wrong.
If you owe me money, please pay me (so I don’t have to break your legs)
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Use primary and secondary sources as guides in answering questions about U.S.
 Be able to choose a the most plausible response from four choices
Today’s Activities
 Exam
Learning Curve and documents for Chapter 15 due TONIGHT at 11:59
Friday, January 9, 2015
General Reminders
Semester exam must be next MONDAY & TUESDAY
Semester review on back table now
If you owe me money, please pay me (so I don’t have to break your legs)
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Explore possible responses to the following essential questions:
 In what ways did the Civil War change the course of American history?
Today’s Activities
 Videos: Crash Course – Civil War Part I and II; Reconstruction
Begin Reviewing for Semester Exam
Read Chapter 15
Read and answer questions for Chapter 15 documents
Learning Curve and documents for Chapter 15 due Monday
Thursday, January 8, 2015
General Reminders
BAD NEWS: Semester exam must be next MONDAY & TUESDAY
Movie Club
 TODAY - Lincoln – in the Omni Room – (5:00 to 8:00 – includes pizza eating time)
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Explore possible responses to the following essential questions:
 Why was the Battle of Antietam in September 1862 one of the days that
changed American history?
Today’s Activities
 Discussion of Antietam and Gettysburg
 Video: Crash Course – Civil War Part I
Begin Reviewing for Semester Exam
Read Chapter 15
Read and answer questions for Chapter 15 documents
Learning Curve and documents for Chapter 15 due Monday
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
General Reminders
BAD NEWS: Semester exam must be next MONDAY & TUESDAY
Movie Club
 TODAY– Sherman’s March to the Sea (3:00 to 4:30)
 TOMORROW night - Lincoln – in the Omni Room – (5:00 to 8:00 – includes pizza
eating time)
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Explore possible responses to the following essential questions:
 Why was the Battle of Antietam in September 1862 one of the days that
changed American history?
Today’s Activities
 Video: Ten Days That Changed American History – The Battle of Antietam
Begin Reviewing for Semester Exam
Read Chapter 15
Read and answer questions for Chapter 15 documents
Learning Curve and documents for Chapter 15 due Monday
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
General Reminders
Semester exam next Thursday and Friday
Check Skyward for any errors in your grades
Movie Club
 TOMORROW– Sherman’s March to the Sea (3:00 to 4:30)
 THURSDAY night - Lincoln – in the Omni Room – (5:00 to 8:00 – includes pizza
eating time)
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Explore possible responses to the following essential questions:
 How did Lincoln address the issue of Southern secession as he took the office of
the Presidency in 1861?
 To what extent was Frederick Douglass justified in his criticism of Lincoln?
Today’s Activities
 Discussion of essential questions
Read Profiles in Folly essay – James Buchanan and Secession p. 267
Read Profiles in Audacity essay – Lincoln and Emancipation p. 142
Monday, January 5, 2015
General Reminders
Semester exam next Thursday and Friday
Check Skyward for any errors in your grades
Movie Club
 Tuesday – Sherman’s March to the Sea (3:00 to 4:30)
 Thursday night - Lincoln – in the Omni Room – (5:00 to 8:00 – includes pizza
eating time)
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Explore possible responses to the following essential questions:
 What qualities make up a good President? A bad President?
 Who was America’s worst President?
Today’s Activities
 Return and review of completed papers
 Discussion of essential questions
 Profiles in Folly essay (James Buchanan - the worst President)
Friday, December 19, 2014
General Reminders
Semester Exam schedule this week:
 Wednesday- 1st and 6th
 Thursday – 5th and 2nd
 Friday – 3rd and 4th
John Brown Appeal Trial will be on the day of the semester exam
Movie Club
 Today– Big Christmas Party (3:00 – 5:30)
 Christmas Movie, snacks, door prizes, trivia game!!! FUN. FUN. FUN.
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Explore possible responses to the following essential questions:
 In the cause of abolitionism, was John Brown a murderer, a martyr, or a
Today’s Activities
 Class debate preparation:
 Gather evidence from the primary source documents in preparation for mock
trial of John Brown.
Thursday, December 18, 2014
General Reminders
Semester Exam schedule this week:
 Wednesday- 1st and 6th
 Thursday – 5th and 2nd
 Friday – 3rd and 4th
John Brown Appeal Trial will be on the day of the semester exam
Movie Club
 Today– Big Christmas Party (3:00 – 5:30)
 Christmas Movie, snacks, door prizes, trivia game!!! FUN. FUN. FUN.
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Explore possible responses to the following essential questions:
 In the cause of abolitionism, was John Brown a murderer, a martyr, or a
Today’s Activities
 Class debate preparation:
 Gather evidence from the primary source documents in preparation for mock
trial of John Brown.
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
General Reminders
Semester Exam schedule this week:
 Wednesday- 1st and 6th
 Thursday – 5th and 2nd
 Friday – 3rd and 4th
John Brown Appeal Trial will be on the day of the semester exam
Movie Club
 Today– Big Christmas Party (3:00 – 5:30)
 Christmas Movie, snacks, door prizes, trivia game!!! FUN. FUN. FUN.
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Explore possible responses to the following essential questions:
 In the cause of abolitionism, was John Brown a murderer, a martyr, or a
Today’s Activities
 Class debate preparation:
 Gather evidence from the primary source documents in preparation for mock
trial of John Brown.
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
General Reminders
“Semester Exams” this week. Merry Christmas???
John Brown Appeal Trial will be on the day of the semester exam
Movie Club
 Today – 2 episodes of Shaping America (3:00 to 4:00)
 Tomorrow – Big Christmas Party (3:00 – 5:30)
 Christmas Movie, snacks, door prizes, trivia game!!! FUN. FUN. FUN.
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Explore possible responses to the following essential questions:
 In the cause of abolitionism, was John Brown a murderer, a martyr, or a
Today’s Activities
 Class debate preparation:
 Gather evidence from the primary source documents in preparation for mock
trial of John Brown.
Prepare for mock trial
Monday, December 15, 2014
General Reminders
Dred Scott questions due NOW
“Semester Exams” this week. Merry Christmas???
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Explore possible responses to the following essential questions:
 Why had sectional differences reached the point of violent confrontation by
 In the cause of abolitionism, was John Brown a murderer, a martyr, or a
Today’s Activities
 Class debate preparation:
 Gather evidence from the primary source documents in preparation for mock
trial of John Brown.
Prepare for mock trial tomorrow
Friday, December 12, 2014
General Reminders
Learning Curve deadline Saturday 11:59 p.m.
Dred Scott questions due Monday
“Semester Exams” next week. Merry Christmas???
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Explore possible responses to the following essential questions:
 Why had sectional differences reached the point of violent confrontation by
 In the cause of abolitionism, was John Brown a murderer, a martyr, or a
Today’s Activities
 Class debate:
 Video Presentation – PBS documentary – John Brown’s Holy War
 Gather evidence from the video in preparation for mock trial of John Brown.
