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His real name is Robert Stephenson Smith.He is known shortly as B.P. by scouts throughout the world. He was born on 22 February 1857 in London. His father, H.G. Baden POWELL was a outstanding scientist in Oxford University and his mother is the daughter of Smith- the inventor of the steam machine-; \W.T. SMITH.

• B.P. had a very hard life. His father was dead when he was too little. His mother had to care for his 7 brothers. Like his brothers, he was brought up with a love and sympathy to the nature. His childhood passed with picnics and walks in the nature. In 1870, until he began to the primary school of Charteshouse, he lived B-P, soldan ikinci Wimbledon atış takımının üyesi 1874 throughout the nature.

• Though he was a fellow in this school, he was a social, active and successful student. He was the goalkeeper in the football team at school. He drew the attention of all his friends due to his capability in art and other things.

He was a good painter at the same time.

At 19 years old, he was promoted the rank of second lieutenant and went to India for duty. Due to his success in the Crime war as a captain, in a very short time, he was promoted to the rank of captain. All these wars did not take him away from nature. In 1887, he served in Africa in Britain Unions.

Second lieutenant Baden Powell

The Sunset in Kashmır, Souvenire from India

Port of the Casttle, Souvenir from India

Officers of the Dragoon Guards Parade in India 1899. Commander Robert Baden-Powell , Parde Commader (B-P the fouth officer with hat on the right side.)

He oppressed the rebellions of the

ASHANTI and ZULU tribes and gained more popularity. He was in close relationship with natives, thus he was given the name “IMPEESA” “Awake Wolf".

B.P, in 1889 was in the famous MAFEKING War. This war lasted 217 days and despite all difficulties, he defeated the BOERLER and this war made him General Commander. Mafeking in 1899

Before the Mafeking War

During the Mafeking War between 1899-1900

With the Mafeking Officers

General Baden Powell after Maferking

In 1900 painter BP The War in Buffalo River in South Africa.

B.P.sees that young people in his country have many problems and that nobody get interested with them. Thus, He decides that he should do good things for young people.

Since he became famous also in hiz country, he gains the love and respect of the people. In 1901, when he returns to his country, he is met like a hero. He writes his first book for soldiers. “Help for Scouting”. This book is teached in schools as a course book with a high interest.

This idea has inspiration from the children in Mafeking . Children in Mafeking were used as couriers and had ensured the flow of news despite the war. Their harmony with the nature, their silence, practicality and couragesoity paved way for the first ideas ofscouting in B.P. Thus, B.P. leaves the army and begins to scouting activities. He made his first scouting camp in 1907 with 20 scouts in BROWNSEA Island.

In 1903 Parade Commander in South Africa

13 Hussards Colonel Baden Powell

Afterthat, in 1908, he wrote his scouting book for boy scouts. The book became famous not just in Britain but in all parts of the world. The idea of scouting influenceed all youngs in world and numbers of scouts began to increase.

Sir B.P

The Britain Queen made B.P feel proud with the title “SIR” thanks to his useful activities. Scouting whose aims and principles were defined, spread throughout the world with brotherhood.

World Scouts in 1919

My home in the forest. B.P in 1911

Leadership Training in1919

Kadir Cup Camping area in 1937. The last time he went to India.

The painting presented to BP in 1929 is still in the BP museum and its copy is in Geneva in The World Scouting Bureau.

B.P. who is also called Lord GILWELL lived his last years in Kenia. On 8 January 1941, when he died, by 4 scouts and 4 soldiers his graveyard was moved to Kenia. 50 scouts from Europe-Asia and Africa represented the world scouts in the burial ceremony.

The World Tour in 1913



Japan Scouts


New Zealand, Australia


Accident scouts


Scout Rally at Windsor


 Scouting in the world begins with Baden Powell (B.P.) . He is a Britain Lord and General lived between 1857-1941 and who establihed the Scouting organization.


 He had his education in Carterhouse and joined to the army in1876. He had been in India,Afghanistan and South Africa

Robert Stephenson Smyth (*) Sir Baden Powell

when his was in the army.

Birth: 22 February 1857 44


 Baden Powell when returned to his country in 1903, he met a more different youth in his country than he left in the colonies. Easiness and comfort made everybdy lazy. Many young people were get used to harmful habits, on the other hand. In this environment, he began working to give young people good ideas and feelings, to arouse their personality and develop their thinking and capabilities.



1907 The first Scouting Camp in Brownsea Island with 24 children . Participant children were given the name “Boy Scout” .

1908 Baden Powell’s books “Scouting for Boys” – was published.

1910 The number of registered scouts is England reached to 10.000. Associations of Girls Scoutings and Sea Scouting were establihed. BP who was retired the same year received the badge of “Cavalier” by the British King İngiltere Kralı (VII. Edward) 1913 The Brownie organization was establihed.

1917 The Adolescence Scouting Organization was establihed 1919 Gilwel Park” was opened for leadership training. 1920 The first World Scouting Jamborre was organized in London .

