Transcript Document

DesignaKnit Basics
Introduction to opening screen and menus
Using Standard Shaping Mode
Knitcraft Presentation
Knitcraft Inc. C
500 N Dodgion
Independence MO 64050
For assistance contact: [email protected]
816 461 4912
Now that you have DesignaKnit Installed!
Lets take a look at Menu options throughout the program.
Standard Styling Mode will be used
to introduce you to the concepts needed to
work effectively with DesignaKnit.
DesignaKnit contains many tools to help you in the
design process. I hope to give you a good base to
understand the names and actions of the tools offered.
As we proceed through I will cover creating
a garment in Standard Styling as well as
Entering your own Measurements for quick
easy custom fitting.
Lets get started!
DesignaKnit 7 opening screen
Mode menu
This is the Access point to
DesignaKnit program modes.
Mode Menu
Drop Down Menu choices
Standard Garment Styling Mode
Original Pattern Drafting Mode
Stitch Designer Mode
Interactive Knitting Mode
Graphic Studio Mode
The Mode is a
specific segment
of DesignaKnit.
Each mode has
it’s own specialty
but completely
integrates with all
the other modes.
There are 2 ways to enter the mode you wish to use.
1: Left Click on Mode,
then Left click on the
Mode you wish to use.
2: Left Click on the Icon bar
symbolizing the Mode choice.
Standard Garment Styling Mode
•Used to create a basic garment shape from existing templates.
•Create personalized measurement charts and apply to template shapes.
•Create a basic garment to move into Original Drafting Mode.
Original Pattern Drafting Mode
•Create your own unique garment styles.
•Import patterns from Standard Shaping and modify them.
•Input patterns shapes from charts or sewing patterns.
Stitch Designer Mode
•Create Stitch patterns using the handy drawing tools.
•Edit existing designs.
•Layout individual stitch patterns on the garment shape.
•Integrate stitch design with garment shape.
•Set Cut and Sew outline for easy assembly of finished garment.
•Prepare color settings and pattern separation settings for download.
•Download patterns to the Knitting Machine.
Interactive Knitting Mode
•Receive pattern shaping instructions.
•Receive color change instructions.
•Receive marker setting instructions.
•Easy to follow chart for Intarsia Knitting.
Graphic Studio Mode
•Use clip art to create stitch designs.
•Turn Photos into stitch patterns.
•Convert scanned images into stitch designs.
•Import digital camera images to create stitch designs.
Standard Styling Mode Icon
We will travel through the menu options to
give you a good base for all the DesignaKnit
modes as we create a garment .
Getting Started With Standard Styling.
Click on the Standard Styling Icon
The dialogue box automatically appears.
A dialogue box is used
to give instructions,
warning messages or
choices for you to
The Dialogue Box
is your way to answer the questions necessary for the program to do what you want.
Once a selection is made this
button activates the choice. On
some selections this button is not
necessary on others you push the
selection then push Ok.
If you find yourself viewing the wrong
screen because of an incorrect choice
cancel will return you to the previous
This button will close the
dialogue box. It has the
same affect as Cancel.
This button accesses the online
help menu in DesignaKnit.
File Path
File path is a very important concept to understand. When you save a
file you must know where you saved it. That is called the file path.
Create a new garment.
Use this option when creating a new shape file.
Open an existing garment
Use this option when you want to
use an existing garment to do
layout work, to modify tension
settings or styling options.
Use this option to enter your personal
measurements. These measurements
will remain on file until you delete them
and you can use them to apply to any
template garment shape.
List of recently used files.
If the file you want to reopen is on this list
a single left click will quickly reopen it.
Click New Garment
Click on the options
you want to apply in
each section.
Click OK.
Grayed out options indicates they are not applicable to the garment type you have chosen. If
skirt were selected this box would be in black print and the options usable.
Tensions Dialogue Box
Enter measurement
in stitches per 4”
Enter measurement of
Width and Height of 40
stitches and 60 rows.
Do Not attempt to fill in both. DesignaKnit will
automatically calculate the settings of the opposite box set
using your entered measurements.
Click Set as default and the tension settings will automatically be
applied every time DesignaKnit is opened.
The same rules apply
as for main tension.
Fill in one or the
other but not both.
Rib tensions
must be set.
These segments are optional.
Click OK
These option lines are for personal use only. DesignaKnit does not use them in any
way. When you enter information in this area it will print out on your printed pattern.
Select the ease option you want to apply.
Click OK
Choose from a standard chart of sizes in the
range you selected. Adult Child or Baby.
Standard Size
Or from a set of measurements
entered by you. Custom Size
Click on the button next to the option you wish to select.
We will choose Standard
Size as we have no custom
measurements yet.
Click on the size you wish to apply.
Click OK.
Measurements Chart
You can change any of the
measurements by clicking on the box
and typing in the new numbers.
You may not leave a box blank but
you can put in a 0.
When you click in the
measurement box the
picture changes to indicate
where the measurement
should be taken.
