Soc. St. Notes

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Soc. St. Notes
Ch. 18 & 19
1) Most land in Europe lies within
300 miles of a seacoast. True
2) Mongol attacks on Japan in the
late 1200s were turned back with
the help of violent typhoons. True
 3) Each feudal territory had at its
center a noble’s castle. True
 4) Although Yoritomo was made shogun
in 1192, it was the emperor who
actually ran Japan’s government for the
next seven centuries. False
5) Under the regents, the Japanese
government eliminated taxes from
farmers and raised them on nobles
in the outlying provinces. False
6) The Koreans survived a Japanese
attack only to later be defeated by
the Chinese.
7) Students in the first European
universities did not have books.
8) After the battle of Hastings in
1066, who was crowned king of
England? William the Conqueror
9) One Southeast Asian art form is
the shadow puppet theater.
10) Richard I and Saladin negotiated
through envoys.
11) Some were shamans is a true
statement about women in early
Korean culture.
12) According to the Magna Carta,
what right did a woman have after
her husband died? To live in his
house for 40 days
 13) In 1073, Pope Gregory VII issued a
decree forbidding kings from
appointing high-ranking church
 14) What were apprentices in
craft guilds given in return for their
work? Room and board
15) What happened to many villages
after the Black Death? They were
deserted and never resettled
because everyone who lived there
had died.
 16) The four largest Japanese islands are
Honshu, Shikoko, Kyushu, and
 17) General Wang Kon united the
Korean Peninsula and set up the Koryo
18) The word Viking come from
their word for raiding.
19) Chinese culture first entered
Korea through which early
kingdoms? Koguryo
 20) Which of the following was a
feature of Gothic cathedrals? Stained
glass windows
 21) The river valleys, coastal deltas, and
volcanoes of Southeast Asia have
resulted in rich soil that is good for
22) The relationship among the
Three Kingdoms can best be
described as tense and hostile.
23) Europe’s seas and rivers played
an important part in Europe’s
growth because they provided both
protection and opportunities for
trading with nearby economies.
24) What did the Japanese emperor
do in 1192 to prevent the
Minamoto family from taking the
throne? He gave Minamoto
Yoritomo the title of shogun.
 25) In order to win their independence, the
Viet first rebelled against the weakened Tang
dynasty and defeated the Chinese in battle.
 26) Who helped lead the French army to
victory at Orleans? Joan of Arc
 27) The first major Islamic center in
southeast Asia developed in Melaka.
 28) Wealthy Europeans began to
demand eastern goods which was one
effect of the Crusades on Western
 29) Lady Murasaki Shikibu wrote this
book about a Japanese prince. A Tale of
 30) When the Mongols attacked Japan
their ships were smashed by storms.
31) Which was a Germanic people
who settled the area known today as
France? Franks.
32) Which group invaded Korea in
A.D. 1231? Mongols
33) People who follow Shinto
believe everything in nature has a
34) The Manchus forced the
surrender of the Yi dynasty.
35) The wealth of Khmer empire
was based on rice.
36) Because they blamed Jews for
the plague, Germans expelled them
from many German cities.
 37) Domesday Book census taken in
England by William the Conqueror.
 38) Celts - pushed into Ireland, Wales,
and Scotland by the Angles and Saxons.
39) King John - signed the Magna
Carta in 1215
40) vassal - noble who served a lord
of a higher rank
41) Kievan Rus - group of small
territories that expanded around
the Eastern European city of Kiev.
42) Flanders - center of trade in
northern Europe
knight - warrior in armor who
fought on horseback
fief - land granted to a vassal, or
Serf - person who worked the lord’s
Venice - Italian city that was a major
trading center
vassals - servants such as the
samurai who vowed loyalty to a lord
origami - the art of folding paper to
make decorative objects
shogun Japanese commander of the
military forces
sect - small religious group
turtle ships - used by the Koreans to
defeat the Japanese in battle