Trends and patterns: how to find them and can you believe

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Trends and patterns:
how to find them and can
you believe them?
Michael Wood
My aim in this lecture is to
• Give you an idea of the methods
(especially statistical ones) that are used
for analysing trends and making forecasts
• Discuss some of the problems and
• Suggest some things to check for
Data and statistics
• Data are facts, figures and information
– You can either collect data yourself (primary
data), or more likely get them from a book or
website (secondary data)
• Statistics are things that can be worked
out from data like averages, percentages,
correlations, etc. (The word “statistics”
also refers to techniques for analysing
Data and statistics about the past
• Many sources – e.g. see unit guide and
– (click on Data tab)
• Usually the source will have a link to info about the
meaning, derivation, limitations, etc. Read this!
• Always based on the past – may be yesterday, but more
likely last month or last year …
• Often a reasonable understanding of the recent past is
good enough, and likely to be all you can get.
• Can you get statistics about the future?
Are statistics always right?
RPI (retail price index) inflation in Dec 09 was …
2.4% (
CPI (consumer price index) inflation was …
“Both measure the average change …in the prices
of consumer goods and services purchased in the
UK …” ( …
so can they both be right?
Unemployment can be measured by counting
benefit claimants or by a survey …Do you
think the answers will be the same?
Three surveys to check accuracy of
the NRE telephone service
1. An NRE sponsored survey found that the answers were
97% correct
2. A Consumer’s Association survey used a sample of 60
calls, mainly about fares. The worst mistake was when
one caller asking for the cheapest fare from London to
Manchester was told £162 instead of the cheaper £52
fare which was available via Sheffield and Chesterfield.
The percentage correct was …
3. A reporter rang four times and each time asked for the
cheapest route from London to Manchester. The
proportion of the four answers which were correct was
(Source: Breakfast programme, BBC1 TV, April 30 2002.)
Things to check with data and
• The sample – size and how selected.
– A random selection process usually best (e.g. Iraq death rate
survey method, not adultery surveys in mags)
– Beware possible bias – e.g. “silent evidence” – Taleb (2008)
• How the statistic is defined (CPI vs RPI)
• If possible see if you can find alternative sources
• Remember that errors are almost inevitable – try to get
an idea of how big the errors are likely to be
• Remember that there are always chance fluctuations –
check statistical significance (see )
Methods of forecasting
• Time series – look at the pattern over time of the
thing you are trying to forecast
• Causal modelling – take account of other
• Simulations (e.g. of economy or global
temperatures) – like a very detailed causal
• Expert judgment
– Best to ask several experts independently – Delphi
• Clairvoyance and time travel
– A real business opportunity!
Time series analysis
– Plastic rulers
• Why plastic?
– Regression, moving averages, seasonal factors
• See most books on business statistics
– Many more advanced methods!
– All assume that patterns in the past will continue
• Be careful if this is not likely!
What would you predict for 2000?
Central England
Average surface temperature compared with
1961-90 average (Source: Hadley Centre)
Central England
Causal modelling to take
account of other variables
• Multiple regression
– Very simple example at
• More complex models
– E.g. the prediction of the demand for long term care for elderly
people in 2031 at
– The structure of the model is explained on page 2. It involves
dividing the population into categories …
– A key finding is that residential and nursing home places need to
increase by 65%. Do you believe this will turn out to be right?
Causal modelling to take account
of other variables
• Models can get very complicated and use
advanced maths
• This does not mean they are right
• Common sense should give a clue about
what cannot be forecast!
• What factors are likely to be important for
predicting the demand for long term care
for elderly people in 2031?
– Are these incorporated in the model?
Are forecasts always right?
• Different forecasters produce different
results – e.g. see
• No! They are almost never right. The
question is how big is the error likely to
• Always consider the error in forecasts!
Things to check with forecasts
• Common sense
• Historical accuracy. How well did the methods
do in the past? Measure by MAD, etc.
• Compare different forecasts
• Assumptions made (e.g. central assumptions)
• Probabilistic estimates may give a more realistic
• Likely impact of chaos …
In theory, if we knew
1. Everything about how the world works, and
2. The exact state of affairs now
We should be able to forecast the future accurately for
Works for predicting positions of planets but
not the weather, or human systems
Often small errors in (2) get magnified so
predictions rapidly become useless – this is
called chaos.
E.g. butterfly effect
• Statistics and forecasts are almost always
less reliable than they may seem at first
• Be careful!
When making or using forecasts of
trends …
• Remember the “Things to check …” slides
• Remember that rare, and so
unpredictable, events may have a massive
impact. These have been called “black
swans” by Taleb (2008). Life unpredictable
and only appears explicable in retrospect.
Statistics based on past often misleading!
– Egs of black swans: the spread of the internet,
the market crash of 1987, but not the present
credit crunch which he says was predictable.
• Gordon (2008) especially Chapter 7 (see Unit
• Many books on standard statistical techniques.
Also websites like if you want to
check a particular technique
• Taleb, N. (2008). The black swan: the impact of
the highly improbable. London: Penguin. (Part 2 is
entitled “We just can’t predict”. Econ and Stats as fraud.)
• Ayres, I. (2008). Super crunchers: how anything
can be predicted. London: John Murray. (Lots of
examples of impressive predictions using regression