Transcript 1 - CSPP

Civil Society Partnerships
Programme: Achievements &
Looking Ahead
CSPP Advisors’ Meeting
15th November 2006
ODI, London
The Programme
• Update
General (JY)
The Network (Naved)
ODI Communications (Kirsty)
New LF, M&E etc (JY)
• Feedback from Partners’ Meeting
• Lunch
• General Discussion:
Issues arising from the Partners Meeting
(Financial) Governance
The Long-Term Future
Progress so far
> 20 Publications + Website
> 1000 Participants at WS & Seminars
Network established > 20 core members
LA network > 100 members
Demand from international NGOs
↑ ODI communication capacity
2 successful (?) global projects
Phase II approved by DFID
New research
5 ARPs approved
ToT East Africa
Several exchanges
Raised profile in ODI & better collaboration
External advisers more interested
Other donors interested
The Impact Log
“The [CSO Capacity for Policy Engagement paper] pays attention
to a number of concerns and the responses to them that we face in
our work as Advisors facilitating Capacity Building Services.
Congratulations for this product…” Jyotsna Roy, SPARK-Senior
Advisor Local Governance & Gender, SNV
“We appreciate our relationship with CSPP and ODI. We receive
capacity building training on research, policy and advocacy work
and newsletters from you. Thank you for all your good work…”
Angel E Musenge Executive Director, Voice of the Youth Project,
“I found the case studies used in the Sri Lanka workshop useful in
a workshop we ran in Uganda recently – to draw lessons on what
makes for successful advocacy.” Adam Platt, Triple Line Consulting
“I found the August issue of the CSPP E-newsletter a very useful …
Keep up the good work, it seems like you are developing a really
useful information sharing and capacity building network that will a
significant resource for CSOs across the world.” Gideon
Rabinowitz, CUTS International
The Network: Progress
• Lots of activities have taken place (TOT,
Website, Newsletter, Action Research
Projects, Placement, CSPP LA network,
participation in external events, etc)
• Lots of enquiry about the network (IDRC,
Hewlett, AKF, NBD, ICCDA- Inter regional
Co-ordinating Committee for
Development Associations etc)
• Substantial external demand for support:
(CEF), Transparency International,
The Network: Issues
• Too early to say whether having big
impact on the work of the partners.
• Still hugely ODI led.
• Interaction among partners been very
• Do we need to define levels of
network membership?
• Should CD be only for Core partners?
• How do we find the balance between
investing in core partners and in
broader network members?
ODI’s own Communication
• The aim was to build an integrated
approach to communications
• New communications staff recruited
within research groups
• Revamped information products, for
example the Annual Report
• New intranet and ‘How to’ guides
• New website in the pipeline
• Improved meetings service
• Applying RAPID’s tools across ODI
Communication: what next?
• Focus on networks - working with Naved to
build communications advice
• Making more of case studies, stories
• Repackaging existing RAPID/CSPP
materials and marketing them more widely
• Use of CD-Roms, VC, audio, translation,
blogs, opinions
• Dialogue, access, process = participation
• Media networks in the South
• Universities
• M&E – statistics, feedback, listening
Phase II – Revised Log Frame
Not a major change but:
• Recognition of external and
internal objectives (purpose)
• 4 external outputs:
– Facilitating the network
– Capacity development
– Collaborative action-research
– Research
• 3 internal outputs:
– ODI Communication Capacity
– Capacity to work with CSOs
– Orientation towards CSOs
Goal and Purpose
Poverty reduced in developing countries
Development policy is more pro-poor
• Southern CSOs make more use of
research-based evidence to influence the
establishment of pro-poor policy, and
• ODI engages more effectively with
southern CSOs and other stakeholders to
make more use of ODI’s research-based
evidence to influence the establishment of
pro-poor policy.
1. A network to generate and share knowledge
about, and support CSOs in their efforts to use
research-based evidence to influence pro-poor
policy processes.
2. Relevant capacity-building events and products
for network members and other CSOs.
3. Relevant lessons from programme research and
reflection disseminated to CSPP stakeholders.
4. Global policy-advocacy and national actionresearch projects with CSPP network members.
5. ODI knowledge on development policy issues,
policy processes, and how research-based
evidence can influence them is easily accessible
to CSOs.
6. ODI staff use research-based evidence better.
7. ODI as a whole is better able to work with CSOs.
Key Actors and Activities
Key actors:
• Academic and PRIs in North & South
• Internal ODI stakeholders
• Other CSOs (iNGOS, NGOS, GROs,
networks, foundations etc).
High-impact activities:
• Capacity development for CSPP network
• Improving the skills of ODI staff
• Ensuring ODI knowledge is accessible to
• Ensuring relevant programme lessons are
M&E “Products”
Annual Report.
Annual Report to DFID
DFID Mid-Term Review (late 2007)
Annual Partners' Meeting (November)
Annual Advisors' Meeting (November)
Virtual ½ yearly Advisors' Meeting
SMT Meetings in ODI
CSPP Management Team Meetings.
CSPP Newsletter (quarterly)
Web Site (updated regularly)
Special Products (eg Baseline Survey,
Green Book etc).
Other Programmes:
• DFID (LA Trade / C4C / Kenya)
• Abe Lowenthal / GDN / ?
Untied Funds:
• Hewlett
• Big Lottery Fund
• Bill & Melinda Gates
The Partners’ Meeting
• Great atmosphere
• Great policy influence stories: much
experience, much common ground.
• Enthusiasm for collaborative work
(GTF, ARPs, New Global Policy
Project, INFODEV, LATrade)
• Nervousness about the Network –
focus, ownership, perspective.
• Name: Bridging Research and Policy
• Group 1: How to increase interaction
between the members
• Group 2: Capacity Development – for
• Group 3: Governance and structure
of the network: how should it evolve
• Group 4: Global & Regional
• Group 5: Funding
Key questions for today
• For Phase 2: Is the programme doing the
right things with the right people in the right
way? Any suggestions for improvements?
• Any suggestions for new directions in
Phase 3?
• Comments / Suggestions in response to
feedback from Partners’ Meeting
• Governance:
– How to develop the roles of the Partners and
– How to avoid becoming a donor and
undermining its role as a partner, mentor and
• Any suggestions for new Advisors /