Dred Scott v. Sanford Supreme Court Case – read case and answer all 7 questions
Read primary source documents about John Brown (on website)
Prepare for mock trial on Monday
Thursday, December 11, 2014
General Reminders
 Learning Curve deadline Saturday 11:59 p.m.
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Explore possible responses to the following essential questions:
 Why had sectional differences reached the point of violent confrontation by
 In the cause of abolitionism, was John Brown a murderer, a martyr, or a
Today’s Activities
 Video Presentation – PBS documentary – John Brown’s Holy War
 Gather evidence from the video in preparation for mock trial of John Brown.
Read about the Kansas-Nebraska Act and “Bleeding Kansas” (documents on website)
Read and complete questions for Dred Scott v. Sanford Supreme Court case
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
General Reminders
 Learning Curve deadline Saturday 11:59 p.m.
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Explore possible responses to the following essential questions:
 What factors led to the Mexican-American War?
 To what extent did the U.S. act justly or unjustly?
Today’s Activities
 Class debate:
 Was the U.S. declaration of war against Mexico in 1846 just?
 Was the acquisition of the entire Mexican cession a fair conclusion to the war?
Read about Bleeding Kansas (documents on line)
Complete Learning Curve for Chapter 13 (Saturday 11:59 p.m.)
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
General Reminders
 Debate Wednesday on the Mexican War
 Movie Club
 Today– The Mexican-American War (repeat)
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Explore possible responses to the following essential questions:
 What factors led to the Mexican-American War?
 To what extent did the U.S. act justly or unjustly?
Today’s Activities
 Document analysis – You will need notebook paper and 2 highlighter (different
Read documents posted on website over the Mexican War
Watch History Channel “The Mexican-American War” (linked on line)
Complete Learning Curve for Chapter 13 (Saturday 11:59 p.m.)
Monday, December 8, 2014
General Reminders
 Debate Wednesday on the Mexican War
 Movie Club
 Today – The Mexican-American War (90 minutes)
 Tomorrow – The Mexican-American War (repeat)
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Explore possible responses to the following essential questions:
 What factors led to the Mexican-American War?
 To what extent was it a war of American aggression? Or Mexican aggression?
Today’s Activities
 Shaping America Video #18 – Moving Westward
 Take notes – gathering evidence for both side of the debate
Read documents posted on website over the Mexican War
Watch History Channel “The Mexican-American War” (linked on line)
Complete Learning Curve for Chapter 13 (Saturday 11:59 p.m.)
John C Calhoun would like to wish you luck
on your Unit 4 Exam today. He hopes you
share his enthusiasm for historical analysis.
Friday, December 5, 2014
General Reminders
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Explore possible responses to the following essential questions:
 How did the Industrial Revolution and the Market Revolution change the way
ordinary Americans lived in the first half of the 19th century?
 What were the main features of the Democratic Revolution?
 What role did Andrew Jackson play in its outcome?
 In what ways did Americans attempt to create a perfect society in the first half
of the 19th Century
 How were slaves able to maintain a sense of dignity and meaning while
enduring the hardships of slavery in the American South?
 Did slaves resist their condition of bondage?
Today’s Activities
 Test - Unit 4 (Historical Period 4)
Read Chapter 13 – all of it
Complete Learning Curve for Chapter 13
Thursday, December 4, 2014
General Reminders
 Unit 4 Test tomorrow– Chapters 9 – 12
 Review sessions: Today 3:00 and 5:00 (about 1½ hours each)
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Explore possible responses to the following essential questions:
 How did the Industrial Revolution and the Market Revolution change the way
ordinary Americans lived in the first half of the 19th century?
 What were the main features of the Democratic Revolution?
 What role did Andrew Jackson play in its outcome?
 In what ways did Americans attempt to create a perfect society in the first half
of the 19th Century
 How were slaves able to maintain a sense of dignity and meaning while
enduring the hardships of slavery in the American South?
 Did slaves resist their condition of bondage?
Today’s Activities
 Test review
Review for upcoming test
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
General Reminders
 TCU is ranked #3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Unit 4 Test Friday – Chapters 9 – 12
 Review sessions: Tomorrow (Thursday) 3:00 and 5:00
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Explore possible responses to the following essential questions:
 How were slaves able to maintain a sense of dignity and meaning while
enduring the hardships of slavery in the American South?
 Did slaves resist their condition of bondage?
Today’s Activities
 Chapter 12 Documents – discussion
Review for upcoming test
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
General Reminders
 3 weeks until Christmas break!
 Unit 4 Test Friday – Chapters 9 - 12
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Explore possible responses to the following essential questions:
 In what ways did Americans attempt to create a perfect society in the first half
of the 19th Century
 How were slaves able to maintain a sense of dignity and meaning while
enduring the hardships of slavery in the American South?
 Did slaves resist their condition of bondage?
Today’s Activities
 Whole group discussion of perfectionism in 19th century America
 Chapter 12 Documents – small group discussion
Review for upcoming test
Monday, December 1, 2014
General Reminders
 3 weeks until Christmas break!
 Unit 4 Test Friday – Chapters 9 - 12
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Explore possible responses to the following essential questions:
 In what ways did Americans attempt to create a perfect society in the first half
of the 19th Century?
Today’s Activities
 Chapter 11 Documents - discussion
Review for upcoming test
Friday, November 21, 2014
General Reminders
 Be sure to pickup your Thanksgiving break task list from the table
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Explore possible responses to the following essential questions:
 How were slaves able to maintain a sense of dignity and meaning while
enduring the hardships of slavery in the American South?
 Did slaves resist their condition of bondage?
Today’s Activities
 The Story of Brer Rabbit
 Video: Shaping America Lesson 16 – “The Slave South”
 Take notes, using the essential questions above as a guide.
Begin reading Chapter 11
Thursday, November 20, 2014
General Reminders
 Be sure to pickup your Thanksgiving break task list from the table
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Explore possible responses to the following essential questions:
 Is it possible for man to create a perfect society?
 If so, how?
 If not, why not?
Today’s Activities
 Video: Shaping America Lesson 17 – “Perfecting America”
 Take notes, using the essential questions above as a guide.
Begin reading Chapter 11
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
General Reminders
 Reel Buffs Movie Club
 Cancelled yesterday because of the fire
 Today – Amistad (1st half – 1 hour & 20 minutes)
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Explore possible responses to the following essential questions:
 Does universal suffrage and majority rule always lead to the best result in a
Today’s Activities
 Great Debates in American History – “Who Should be Allowed to Vote?”
 Class discussion
Begin reading Chapter 11
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
General Reminders
 Grades for Term 2 will be final tonight. I’m still making adjustments.
 All Chapter 10 LaunchPad assignments have been turned back on until Tuesday
 John Marshall Court Cases were due yesterday. If you e-mail them, I sent a
confirmation reply saying “Thank you.”
