80. Lai-Jiu Lin ,Chih Sheng Chuang,Sung Yu,Wang,From Quasi

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Transcript 80. Lai-Jiu Lin ,Chih Sheng Chuang,Sung Yu,Wang,From Quasi

80. Lai-Jiu Lin, Chih-Sheng Chuang, Sung-Yu Wang, From QuasiVariational Inclusion Problems to Stampacchia Vector QuasiEquilibrium Problems,Stampacchia Set-Valued Ekeland’s variational
principle and Carist’s fixed point theorem, Nonlinear Analysis
TMA,(accept,SCI 1.097)
79. Lai-Jiu Lin, Systems of variational inclusion problems and
differential inclusion problems with applications, J.Global
Optimization,J.Glopbal Optimization, DOUI.10.1007/s.10898-0089359x(SCI ,0.813)
78. Lai-Jiu Lin and Chih-Sheng Chuang, Well posedness in the
generalized sense for variational inclusion and variational disclusion
problems and well posed ness for optimization problems with constraint,
Nonlinear Anal.TMA doi.10.1016/j.na.2008.07.018(SCI 1.097)
77. Lai-Jiu Lin and Chih-Sheng Chuang, Existence theorems for
variational inclusion problems and the set-valued vector Ekeland’s
variational principle in complete metric space, Nonlinear Analysis TMA,
doi.10.1016/j.na.2008.03.053(SCI 1.097)
75. Lai-Jiu Lin and Chih-Sheng Chuang, Systems of nonempty
intersection theorems with applications, Nonlinear Analysis TMA,
DOI:10.1016/j.na.2008.10.037 (SCI 1.097)
74. Lai-Jiu Lin, Q,H,Ansari and Yu-Jen Huang, System of vector quasivariational inclusions with some applications, Nonlinear Analysis
TMA,69(2008) 2812-2824 (SCI 1.097)
73. L.J.Lin and H.J.Shie, Existence theorems of quasi-variational
inclusions problems with applications to bilevel problems and
mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints, J.Optim.Theory
and Applications., 138(2008)445-457(SCI 0.688)
72. L.J.Lin and Chin-I Tu, The studies of variational inclusions problems
and variational disclusions problems with applications, Nonlinear
Analysis TMA ,69(2008),1981-1998(SCI 1.097)
71. M.Balaj and L.J. Lin, Selecting Families and Their Applications,
Computers and Mathematics with Applications,
DOI:10.1016/j.camwa.2007.06.001 (SCI 0.722)
70. L.J.Lin and W.S.Du, On common quasi-eigenvector
problems,Nonlinear Analysis, TMA,69(2008)1981-1998 (SCI 1.097)
69. L.J.Lin, Variational Inclusions Problems With Applications to
Ekeland’s Variational ,fixed Point and Optimization Problems, J.Global
Optim., Vol.39,2007 Dec.509-527 SCI)(0,813)
68. L.J.Lin,and W.S.Du, On maximal element theorems ,variants of
Ekeland’s variational principle and their applications, Nonlinear
Analysis,theory Methods and Applications, 68(2008)10461062 ,(SCI1.097)
67. L.J.Lin,L.F.Chen,and Q.H.Ansari, Generalized abstract economy
and systems of generalized vector quasi-equilibrium problems,
J.Computional and Applied Mathematics,Vol 208(2007)341353,(SCI)(0.943)
66. L.J.Lin,C,S,Chuang,and Q.H.Ansari, Existence of equilibria for
generalized abstract economiesand systems of minimax inequalities,
International Journal of Mathematics analysis,1(2007),37-53
65. L.J.Lin and N.X,Tan, On quasi-variational inclusion problems of type
I and related problems, J.Global Optim.,10.1007/s10898-007-9143-3,
64. L. J. Lin,S.Y.Wang and Chih-Sheng Chuang, Existence theorems of
systems of variational inclusions with applications, J. Global Optim.