The World Scouting Organization was establihed.

Baden Powell became the Chairman. 1922 BP’s book -“Sucess of Adolescence Scouting”-was published.

1926 A seperate organization was establihed for disable children.

1941 The Air Scouting Organization was establihed.

1941 Baden Powell (84) died at 84 years old. By his own will, he was buried in the capital city of Kenia, Nairobi where he got the scouting inspirations.



The History of scouting in our country is as old as the history of world scouting and passed from different periods. In 1910, in journals “SAY” ve “TEBEBBU” Ragıp Nurettin EGE published writings about scouting. (R.Nurettin EGE lived in Losanne and tried to spread scouting to Turkish youth.)

Among the first implementors of Scouting are AHMET and ABDURRAHMAN ROBENSON brothers who are Psysical training teachers in Galatasaray High Scool, Directors of the Manastır Teachers School Mrs. EDHEM Nejat and of İttihat Primary School Mr. NAFİ ATIF KANSU.

• The first organizational activities in scouting took place in Edirne with the aim of military training for the army. AHMET and ABDURRAHMAN ROBENSON brothers on the other hand focused on discovery training. Afterwards, we see more systematic works in Istanbul Darüşafaka High School.

Despite the fact that since 1908 there have been scouting activities in our country, the beginning year of scouting is considered as 1912 when Expert PARFITT was invited to our country.

Balkan wars stop the scouting activities. After the War, the Belgium expert Harold PARFITI in 1912 is invited to our country and asked for the organization of Scouting. The first “Discovery Association of Sccouting”-"Keşşaflık Cemiyeti İzci Ocağı“- is associated to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

During the World War I and Canakkale War, scouts are sent ot the front after short trainings. Thus, scouting activities are again suspended. The first leadership training course starts on 24 April 1914. After that, in June 1914, aleadership training course is opene for 260 young people.

The first scouting camp took place in Kilyos on 26 July 1914. In 1916 German Colonel Von HAFF, established a new association as “Osmanlı Young Associations”. In 1915-1916, Mustafa Kemal who was the inspector of “Osmanlı Genç Dernekleri” told in his report that “ In roder to fill in the gap of soldiers who are dismissed, we should spread the Osmanlı Young Associations". However, because of war, scuting activities are again suspended.

With the establishment of the Republic, scouting activities became associated to the Ministry of Education and by 1969 to the Ministry of Youth and Sport. On 9 November 1942 the first official instruction was published. In 1947, under the chairmanship of Mehmet ARKAN our first international contact was realized in Fransa in the Mossion Jamboree.

On 1 December 1950 our membership to teh World Scout organization was approved.

The Turkish Scouting Union was establihed on 05 September 1955 and began its activities. Afterwards, he got the name of Association of Scouting Unions and was closed completely on 12 Eylül 1980 .

In 1987 Turkish Guides have been members of the World Organization. In 1983, when Ministry of Youth and Sport and Ministry of Education was associated, National Ministry of Youth and Sport was establihed and scouting activities gained a new dimension.

Since 1990, scouting activities are implemented by the Scouting and Guiding Federation of Turkey who got its autonomy in 2006.

HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF SCOUTING IN TURKEY The First Scouting Activity: In 1909, Ahmet and Abdurrahman ROBENSON Brothers in Istanbul Galatasaray and Kabataş High Schools initiated the first scouting activities.


1912 First scouting activities areseen in Istanbul.

(Darüşşafaka, Galatasaray and İstanbul High Schools).

The same year, Herold Parfit from Belgium Scouting Asscoiation is invited. H. Parfit, establishes the scouting union.

1914 The book “Scouting Guide” is published. (by B. Sami Karayel from Darüşşafaka High School).

1914 In 24 April, in Istanbul the first “Scoutmaster Training course” is opened and 16 scoutmaster became successful. 1920 Many scouting tribes are formed in Istanbul.

1923 BP’s book “Scouting for Boy Scouts” is translated to Turkish.

1926 Scouting tribes are asked to be established at schools by the Ministry fo Education. 1927 Turkish Scouts attend also to the Cumhuriyet Ceremony in Ankara.

1928 In 12 May, scouting is put under the control of the state by the No: 1246 law of the Turkish Youth Association.

1949 The Regulation on Boy Scouting goes in implementation. (In following years, Associations for Brownie and Guides are established.) 1950 Turkish scouts are accepted as members of World Scouting Organization. 1955 Association of Scouting Unions are establihed in Ankara.

1957 Association of Ege Union is established in İzmir.

1968 Regulation of Turkish Scouting is put in implementation by the Ministry of Education. 1970 Scouting is put within the framework of the Ministry of Youth and Sport. 1972 Turksih Guides became member of the World Girld Guide Organization. 1991 Scouting and Guiding Federation of Turkey is established under teh General Directorate of Youth and Sport.

2006 Scouting and Guiding Federation of Turkey became autonomous. 58