 Reel Buffs Movie Club
 Today – Amistad (1st half – 1 hour & 20 minutes)
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Explore possible responses to the following essential questions:
 Does universal suffrage and majority rule always lead to the best result in a
Today’s Activities
 Document for America’s History: 10-1, 10-3, 10-4, 10-5
 Discuss the above documents
Finish anything from Chapter 10 that you have not yet finished
Great Debates in American History – “Who Should Be Allowed to Vote?”
Monday, November 17, 2014
General Reminders
 Today is the first day of the 3rd grading term
 Grades for Term 2 will be final tomorrow. I’m still making adjustments.
 All Chapter 10 LaunchPad assignments have been turned back on until Tuesday
 John Marshall Court Cases are due now. If you e-mail them, I will send a
confirmation reply saying “Thank you.”
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Explore possible responses to the following essential questions:
 Does universal suffrage and majority rule always lead to the best result in a
Today’s Activities
 Document for America’s History: 10-1, 10-3, 10-4, 10-5
 Take notes using the 3 questions at the end of each document as a guide
 Finish reading assigned documents. They will be posted on the webpage under
primary source documents.
Monday, November 17, 2014
General Reminders
 Today is the first day of the 3rd grading term
 Grades for Term 2 will be final tomorrow. I’m still making adjustments.
 All Chapter 10 LaunchPad assignments have been turned back on until Tuesday
 John Marshall Court Cases are due now. If you e-mail them, I will send a
confirmation reply saying “Thank you.”
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Explore possible responses to the following essential questions:
 Does universal suffrage and majority rule always lead to the best result in a
Today’s Activities
 Document for America’s History: 10-1, 10-3, 10-4, 10-5
 Take notes using the 3 questions at the end of each document as a guide
 Finish reading assigned documents. They will be posted on the webpage under
primary source documents.
Friday, November 14, 2014
General Reminders
 Today is the last day to bring packaged or canned food for the food drive!!!
 2 Documents on LaunchPad – Electronically submit or turn in written responses by
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Explore possible responses to the following essential questions:
 What were the main features of the Democratic Revolution?
 What role did Andrew Jackson play in its outcome?
Today’s Activities
 Binder Check
 Work on Chapter 10 reading, notes (graphic organizer), and documents
 Continue reading Chapter 10. Take notes using guided reading graphic organizer
from Learning Curve.
 Chapter 10 Learning Curve due SATURDAY 11:59 p.m.
 Final typed Marshall Court project due MONDAY Nov 17th.
Thursday, November 13, 2014
General Reminders
 Tomorrow is the last day to bring packaged or canned food for the food drive!!!
 Binder Check TOMORROW. See me today if you will be out tomorrow.
 2 Documents on LaunchPad – Electronically submit or turn in written responses by
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Explore possible responses to the following essential questions:
 What were the main features of the Democratic Revolution?
 What role did Andrew Jackson play in its outcome?
Today’s Activities
 Vocabulary Test #2 (chapters 6 – 9)
 Continue reading Chapter 10. Take notes using guided reading graphic organizer
from Learning Curve.
 Chapter 10 Document responses on Launch Pad deadline TODAY 11:59 p.m.
 Chapter 10 Learning Curve due SATURDAY 11:59 p.m.
 Final typed Marshall Court project due MONDAY Nov 17th.
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
General Reminders
 Canned Food Drive!! Bonus Point opportunity – $1 of food = 1 point (limit of $20)
 Vocabulary Test TOMORROW (Chapters 6 – 9)
 Binder Check FRIDAY
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Explore possible responses to the following essential questions:
 What were the main features of the Democratic Revolution?
 What role did Andrew Jackson play in its outcome?
Today’s Activities
 Marshall Court Landmark Cases discussion
 Continue reading Chapter 10. Take notes using guided reading graphic organizer
from Learning Curve.
 Chapter 10 Document responses on Launch Pad due THURSDAY 11:59 p.m.
 Chapter 10 Learning Curve due SATURDAY 11:59 p.m.
 Final typed Marshall Court project due MONDAY Nov 17th.
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
General Reminders
Canned Food Drive!! Bonus Point opportunity – $1 of food = 1 point (limit of $20)
Vocabulary Test THURSDAY (Chapters 6 – 9)
Binder Check FRIDAY
Reel Buffs Movie Club
 TODAY– Trail of Tears (3:00 to 5:00) only one showing
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Explore possible responses to the following essential questions:
 What were the main features of the Democratic Revolution?
 What role did Andrew Jackson play in its outcome?
Today’s Activities
 Silent work day – Read, study vocabulary, work on Marshall Court, organize binders
 Continue reading Chapter 10. Take notes using guided reading graphic organizer
from Learning Curve.
 Chapter 10 Document responses on Launch Pad due THURSDAY 11:59 p.m.
 Chapter 10 Learning Curve due SATURDAY 11:59 p.m.
 Final typed Marshall Court project due MONDAY Nov 17th.
Monday, November 10, 2014
General Reminders
I am checking your Marshall Court Case progress. Get them out. Name on both.
Canned Food Drive!! Bonus Point opportunity – $1 of food = 1 point (limit of $20)
Vocabulary Test THURSDAY (Chapters 6 – 9)
Binder Check FRIDAY
Reel Buffs Movie Club
 Tuesday – Trail of Tears (3:00 to 5:00) only one showing
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Explore possible responses to the following essential questions:
 What were the main features of the Democratic Revolution of the early 1800s?
 What role did Andrew Jackson play in its outcome?
Today’s Activities
 Read textbook pages 316 - 322
 The John Marshall Court - Read, annotate, and mark the readings. Take notes on the
lined paper. These will be checked on Monday for a grade.
 Final typed project due MONDAY Nov 17th.
 Begin reading Chapter 10. Take notes using guided reading from Learning Curve.
Friday, November 7, 2014
General Reminders
 Canned Food Drive!! Bonus Point opportunity – $1 of food = 1 point (limit of $20)
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Explore possible responses to the following essential question:
 How did the Industrial Revolution and the Market Revolution change the way
ordinary Americans lived in the first half of the 19th century?
 Were these changes positive or negative?
Today’s Activities
 Discussion of Document set for Chapter 9 (2,3,5,6,9,10)
 The John Marshall Court - Read, annotate, and mark the readings. Take notes on the
lined paper. These will be checked on Monday for a grade.
 Final typed project due MONDAY Nov 17th.
Thursday, November 6, 2014
General Reminders
 Canned Food Drive!! Bonus Point opportunity – $1 of food = 1 point (limit of $20)
 Reel Buffs Movie Club
 TODAY– Uncle Buck – room 244 (just for fun)
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Explore possible responses to the following essential question:
 How did the Industrial Revolution and the Market Revolution change the way
ordinary Americans lived in the first half of the 19th century?
 Were these changes positive or negative?
 What were the causes and effects of the Second Great Awakening?
 What social and cultural changes were brought about by the increase in
immigration in the first half of the 19th century?
Today’s Activities
 Discussion of “Thinking Like a Historian” pages 298 – 299
 Discussion of “American Voices” pages 308 - 309
 Read Document Set for Chapter 9 – (posted on Website under primary sources)
 The John Marshall Court - begin analyzing cases. Project due MONDAY Nov 17th.