40(2008)739-749 (SCI) (0.813)
63. L. J. Lin, Systems of Generalized Quasi-Variational inclusions:
Problems With Applications to Variational Analysis and Optimization
Problems, J. Global Optimization (2007),38,No 1,21-39 (SCI) (0.813)
62. L. J. Lin, Existence theorems for bilevel problems with applications
to mathematical program with equilibrium constraint and semi-infinite
problems, J. Optim. Theory and Appl. 137(2008)27-40(SCI 0.688)
61. L. J. Lin and W. S. Du, Systems of Equilibrium problems with
applications to generalized Ekeland’s principle and systems of semiinfinite problems, J. Global Optim. 40(2008)663-667(SCI) (0.813)
60. M. Balaj and L. J. Lin, The alternative theorems and minimax
inequalities in G-convex spaces, Nonlinear Analysis, Series A, Theory,
Methods and Applications (2007),67,1474-1481 (SCI) (1.097)
59. L. J. Lin and N. X. Tan, On systems of quasivariational inclusion
problems of type I and related problems, Vietnam J. Math.34(2006),119
58. Lai-Jiu Lin, Qamrul Hasuan Ansari and Yu-Jen Huang, Some
existence results for solutions of generalized vector quasi-equilibrium
problems, Mathematical Methods of Operation Research, 65 (2007)
57. Lai-Jiu Lin, Mathematical programming with systems of equilibrium
constraints, J. Global Optimization,37 (2007) (SCI, 0.813),275-286.
56. L. J. Lin and H. W. Hsu, Existence theorems of vector quasiequilibrium problems and mathematical programs with equilibrium
constraint, J. Global Optimization,37 (2007) (SCI, 0.813),195-213
55. L. J. Lin and W. S. Du, Some equivalent formulations of generalized
Ekeland’s variational principle and their applications, Nonlinear
Analysis Series A, Theory Methods and Application, (2007),189191(SCI, 1.097)
54. *L. J. Lin and Y. H. Liu , The study of abstract economics with two
constraint correspondences, J. Optim. Theory and Appl., 137.(2008)4152(SCI, 0.688) (2007)
53. *L. J. Lin and Y. J. Huang, Generalized Vector Quasi-Equilibrium
problems with applications to common fixed point theorems and
optimization problems, Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Appl.,
(SCI. 1.097) 66(2007) ,1275-1289
52. L. J. Lin and G. Still, Mathematical programs with equilibrium
constraints: The existence of feasible points, (SCI, 0.404).,
Optimization ,55(2006), 205-216.
51. *L. J. Lin and Y. H. Liu, “ Existence theorems of systems of
generalized vector quasi-equilibrium problems and optimization
problems”, J. Optim Theory and Appl. (SCI: 0.688) 130 (N0.3)
50. L.J.lin, System of generalized vector quasi-equilibrium problems
with applications to fixed point theorems for a family of nonexpansive
multivalued mappings, J.Global Optim.(SCI:0.813),34(2006),15-32.
49. L. J. Lin and W. S. Du, “Ekeland’s variational principle, minimax
theorems and existence of nonconvex equiliria in complete metric
spaces”, J. Math. Anal. Appl. (SCI: 0.872),323 (2006) ,360-370
48. L.C. Zeng, L. J. Lin and J. C. Yao, “Auxiliary problem method for
mixed variational-like inequalities”, Taiwanese J. Math. (SCI: 0.444),10
47. L. J. Lin, N. C. Wong and Z. T. Yu, A continuous selection theorem
and fixed point theorems, Proceedings of the American mathematican
Mathematical society, (SCI: 0.520), 133, (2005), 3421-3427.
46. Q. H. Ansari, L. J. Lin and L. B. Su, Systems of simultaneous
generalized vector quasi-equilibrium problems and their applications, J.
Optimization Theory and Applications, (SCI: 0.688), 127, (2005), 27-44.
45. *L.J.Lin, M.F. Yang, Q.H. Ansari, and G. Kassay, Existence results
for Stampachia and Minty type implicit variational inequalities with
multivalued maps, Nonlinear Analysis, Theory and Methods, (SCI:
1.097), 61,(2005),1-19.
44. *L.J.Lin, Existence results for primal and dual generalized vector
equilibrium problems with applications to generalized semi-infinite
programming. J. Global Optimization, (SCI: 0.813), 33, (2005) ,579-595.
43. *L.J.Lin and H.L.Chen ,The study of KKM theorems with
applications to vector equilibrium problems and implicit vector
variational inequalities problems, J.Global Optimization, (SCI: 0.813),
32, (2005), 135-157.
42. *L. J. Lin, Existence theorems of simultaneous equilibrium problems
and generalized vector quasi-saddle points J.Global Optimization, (SCI:
0.813) 32 (2005) ,613-632.
