Transcript Slide 1

A new start for social
Stefaan Ceuppens
European Commission
29 April 2015
A new start for Social Dialogue
High level conference – 5 March 2015
• Strengthen social
• Involve social
partners at all levels
• Competitiveness and
• Social market
Follow-up actions
• Economic governance – Capacity building
Improving social partners' involvement in the European
Semester: country reports and visits; employment guidelines…
Strengthening industrial relations and capacity building at
national level: monitoring; mutual learning; funding…
The EU's macroeconomic strategy and the need for investing
in growth and quality jobs: investment plan (advisory hub)…
Follow-up actions
• Policy and law making
Energy: meeting with VP Sefcovic (tbd)
Investment plan: workshop with VP Katainen (cross-I SPs, 13
Digital Single Market: Liaison Forum (1 June) and SSDC…
Transport: conference on social agenda in the sector (4 June)
Long-term unemployment: consultation meeting (24 April);
probably similar meeting on labour mobility
Skills, education and training needs in anticipation of a
changing working environment: Liaison Forum (1 June) and
Evidence base for SP agreements…
Follow-up actions
• Other initiatives
Temporary thematic groups: Capacity building and European
Semester, Policy making in line with better regulation agenda
Informal working group on communication
Some possible food for thought…
… for your report on 10 years of CH SSDC and
for the future roadmap
• Objectives
• Outcomes
• Other: work programme, participation
What can/should we expect…?
• "Classic federalist vision": its purpose is to take up or coordinate the
key elements of national trade union objectives and develop a multilevel
industrial relations system
• "More experimental-type vision": European social dialogue is aimed
more at innovating, in respect of both themes and instruments
"For the time being, the European sectoral and cross-industry social dialogues
are manifestly following the latter approach which is not the first choice of the
trade unions: they would prefer to have more classic, binding instruments,
and would like the effects not to be confined just to a few representatives
meeting in Brussels.
At the outset social dialogue and EU collective agreements were thought as
an alternative way to EU legislation and a way to create a multilevel industrial
relations system. 20 years after the Single Act and the first steps to develop
social dialogue, the results look much more like OMC or EES and share the
same problems of implementation and participation, at EU and national level."
(Pochet, 2007)
What can/should we expect…?
"[…] social dialogue at EU level should […] be acknowledged
and analysed as an evolving multi-actor and multi-level
system sui generis. Consequently, any assessment of sectoral
social dialogue at EU level must reveal the criteria applied.
Assessing sectoral social dialogue in terms of lobbying
activities, for instance, would lead to a much more positive
result than an assessment in terms of regulatory capacity in
the field of social policy." (Weber, 2010)
European social dialogue outcomes: typology
European Social Dialogue outcomes
(*) Including 2 agreements for which implementation
by Council decision has been requested
Outcomes EU SD – numbers/sector
Outcomes SSDC Chemical Industry
• Work programme
• See good practices presented at LF 8 September 2014
• More action/output oriented…?
• Participation in SSDC meetings
• Plenaries 2012-2013 quite OK
• Recent meetings…?
Thank you for your attention!