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
General Reminders
 Canned Food Drive!! Bonus Point opportunity – $1 of food = 1 point (limit of $20)
 Learning Curve for Chapter 9 deadline is TONIGHT at 11:59.
 Reel Buffs Movie Club
 Thursday – Uncle Buck – room 244 (just for fun)
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Explore possible responses to the following essential question:
 What were the causes and effects of the Second Great Awakening?
 What social and cultural changes were brought about by the increase in
immigration in the first half of the 19th century?
Today’s Activities
 Video – God in America, Episode 2, “The New Eden”
 Take notes answering the 2 essential questions above
 Document Set for Chapter 9 (6 documents) – on Website
 Learning Curve
 The John Marshall Court - begin analyzing cases. Project due MONDAY, Nov 17th.
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
General Reminders
 Canned Food Drive!! Bonus Point opportunity – $1 of food = 1 point (limit of $20)
 Learning Curve for Chapter 9 deadline is WEDNESDAY at 11:59.
 Reel Buffs Movie Club
 TODAY– John Adams Part 7 (He will FINALLY die) 3:00 only
 Thursday – Uncle Buck – room 244 (just for fun)
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Explore possible responses to the following essential question:
 How did the Industrial Revolution and the Market Revolution change the way
ordinary Americans lived in the first half of the 19th century?
 Were these changes positive or negative?
Today’s Activities
 Story of Us video: “Division”
 Take notes to answer the essential questions above
 Finish reading Chapter 9 – pages 301 - 311
 The John Marshall Court - begin reading cases. Project due MONDAY, Nov 17th.
Monday, November 3, 2014
General Reminders
 Canned Food Drive!! Bonus Point opportunity – $1 of food = 1 point (limit of $20)
 Learning Curve for Chapter 9 deadline is WEDNESDAY at 11:59.
 Reel Buffs Movie Club
 Tuesday – John Adams Part 7 (He will FINALLY die) 3:00 only
 Thursday – Uncle Buck – room 244 (just for fun)
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Explore possible responses to the following essential question:
 How did the Industrial Revolution and the Market Revolution change the way
ordinary Americans lived in the first half of the 19th century?
 Were these changes positive or negative?
Today’s Activities
 Shaping America video lesson # 14
 Take notes to answer the essential questions above
 Group discussion of the essential questions above
 Continue reading Chapter 9 – pages 293 - 301
 The John Marshall Court - begin reading cases. Project due Nov 17th.
Friday, October 31, 2014
General Reminders
 Missouri Compromise Map and Questions due NOW. Staple together please.
 I will take them until 3:30 today.
 Band Students – please make sure you are on my list. You’ll need to come by the
room after school today to pick up a few materials for next week.
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Explore possible responses to the following essential question:
 Was independence inevitable and was war the only way to achieve it?
 How “revolutionary” was the American Revolution?
 How powerful should the national government be?
 What principles should be the foundation of a republican society?
Today’s Activities
 Unit 3 Exam – Chapters 5, 6, 7, 8
 Begin reading Chapter 9 – pages 284 - 293
 Learning Curve 9 deadline next WEDNESDAY 11:59 p.m.
Thursday, October 30, 2014
General Reminders
 Missouri Compromise Map due TOMORROW
 Test review sessions – TODAY 3:00
 Unit 3 Test (chapters 5 – 8) this TOMORROW
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Explore possible responses to the following essential question:
 What principles should be the foundation of a republican society?
Today’s Activities
 Freedom of Religion discussion
 Video: God in America, Episode 2, The New Eden
 Take notes using the graphic organizer downloaded from Launch Pad
 Learning Curve deadline TONIGHT 11:59 p.m.
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
General Reminders
 Test review sessions – TODAY 4:15 (after movie) and THURSDAY 3:00
 Unit 3 Test (chapters 5 – 8) this Friday, Oct. 31
 Reel Buffs Movie Club
 TODAY – John Adams Part 6 (3:00 – 4:15)
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Explore possible responses to the following essential question:
 What principles should be the foundation of a republican society?
Today’s Activities
 Missouri Compromise map and analytical questions
 Chapter 8, pages 264 – 277
 Take notes using the graphic organizer downloaded from Launch Pad
 Learning Curve deadline THURSDAY 11:59 p.m.
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
General Reminders
 Test review sessions – Wednesday 4:15 (after movie) and Thursday 3:00
 Unit 3 Test (chapters 5 – 8) this Friday, Oct. 31
 Reel Buffs Movie Club
 Wednesday – John Adams Part 6 (3:00 only)
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Explore possible responses to the following essential question:
 What principles should be the foundation of a republican society?
Today’s Activities
 Thinking Like a Historian – pp. 260 – 261
 Chapter 8, pages 256 – 264
 Take notes using the graphic organizer downloaded from Launch Pad
 Learning Curve deadline THURSDAY 11:59 p.m.
Monday, October 27, 2014
General Reminders
Short essays on War Hawks and Tecumseh due NOW. Staple together.
Unit 3 Test (chapters 5 – 8) this Friday, Oct. 31
Remember that binders WILL be checked this term. Do not throw anything away.
Keep taking notes as you read the textbook.
Reel Buffs Movie Club
 Today– John Adams Part 6 (3:00 AND 4:00)
 Wednesday – John Adams Part 6 (3:00 only)
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Explore possible responses to the following essential question:
 What principles should be the foundation of a republican society?
Today’s Activities
 Thinking Like a Historian – pp. 252 – 253
 Chapter 8, pages 248 – 256
 Take notes using the graphic organizer downloaded from Launch Pad
 Learning Curve deadline THURSDAY 11:59 p.m.
Friday, October 24, 2014
General Reminders
 Unit 3 Test (chapters 5 – 8) next Friday, Oct. 31
 Remember that binders WILL be checked this term. Do not throw anything away.
 Keep taking notes as you read the textbook.
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Explore possible responses to the following essential question:
 How powerful should the national government be?
Today’s Activities
Profiles in Folly – The War Hawks of 1812
Respond in 26 lines – To what extent did the war hawks act foolishly?
Profiles in Audacity – Tecumseh and an Indian Nation
Respond in 26 lines – To what extent did Tecumseh act audaciously?
 Begin working on test review for Unit 3.
Thursday, October 23, 2014
General Reminders
Debate next Monday, Oct. 27
Unit 3 Test (chapters 5 – 8) next Friday, Oct. 31
Remember that binders WILL be checked this term. Do not throw anything away.
Keep taking notes as you read the textbook.
Reel Buffs Movie Club
 Today–Breakfast Club - Room 244 (just for fun)
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Explore possible responses to the following essential question:
 How powerful should the national government be?
Today’s Activities
 American Voices – pp. 238 – 239
 Answer 4 questions on p. 239 – in INK
 Learning Curve deadline TONIGHT 11:59 p.m.