41. X.P. Ding, J.C. Yao, L.J. Lin, The solutions of generalized vector
quasi-equilibrium problems in locally G-convex space, J. Math Anal.
Appl 298., (2004). (SCI: 0.872), 398-410.
40. *L.J.Lin and Q.H.Ansari, Collective fixed point and maximal
elements with applications, J.Math.Anal.Appl 296.,(2004). (SCI: 0.872),
39. *L. J. Lin and W. P. Wang, KKM type theorems and coincidence
theorem with application to the existence of equilibrium J.Optimzation
Theory and Apply 123,No1,(2004). (SCI: 0.688) , 105-122.
38. *L. J. Lin, Systems of coincidence theorems with applications, J.
Math. Anal. Appl., (285), 2003. (SCI: 0.872). 408-418.
37. *L. J. Lin, Z. T. Yu and Q. H. Ansari and Li-Ping Lai, Fixed point and
maximal element theorems for a family of multivalued maps and their
applications to generalized abstract economies and minimax
inequalities, J. Math. Anal. Appl., (284), 2003. (SCI: 0.872). 656-671.
36. *L. J. Lin, S. F. Cheng, X. Y. Lin and Q. H. Ansari, Onthe
constrained equilibrium Problems with Finite Families of Players,
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35. *L. J. Lin and H. I. Chen, Coincidence theorems for families of
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34. *L. J. Lin, Q. H. Ansari, and Jai-Yen Wu, Geometric Properties,
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117(2003), 121-137, (SCI: 0.688)
33. Z. T. Yu and l. J. Lin, Continuous selection and fixed point theorems,
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32. *M. P. Chen, L. J. Lin, and S. Park, Remarks on generalized quasiequilibrium problems, Nonlinear Analysis , 52(2003), 433-444. (SCI:
31. S. S. Chang, L. J. Lin, J. Y. Park, Y. J. Cho, Some convergence
theorems of Ishkawu iterative scheme for accretive and pseudo
contractive type mappings in Banach space, Communications on
Applied nonlinear analysis, 9 (2002), 69-85
30. L. J. Lin and S. H, Cheng, Nash type equilibrium theorems and
competitive Nash type equilibrium theorems, Comput. and Math. with
Applications. 44(2002), 1369-1378, (SCI: 0.722)
29. *L. J. Lin, Z. T. Yu, and G. Kassay, Existence of Equilibria for
multivalued mappings and its applications to vectoria equilibria, Journal
of Optimization Theory and Applications Vol 114 (2002), 189-208, (SCI:
28. *L. J. Lin, "On the systems of constrained competitive equilibrium
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27. *L. J. Lin and Z. T. Yu, "On some equilibrium problems for
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26. *L. J. Lin, "Application of a fixed pint theorem in G-convex spaces",
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17. *L. J. Lin, "Pre-Vector Variational Inequalities", Bull, Austral Math.
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B. 專書論文
6. L. J.Lin and Yi Cyun,Chen Existence theorems of Two families of
Vector quasi-Optimization problems with apploications, in “Nonlinear
Analysis and Convex Analysis’RIMS Kokyutoku 1544, edited by
Prof.Tamaki Tanaka and Wataru Takahashi,2007,Research Institute
for Mathematics Sciences ,Kyoto University,Kyoto,Japan
5. L. J. Lin, 1998, "Generalized quasi-equilibrium problems for
multimaps", Proceeding International Conference of Optimization
Tech and Appl., 1151-1157, Edited by L. Caccetta, K. L. Teo, YH.
Leung, V. Rehbock.
4. L. J. Lin, 1999, "On generalized loose saddle point of set-valued
maps", Nonlinear Analysis and convex analysis, 237-244 , World
3. L. J. Lin, 1999, "Optimization of pre-index set valued functions",
Fixed point theory and applications, Edited by Yeol Je Cho, Nova
Science Pullishers, NY, (2000.), 193-208.
2. L. J. Lin and Yi-Han Liu, Equilibrium theorems multimaps and fuzzy
maps, Fixed point theory and applications Vol. 3, edited by Y. J. Cho, J.
K. Kim, S. M. Kang Nova Science Pullishers, NY. (2002), 181-196.
1. L. J. Lin and Yu Lin Tsai, "On generalized vector quasi-saddle point
and generalized vector quasi-minimax theorems for set-valued maps
and vector valued functions", Edited by Nicolas Hadjisavvas, Springer,
(2005), 311-319.