SanDisk PowerPoint Template

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Transcript SanDisk PowerPoint Template

Supplier MDDS Template
Input Guidelines
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SanDisk EMS
19 June 2013
SanDisk Confidential
MDDS Form Sheet Input
Lab Test Data Sheet Input
Note for Lab Test Report and Incorrect Examples
Macros Usage
SanDisk Confidential
MDDS Form Sheet Input
Area highlighted in yellow-General information is mandatory for supplier to fill
SanDisk Confidential
MDDS Form Sheet Input
Note for General information:
Date: The date at which supplier send MDDS to SanDisk.
SanDisk Product Line: Supplier shall choose from the product categories
defined in GP.
SanDisk P/N: SanDisk Procurement shall provide SanDisk P/N to supplier.
Supplier P/N: The part number supplier uses internally. If supplier does not
have this P/N, can use corresponding SanDisk P/N instead.
Product description: Description for the product.
Product Revision: Product revision number.
Product Total Weight: Net weight of the component per unit.
Contact information: Supplier contact information including supplier name,
supplier code (received from SanDisk procurement), contact name, address,
email and phone number.
SanDisk Confidential
MDDS Form Sheet Input
Example for general information
SanDisk Confidential
MDDS Form Sheet Input
Detail homogenous material information are mandatory for supplier to fill
Input data from cell A18 in MDDS Form Sheet, not A17
1. Homogenous Subcomponent:
Materials used on SanDisk product that cannot be mechanically disjointed into different
2. Weight:
Total Homogeneous subcomponent weight and substances total weight need match and
input manually.
3. Substance Name:
The chemical elements included in homogenous subcomponent.
4. CAS#:
Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number, which is a unique identifier for the
chemical substance. CAS# should match with respective substance. Make sure
substances CAS# is not included in Controlled and Reportable substances CAS# list (ref
to GP).
SanDisk Confidential
MDDS Form Sheet Input
5. Purpose:
For what purpose substance is used.
6. Location:
The location where substance is used on subcomponent.
7. RoHS Exemption:
Select RoHS exemption from the exemption dropdown menu. If there is no exemption
needed, leave it blank.
8. Questions:
Supplier should answer the questions based on SanDisk Green Policy compliance
Homogenous PPM level is not required to input manually.
Total homogenous PPM level of each homogeneous subcomponent should be 1 million.
Substance PPM=(substance weight/homogeneous subcomponent weight)*1000000
SanDisk Confidential
MDDS Form Sheet Input
Example for homogenous material declaration
SanDisk Confidential
Lab Test Data Sheet Input
General Information:
General information will be captured from MDDS Form sheet by macro process
The 3rd Lab Test Result
Test result:
On the whole, input data per test result in lab test report; If test result is non detected,
input “ND”; if supplier could not provide any test report, input test result as “N/A”.
Test date:
Disclose the report publish date as test date. If there is no publish date, disclose latest
date in testing period.
RoHS Exemption:
Select RoHS exemption based on dropdown menu. If there is no exemption, leave it as
SanDisk Confidential
Lab Test Data Sheet Input
Screen shot for general information:
Screen shot for test result:
SanDisk Confidential
Note for Lab Test Report
SanDisk only accepts the lab test reports from ISO17025 certified 3rd party laboratories.
Content disclosed in completed lab test report from a 3rd party laboratory:
1. General information: serial number of test report, supplier name, sample name, sample
description, sample type, test period and so on.
2. Testing process and test result: test requirement, test method, sample preparation, test
substance, MDL and test result.
3. Sample picture.
MSDS can’t be accepted as a test report or CoC to SanDisk.
SanDisk Confidential
Incorrect Lab Test Report Example
Incorrect lab test report example:
Example 1: The description for ink in lab test reports are mismatched.
All the lab test reports description for ink should be consistent.
Example 2: The color description in MDDS mismatch with description in lab test report.
Especially ink, power, solder paste etc.
SanDisk Confidential
Incorrect Lab Test Report Example
Example 3: Lab test report with sample mixed tested won’t be accepted. Homogenous
level lab test report is required.
Example 4: Description of material supplier in MDDS sheet mismatch with that in lab
test report.
SanDisk Confidential
Incorrect Lab Test Report Example
Example 5: Validity date expired. SanDisk shall request supplier to provide latest
lab test report.
Example 6: Soluble substance lab test report can’t be accepted by SanDisk.
SanDisk Confidential
Macros Usage Sequence
Macros are used to check
Clean Input
(Do not forget to delete attachment in MDDS)
Data Input in MDDS Form Sheet
data calculation, data integrity
and MDDS format accuracy
Check Input in MDDS Form Sheet
automatically after supplier
input data.
Data Input in Lab Test Data Sheet
Attach CoC and Lab Test Report in
Lab Test Data Sheet
Check Input in Lab Test Data sheet
Export Data in MDDS
SanDisk Confidential
Macros Usage
Clean Input:
Before data input to MDDS, click ”Clean Input” to delete unnecessary
data or record.
Supplier shall delete attachments CoC/lab test report manually, as “Clean Input”
function could only clean words; attachments are not included.
SanDisk Confidential
Macros Usage
Check Input in MDDS Form Sheet:
Data Input Manually
Disclose homogeneous material information from A18 to column F is mandatory.
Data Calculation Automatically
1. Data Calculation:
After input data manually, click “check input” in MDDS sheet,
homogeneous ppm level, product total weight, total substance weight will be
calculated and shown automatically.
SanDisk Confidential
Macros Usage
2. Data Integrity Verification:
If total substances weight is equal to total homogenous subcomponents weight,
numbers will show in green color, else show in red color. Supplier should modify
based on verification result.
Screen shot for correct weights:
Screen shot for incorrect weights:
3. Data Capture from MDDS Form to Lab Test Data Sheet:
C5, C6, and C7 are equal to MDDS Form of B4, B5 and C9 respectively.
B13 is equal to MDDS Form C5.
D13(Homogenous materials) is equal to MDDS Form A18 and below.
SanDisk Confidential
Macros Usage
Check Input in Lab Test Data Sheet:
After input data and attach all lab test reports, click “check input” in Lab
Test Data sheet, macros will align the format.
Note: Make sure attachments size are small and do not exceed excel cell,
otherwise macros will show errors during “check input”.
SanDisk Confidential
Macros Usage
Export Data:
Click “Export” to transfer all the data into MDDS which will be sent to SanDisk.
Attachment size may change after export data process, supplier need to check
and do some adjustment to make it looks normal.
Save MDDS in Excel 2003 version.
SanDisk Confidential
Thank You!
SanDisk Confidential