 Profiles in Folly – The War Hawks of 1812 (p. 151)
 Profiles in Audacity – Tecumseh (p. 34)
Thursday, October 23, 2014
General Reminders
Debate next Monday, Oct. 27
Unit 3 Test (chapters 5 – 8) next Friday, Oct. 31
Remember that binders WILL be checked this term. Do not throw anything away.
Keep taking notes as you read the textbook.
Reel Buffs Movie Club
 Today–Breakfast Club - Room 244 (just for fun)
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Explore possible responses to the following essential question:
 How powerful should the national government be?
Today’s Activities
 American Voices – pp. 238 – 239
 Answer 4 questions on p. 239 – in INK
 Learning Curve 7 deadline TONIGHT 11:59 p.m.
 Profiles in Folly – The War Hawks of 1812 (p. 151)
 Profiles in Audacity – Tecumseh (p. 34)
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
General Reminders
Debate next Monday, Oct. 27
Unit 3 Test (chapters 5 – 8) next Friday, Oct. 31
Remember that binders WILL be checked this term. Do not throw anything away.
Keep taking notes as you read the textbook.
Reel Buffs Movie Club
 Today– John Adams, Part 5 (Finally, the one with Alexander Hamilton)
 Thursday –Breakfast Club - Room 244 (just for fun)
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Explore possible responses to the following essential question:
 How powerful should the national government be?
Today’s Activities
 Quick Write – Thomas Jefferson
 Chapter 7 vocabulary practice
 Finish reading Chapter 7 – pages 234 - 245
 Learning Curve deadline has been extended to Thursday 11:59 p.m. (by popular
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
General Reminders
Debate next Monday, Oct. 27
Unit 3 Test (chapters 5 – 8) next Friday, Oct. 31
Remember that binders WILL be checked this term. Do not throw anything away.
Keep taking notes as you read the textbook.
Reel Buffs Movie Club
 Today– John Adams, Part 5 (Finally, the one with Alexander Hamilton)
 Thursday –Breakfast Club - Room 244 (just for fun)
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Explore possible responses to the following essential question:
 How powerful should the national government be?
Today’s Activities
 Quick Write – Alexander Hamilton
 Teacher lecture and notes on Hamilton’s financial plan
 Continue reading Chapter 7 – pages 226 - 234
 Learning Curve deadline has been extended to Thursday 11:59 p.m. (by popular
Monday, October 20, 2014
General Reminders
Debate next Monday, Oct. 27
Unit 3 Test (chapters 5 – 8) next Friday, Oct. 31
Remember that binders WILL be checked this term. Do not throw anything away.
Keep taking notes as you read the textbook.
Reel Buffs Movie Club
 Tuesday– John Adams, Part 5 (Finally, the one with Alexander Hamilton)
 Thursday –Breakfast Club - Room 244 (just for fun)
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Explore possible responses to the following essential question:
 How powerful should the national government be?
Today’s Activities
 Graphic organizer – “Hamilton and Jefferson – Different Ideas of Republicanism”
 Small group discussion; video clips; teacher explanation
 Continue reading Chapter 7.
 Learning Curve deadline has been extended to Thursday 11:59 p.m. (by popular
Friday, October 17, 2014
General Reminders
 Remember that binders WILL be checked this term. Do not throw anything away.
 Keep taking notes as you read the textbook.
 Reel Buffs Movie Club
 Tuesday– John Adams, Part 5 (Finally, the one with Alexander Hamilton)
 Thursday –Breakfast Club - Room 244 (just for fun)
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Explore possible responses to the following essential question:
 How powerful should the national government be?
Today’s Activities
 Independent silent reading of Chapter 7
 Graphic organizer – “Hamilton and Jefferson – Different Ideas of Republicanism”
 Launch Pad – Federalist essays # 10 & # 51. Read and answer the 3 questions on line.
This has been reopened with a deadline of Sunday at 11:59 p.m.
 Continue reading Chapter 7. Learning Curve deadline – Tuesday 11:59 p.m.
Thursday, October 16, 2014
General Reminders
 Remember that binders WILL be checked this term. Do not throw anything away.
 Keep taking notes as you read the textbook.
 Reel Buffs Movie Club
 Today– Back to the Future Part 3 – Room 244 (just for fun)
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Explore possible responses to the following essential questions:
 How “revolutionary” was the American Revolution?
 How powerful should the national government be?
Today’s Activities
 Exploration of issues concerning strength of national government
 Vocabulary study
 Great Debates documents: “How Powerful Should the National Government Be?”
 Launch Pad – Federalist essays # 10 & # 51. Read and answer the 3 questions on line.
 Begin reading Chapter 7. Learning Curve deadline – Sunday 11:59 p.m.
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
General Reminders
 Remember that binders WILL be checked this term. Do not throw anything away.
 Keep taking notes as you read the textbook.
 Reel Buffs Movie Club
 Today– John Adams (Part 4)
 Thursday – Back to the Future Part 3 – Room 244 (just for fun)
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Explore possible responses to the following essential questions:
 How “revolutionary” was the American Revolution?
 How powerful should the national government be?
Today’s Activities
 PSAT – Periods 1 – 4
 Period 5 – study period
 Period 6 – Motivational speaker assembly
 Great Debates documents: “How Powerful Should the National Government Be?”
 Launch Pad – Federalist essays # 10 & # 51. Read and answer the 3 questions on line.
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
General Reminders
Turn in Daniel Shays’ obituaries if you did not e mail it to me already
Remember that binders WILL be checked this term. Do not throw anything away.
Keep taking notes as you read the textbook.
Reel Buffs Movie Club
 Today and Tomorrow– John Adams (Part 4)
 Thursday – Back to the Future Part 3 – Room 244 (just for fun)
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Explore possible responses to the following essential questions:
 How “revolutionary” was the American Revolution?
 How powerful should the national government be?
Today’s Activities
 Teacher lecture on comparison of confederation, federalism and consolidation
 Great Debates documents: “How Powerful Should the National Government Be?”
 Launch Pad – Federalist essays # 10 & # 51. Read and answer the 3 questions on line.
Thursday, October 9, 2014
General Reminders
 Remember that binders WILL be checked this term. Do not throw anything away.
Keep taking notes as you read the textbook.
 You will have several assignments to complete over the 4 day weekend – Work a
little each day and you should have no problem getting it all done.
 Send me an e mail TODAY describing your favorite part of TKAM (5 test bonus points)
 Reel Buffs Movie Club meets Tuesdays and Thursdays
 Today– Back to the Future (room 244 – just for fun)
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Explore possible responses to the following essential question:
 How “revolutionary” was the American Revolution?
Today’s Activities
 “Ten Days that Unexpectedly Changed American History” - Shays’s Rebellion
 Write an obituary for Daniel Shays
 Continue reading Chapter 6 (pages 196 - 204)
 Chapter 6 Learning Curve and Chapter Quiz - deadline Friday 11:59 p.m.
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
General Reminders
 Send me an e mail TODAY describing your favorite part of TKAM (5 test bonus points)
 Reel Buffs Movie Club meets Tuesdays and Thursdays
 Today- John Adams (Parts 2 & 3)
 Tomorrow– Back to the Future (room 244 – just for fun)
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Explore possible responses to the following essential question:
 How “revolutionary” was the American Revolution?
Today’s Activities
 Brief video segment from Liberty (Part 2) – Thomas Paine and Common Sense
 Document analysis and interpretation – excerpts from Common Sense and the
Declaration of Independence
 Small group discussion of responses
 Read Thomas Paine’s Common Sense (answer questions on Launch Pad for extra
credit) Deadline 11:59 tonight!
 Continue reading Chapter 6 (pages 189 - 196)
 Chapter 6 Learning Curve and Chapter Quiz - deadline Friday 11:59 p.m.
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
General Reminders
 Last night for To Kill a Mockingbird – 7:00 p.m. (Bonus points for attending)
 Reel Buffs Movie Club meets Tuesdays and Thursdays
 Today- John Adams (Parts 2 & 3)
 Tomorrow-- John Adams (Parts 2 & 3) (same as Tuesday)
 Thursday– Back to the Future (room 244 – just for fun)
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Explore possible responses to the following essential question:
 Was colonial independence inevitable and was war the only way to achieve it?
Today’s Activities
 Interactive discussion of Revolution era events
 Small group and whole group discussions of the essential question above
 Read Thomas Paine’s Common Sense (answer questions on Launch Pad for extra
 Begin reading Chapter 6 (pages 184 – 189)
 Chapter 6 Learning Curve and Chapter Quiz will be due Friday.
Monday, October 6, 2014
General Reminders
 Reel Buffs Movie Club meets Tuesdays and Thursdays
 Tuesday - John Adams (Parts 2 & 3)
 Wednesday -- John Adams (Parts 2 & 3) (same as Tuesday)
 Thursday– Back to the Future (room 244 – just for fun)
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Explore possible responses to the following essential question:
 Was colonial independence inevitable and was war the only way to achieve it?
Today’s Activities
 Vocabulary Test – Chapters 1 – 5
 Read Profiles in Folly essay “King George III and the American Revolution” p. 137
 Liberty, Part I is linked on my webpage (if you missed it in class or need to see it
again to take notes).
 Read Profiles in Folly essay “King George III and the American Revolution” – It will be
posted on the webpage today.
 Chapter 6 Learning Curve and Chapter Quiz will be due Friday.
Friday, October 3, 2014
General Reminders
 Today– Group time line due by 5:00 p.m.
 Monday- Big Vocabulary Test – Chapters 1 – 5 (Major grade)
 Reel Buffs Movie Club meets Tuesdays and Thursdays
 Tuesday - John Adams (Parts 2 & 3)
 Wednesday -- John Adams (Parts 2 & 3) (same as Tuesday)
 Thursday– Back to the Future (room 244 – just for fun)
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Explore possible responses to the following essential question:
 Was colonial independence inevitable and was war the only way to achieve it?
Today’s Activities
 Finish time lines!!!!
 Complete time lines
 Study vocabulary – The complete list with definitions is now posted on my webpage!
 Liberty, Part I is linked on my webpage (if you missed it in class or need to see it
again to take notes).
Thursday, October 2, 2014
General Reminders
 Tomorrow– Group time line due. (Major grade)
 Monday- Big Vocabulary Test – Chapters 1 – 5 (Major grade)
 Reel Buffs Movie Club meets Tuesdays and Thursdays
 Today– Back to the Future (room 244 – just for fun)
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Understand social and legal implications of unwise decisions.
 Listen and ask relevant questions.
Today’s Activities
 The Women’s Center Presentation: Play It Safe
 Complete time lines
 Study vocabulary
 Liberty, Part I is linked on my webpage (if you missed it in class or need to see it
again to take notes).
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
General Reminders
 Tomorrow– Play it Safe Presentation (Bring a signed form back if you DON’T want to
be in class that day.)
 Friday– Group time line due. (Major grade)
 Monday- Big Vocabulary Test – Chapters 1 – 5 (Major grade)
 Reel Buffs Movie Club meets Tuesdays and Thursdays
 Today- HBO mini series – John Adams, Part I (repeat of Tuesday’s show)
 Tomorrow– Back to the Future
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Explore possible responses to the following essential question:
 Was colonial independence inevitable and was war the only way to achieve it?
Today’s Activities
 Collaborative Project: Road to Revolution Annotated Time Line
 Complete time lines
 Study vocabulary
 Liberty, Part I is linked on my webpage (if you missed it in class or need to see it
again to take notes).
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
General Reminders
 Thursday – Play it Safe Presentation (Bring a signed form back if you DON’T want to
be in class that day.)
 Friday– Group time line due. (Major grade)
 Monday- Big Vocabulary Test – Chapters 1 – 5 (Major grade)
 Reel Buffs Movie Club meets Tuesdays and Thursdays
 Tuesday– HBO mini series – John Adams, Part I
 Wednesday - HBO mini series – John Adams, Part I (repeat of Tuesday’s show)
 Thursday – Back to the Future
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Explore possible responses to the following essential question:
 Was colonial independence inevitable and was war the only way to achieve it?
Today’s Activities
 Collaborative Project: Road to Revolution Annotated Time Line
Homework: Reading in Chapter 5 and Learning Curve for Chapter 5
 Learning Curve: due Tuesday night at 11:59
 Liberty, Part I is linked on my webpage (if you missed it in class or need to see it
again to take notes).
Movie Club:
• You will be watching the HBO series John
Adams (parts 1 & 2)
• Each part is 1 hour. We will finish at 5:00.
• The story begins in Boston in 1770, the time of
the “Boston Massacre.”
• To receive 5 bonus points on a test, you must
take a reasonable amount of notes and turn
them in today.
Test Corrections:
You will be working in room 234 across the hall.
Be sure to take a textbook with you.
Work silently and individually.
Find a copy of the test, a correction form, and
your scan sheet on the table.
Start with 14.
DO NOT CORRECT numbers 1 – 13.
We will do 1 – 13 in class later.
Bring everything back to me when finished.
Monday, September 29, 2014
General Reminders
 Thursday – Play it Safe Presentation (Bring a signed form back if you DON’T want to
be in class that day.)
 Friday– Group time line due. (Major grade)
 Monday- Big Vocabulary Test – Chapters 1 – 5 (Major grade)
 Reel Buffs Movie Club meets Tuesdays and Thursdays
 Tuesday– HBO mini series – John Adams, Part I
 Thursday – Back to the Future
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Explore possible responses to the following essential question:
 Was colonial independence inevitable and was war the only way to achieve it?
Today’s Activities
 Introductory video and notes: Liberty, Part I
Homework: Reading in Chapter 5 and Learning Curve for Chapter 5
 Learning Curve: due Tuesday night at 11:59
Friday, September 26, 2014
General Reminders
 Next Thursday – Group time line due. (Major grade)
 Next Friday - Big Vocabulary Test – Chapters 1 – 5 (Major grade)
 Reel Buffs Movie Club meets Tuesdays and Thursdays
 Tuesday– HBO mini series – John Adams, Part I
 Thursday – Back to the Future
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Explore possible responses to the following essential question:
 Was colonial independence inevitable and was war the only way to achieve it?
Today’s Activities
 Introductory video and notes: Liberty, Part I
 Directions for collaborative project: The Road to Revolution Annotated Time Line
Homework: Reading in Chapter 5 and Learning Curve for Chapter 5
Wednesday night:
Thursday night:
Learning Curve:
pages 150 – 157
pages 157 – 167
pages 168 – 179
due Tuesday night at 11:59
Thursday, September 25, 2014
General Reminders
 Reel Buffs Movie Club meets Tuesdays and Thursdays
 Today– Batman (just for fun – no bonus points) in room 244
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Demonstrate understanding of the following essential questions:
 How did the South Atlantic System create an interconnected Atlantic World?
Today’s Activities
 Go over test
Homework: Reading in Chapter 5 and Learning Curve for Chapter 5
 Wednesday night:
 Thursday night:
 Weekend:
pages 150 – 157
pages 157 – 167
pages 168 - 179
Today’s Movie:
Last of the Mohicans
The story of the French
and Indian War
You must take at least
one page of notes for
bonus points.
3:00 to 5:00
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
General Reminders
 Reel Buffs Movie Club meets Tuesdays and Thursdays in room 244 at 2:45
 TODAY at 3:00 and 5:15 – The Last of the Mohicans (story of the French and
Indian War)
 Thursday – Batman (just for fun – no bonus points)
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Demonstrate understanding of the following essential questions:
 How did the South Atlantic System create an interconnected Atlantic World?
 In what ways were Britain’s American colonies affected by events across the
 How were colonial societies taking on an identity of their own by the mid
Today’s Activities
 Multiple Choice Exam
Homework: Reading in Chapter 5 and Learning Curve for Chapter 5
 Wednesday night:
 Thursday night:
 Weekend:
pages 150 – 157
pages 157 – 167
pages 168 - 179
Tips for effective debate:
• DO NOT read a statement. Just talk.
• DO NOT direct your statements to me. Talk
to the other side.
• Stand to speak.
• Speak loudly, clearly, and slowly.
• Listen to others and take notes, so you can
actually respond to what they say.
• Listen to your OWN team so you can add to
what they say.
• Asking questions is good.
• Everyone on a team must speak once before
anyone on that team can speak twice.
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
General Reminders
 Unit 2 Test (Chapters 3 & 4) TOMORROW
 Reel Buffs Movie Club meets Tuesdays and Thursdays in room 244 at 2:45
 TOMORROW at 3:00 and 5:15 – The Last of the Mohicans (story of the French
and Indian War)
 Thursday – Batman (just for fun – no bonus points)
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Examine the following essential question
 Did the Great Awakening or the Enlightenment have a more profound and
lasting impact on America? (even up to the present day)
Today’s Activities
 Debate the above question.
 Complete Learning Curve for Chapter 4 TODAY by 11:59 p.m.
 Study for Unit 2 exam
Monday, September 22, 2014
General Reminders
 Unit 2 Test (Chapters 3 & 4) on Wednesday
 Reel Buffs Movie Club meets Tuesdays and Thursdays in room 244 at 2:45
 Wednesday at 3:00 and 5:15 – The Last of the Mohicans (story of the French and
Indian War)
 Thursday – Batman (just for fun – no bonus points)
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Examine the following essential question
 Did the Great Awakening or the Enlightenment have a more profound and
lasting impact on America? (even up to the present day)
Today’s Activities
 Prepare for tomorrow’s debate – Everyone MUST speak during the debate.
 Higher scores will go to individuals who are able to respond specifically to the other
side’s arguments (so you need to understand BOTH points of view).
 Complete Learning Curve for Chapter 4 by Tuesday, 11:59 p.m.
 Prepare for class debate on the Enlightenment and Great Awakening (Tuesday)
 Read documents posted on my webpage
Friday, September 19, 2014
General Reminders
 Unit 2 Test (Chapters 3 & 4) on Wedneday
 Reel Buffs Movie Club meets Tuesdays and Thursdays in room 244 at 2:45
 Next Wednesday at 3:00 and 5:15 – The Last of the Mohicans (story of the
French and Indian War)
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Examine the following essential question
 Did the Great Awakening or the Enlightenment have a more profound and
lasting impact on America?
Today’s Activities
 God in America – “George Whitefield and the Great Awakening”
 Take notes
Complete Learning Curve for Chapter 3 by Friday, 11:59 p.m.
Finish reading Chapter 4, pages 135 – 143
Complete Learning Curve for Chapter 4 by Tuesday, 11:59 p.m.
Prepare for class debate on the Enlightenment and Great Awakening (Tuesday)
Read documents posted on my webpage
Thursday, September 18, 2014
General Reminders
 Reel Buffs Movie Club meets Tuesdays and Thursdays in room 244 at 2:45
 Today– The Princess Bride (Just for fun – no bonus points)
 Next Wednesday at 3:00 and 5:15 – The Last of the Mohicans (story of the
French and Indian War)
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Examine the following essential question
 In what ways was the region of the Middle Colonies the most socially, culturally,
and economically diverse?
Today’s Activities
 Shaping America Video – Lesson 5 – “Diversifying British America”
 Classroom discussion
 Complete Learning Curve for Chapter 3 by Friday, 11:59 p.m.
 Continue reading Chapter 4, pages 126 - 135
 Begin preparing for class debate on the Enlightenment and Great Awakening – Read
3 documents posted on my webpage.
APUSH Binder Organization
 Cover Page - Using a pen or marker, center this information
prominently on the page:
Your Name
AP U.S. History (APUSH)
Ms. Ayala
Period ___
2014 – 2015
• Immediately after your cover page, place miscellaneous
items, such as Course Information, Reading Schedules, etc.
 Then 5 dividers for the fall semester - Clearly label the dividers
 Period 1 – (1491-1660) – Chapters 1 & 2
 Period 2 – (1660-1754) – Chapters 3 & 4
 Period 3 – (1754-1820) – Chapters 5 - 8
 Period 4 – (1800-1848) – Chapters 9 – 12
 Period 5 – (1844-1877) – Chapters 13 - 16
Test Correction Procedures:
• Please set your phone to silent and put it in the bucket.
• You must be quiet at all times – just like a test.
• Scan sheets are stacked by period. Find yours.
• Get the correct test form (A,B,C,D) from the colored
folders on the from table.
• Get and READ the directions for making corrections.
• Get the correction form.
• Be sure to fill in the information at the top correctly,
including the time you began and finished.
• See me if you have any questions. I am here to help.
• When finished, hand me your scan sheet and
corrections. Return the test to the folder and
directions to the table.
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
General Reminders
 If you were absent Monday, you must see me to sign up for Launch Pad, our on-line
textbook. Assignment due Friday!!!!!!
 Test Corrections – last opportunity after school today
 Reel Buffs Movie Club meets Tuesdays and Thursdays in room 244 at 2:45
 Thursday – The Princess Bride
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Examine the following essential question
 How and why did the institution of slavery develop differently in the
Chesapeake region and South Carolina?
Today’s Activities
 Document analysis – Virginia Slave Codes, 1650 - 1750
 Classroom discussion
 Complete Learning Curve for Chapter 3 by Friday, 11:59 p.m.
 Begin reading Chapter 4, pages 114 – 126
 Begin preparing for class debate on the Enlightenment and Great Awakening
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
General Reminders
 Today is the last day to make up the Unit 1 test if you missed it.
 Test Corrections – today and tomorrow. Sign up at my desk.
 Reel Buffs Movie Club meets Tuesdays and Thursdays in room 244 at 2:45
 Today- Luther
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Examine the following essential question
 How and why did the institution of slavery develop differently in the
Chesapeake region and South Carolina?
Today’s Activities
 Document analysis – Virginia Slave Codes, 1650 - 1750
 Classroom discussion
 Complete Learning Curve for Chapter 3 by Friday, 11:59 p.m.
 Begin reading Chapter 4, pages 114 - 126
Friday, September 12, 2014
General Reminders
 If you missed the test Wednesday, you must make it up after school no later than
Tuesday after school.
 Test Corrections – Today through next Wednesday. Sign up at my desk.
 Reel Buffs Movie Club meets Tuesdays and Thursdays in room 244 at 2:45
 Next Tuesday - Luther
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Examine the following essential question
 How do historians use primary source documents to understand the cultural
values of the past?
Today’s Activities
 Document analysis – Puritan Family Law p. 40 (in document reader)
 Classroom discussion
 Finish Chapter 3 – Read pages 103 – 111
 Crash Course in U.S. History episodes 1 - 4
Thursday, September 11, 2014
General Reminders
 If you missed the test yesterday, you must make it up after school no later than
Tuesday after school.
 Reel Buffs Movie Club meets Tuesdays and Thursdays in room 244 at 2:45
 Today – The Little Mermaid
 Next Tuesday - Luther
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Examine the following essential question
 Why is the year 1660 the beginning of a new period in colonial history?
Today’s Activities
 Reading Quiz 3-1
 You will need a pen and a highlighter (different color for each person in group).
 Classroom discussion
 Continue Chapter 3 – Read pages 90-103
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
General Reminders
 You may turn in any missing work from last week NOW – no later
 Reel Buffs Movie Club meets Tuesdays and Thursdays in room 244 at 2:45
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Demonstrate mastery of the following concepts:
 How did the Spanish, French, and English settlement of the New World impact
Native American society?
 How did the English settlements in the New England region and the Chesapeake
region differ?
Today’s Activities
 Unit 1 Exam – Chapters 1 & 2
 Get a scantron. You’ll need a pencil for bubbling.
 For SUBJECT – write Unit 1 Test
 Begin chapter 3 – Read pages 80 – 90 (I feel a reading quiz coming soon)
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
General Reminders
 Unit 1 Test tomorrow (Chapters 1 & 2)
Today’s Content and Language Objectives
 Review content related to this essential questions:
 How did the Spanish, French, and English settlement of the New World impact
Native American society?
 How did the English settlements in the New England region and the Chesapeake
region differ?
Today’s Activities
 Cooperative learning activity: Review for Unit 1 exam
 Study for test
 Crash Course American History – Episodes 1 and 2 are great short reviews
Substitute Sept 2 through Sept 8 – Various Chapter 2 Activities
Friday, August 29, 2014
General Reminders
 Turn in signed contracts and course information.
 Periods 1 & 2 – Please bring a box of tissues ASAP.
 Periods 4, 5, 6 – Please bring a package of 4 highlighters ASAP.
Essential Question:
 How did the religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam become dominant in
Europe and the Middle East prior to the Age of Exploration?
 What role did these religious beliefs play in launching the Age of Exploration?
Themes in U.S. History
 Ideas, Beliefs, and Culture
Historical Thinking Skills:
 Historical Causation
 Contextualization
Today’s Activities
 Introduction to Crash Course in History videos by John Green
 World History # 11 & 13 (Christianity, Judaism, Islam)
 Chapter 2 - Read pages 40 - 56
Thursday, August 28, 2014
General Reminders
 Turn in signed contracts and course information.
 Periods 1 & 2 – Please bring a box of tissues ASAP.
 Periods 4, 5, 6 – Please bring a package of 4 highlighters ASAP.
Essential Questions:
 To what extent does the natural environment contribute to the development of
distinct regional group identities, institutions, and conflicts?
 How and why did people move within the Americas before European contact?
Historical Theme:
 Peopling
 Environment and Geography
Today’s Activities
 Group presentations: Native American Diversity and Geography
 Reading quiz (pp. 18 – 25)
 Read pages 25 - 36
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
General Reminders
Turn in signed contracts and course information.
If you have not been issued a textbook, see me.
Periods 1 & 2 – Please bring a box of tissues ASAP.
Periods 4, 5, 6 – Please bring a package of 4 highlighters ASAP.
Today’s Objective
 Answer the following essential questions:
 To what extent does the natural environment contribute to the development
of distinct regional group identities, institutions, and conflicts?
 How and why did people move within the Americas before European contact?
Today’s Activities
 Collaborative learning - Comparing and contrasting native American groups at the
time of first European contact
 Read pages 18 - 25
Remind 101 Directions
 Enter this number into your cell phone:
 Then enter the following message for your class:
 1st period - @a79b9
 2nd period - @9f649
 4th period –@a5e7
 5th period – @bd2044
 6th period – @c2f10
 I will be able to text you important reminders
for class. Our cell numbers will remain hidden
to each other for privacy.
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
General Reminders
Turn in signed contracts and course information.
If you have not been issued a textbook, see me.
Periods 1 & 2 – Please bring a box of tissues ASAP.
Periods 4, 5, 6 – Please bring a package of 4 highlighters ASAP.
Today’s Objective
 Answer the following essential questions:
 To what extent does the natural environment contribute to the development
of distinct regional group identities, institutions, and conflicts?
 How and why did people move within the Americas before European contact?
Today’s Activities
 Collaborative learning - Comparing and contrasting native American groups at the
time of first European contact
 Enroll in Remind 101
 Read pages 18 - 25
Monday, August 25, 2014
Today’s Activities
 Issue textbooks
 Homework:
 Read pages 6 - 19
 Discuss introductory topics as time permits:
 Course overview – Academic Honesty
 AP Contracts
 Supplies
 Remind 101
 G mail address
 General course expectations
 Binder for APUSH (exclusively)
 Reading quizzes
 Make up work
 Late work
 Test retakes
 Extra credit
E Mail Communication
Use the following e mail address to communicate
with me about APUSH. If you have a question
about an assignment or would like to turn in a
written assignment electronically, this is the best
account to use.
[email protected]
Send a message to this address with your name
and period number in the subject line, and I will
add you to contacts for this account.