Waist or hip
Nape to garment length
10.2 8.4 11.2
Hip depth
Arm length
Arm hole (scye) 14.9
Upper arm
Shoulder to shoulder
Arm hole depth 8.1
Body Rib
Body Blousing
Body Straight
Shoulder width 0.0
Shoulder drop
Armpit seam
Neck Rib
Neck depth
V neck depth
V Straight
Back width
Back depth
Back straight
Sleeve Rib
Sleeve Blousing 0.0
Sleeve Straight 0.9
Neck edge
At shoulder
Before gathers 4.2
After gathers
Overall extra
Raglan slope
Hem depth
Total length
Circumference 47.2
13.0 0.4
You can copy the measurements from
this screen and paste them into any word
processing program
Press copy, open notepad or any other
word processor and press Edit Paste.
Click OK when all your
measurements are correct.
Your garment shape is now complete!
Click File/Save As
File name Box
Type in the file name.
The * must be removed
or the file will not be
File type box
File Path Box
Adds the 3 letter extension to the
end of the file name you give. This
allows a program to filter files it
can open.
Indicates where the file is to be saved.
You must know where you save your
files to be able to open them latter.
The file will be saved in
your Dk7 directory under
the shapes folder unless you
specify differently.
To save the pattern file to a
different location
Click the down arrow
under Drives.
Click on the drive you
want to save to.
Our Basic Garment is now finished and saved.
There are several styling options you can
choose from in Standard Styling Mode that
allow you to modify rib widths and
lengths. This allows you to add your own
specifications to the template garment.
Lets take a closer look
at the styling options.
Throughout DesignaKnit these two
icons remain constant and do the
same function.
Will always undo
the last action.
The ? Will always take you
to the help in the specific area
you are working with.
Return to Select
Garment Type Box.
Return to size charts.
Return to Measurements Box.
Styling Options Icons.
The Styling Option Icons allow you to
change things about the shape.
When you click on a box
to change the numbers
DesignaKnit will draw a
circle and line in red to
show what is affected by
this change.
When changes are made click File/Save because
the file already has been named earlier and we just
want to save the changes.
Drop Down Menus reflect the icon choices.
Many are the same as clicking on the icon
however you can find added features under the
drop down menus that are not represented by
Icons. I will cover the options that do not have
Drop Down Menu Options
Create a New Shape File Pattern.
Open an Existing Shape File only if it was created in Standard Mode.
Save changes to a Shape File.
Save a new file that has not been named.
Delete a file from the hard drive.
Print a paper copy of the Pattern Shape.
Choose the printer options and printer to use.
Close the Mode you are using and return to opening screen.
Create a New Shape File Pattern.
Use this option when you want to start a
completely new garment.
File New instructions are the same choices you
have when you first open Standard Styling
Use this option when you want to open an existing File.
A Pattern File that has been created in
Original Mode or a File that has been
taken to Original Mode from Standard
Styling mode can not be reopened in
Standard Mode.
•This is a quick way to save a file once the name has been given.
•This option should be used when you are making modifications to
an existing pattern and wish to keep the changes.
•If you click on Save when the pattern has not been saved it will
automatically open the Save As box allowing you to name the file.
•This option allows you to specify the location a file is to be
saved and gives you the opportunity to name it.
•You should use Save As when you want to save a file for the
first time and when you want a duplicate of the same file.
•You can use this option to give the pattern a new name and have
a duplicate copy for latter modification or just security.
Delete removes the file from your hard drive.
Use this option only when you want to permanently
remove a file.
You will not be able to undo this action.
Print Setup is the option that allows you to select
your printer.
The choices you will find under this option will
vary according to the printer you have.
The print option allows you to create a hard
copy (Paper Print Out) of your pattern file.
Press the Print Button and a Dialogue opens
with all the pattern pieces listed.
Type the 2 letter code in this bar
for each piece you want to print.
Printing Formats
Printing Choices
Formats available when any shape
file is open to be printed.
Formats available only when
integrated shape is open to be printed.
For each format there is an option
screen to further refine your final
print out.
Click the Options button.
I will cover the options
for these formats as one
because they all share the
same option choices.
To view and set options for each
format click on the box beside
the format.
All 5 formats use the same options.
Choose Fit to a page or enter
a percentage proportion of
the actual size. In the former
case, DesignaKnit will
choose the largest size it can
to fit the design onto a single
page. If you choose a
percentage scaling which
will make the printout larger
than the page, DesignaKnit
will divide the image over as
many pages as necessary to
complete the printout.
In order to save paper you may want to omit duplicate
rows, in which case you should also check the row
numbering option so that you may see how many
identical rows should be knit.
Here you can opt to have the pattern printed out with proportional stitches (True) or to
render all the stitches Square. ALL STITCHES SQUARE: depending on the Scaling
chosen, the width of the stitch will be proportional to the design and the height will be
adjusted to match. If you are printing out a symbol chart (formats IT and SS) the symbols
usually display better in a square cell.
Choose the thickness of the grid lines.
0 will remove the grid altogether
while 3 will produce the thickest line.
If the scaling of the printout is
proportionally small, a thick line
might hide the pattern.
This option prints the grid division in
the same incrimination you have set in
Stitch Designer. Configure the setting
using Options/Grid Division Size in the
main Stitch Designer Screen.
Color: places X's on a background of the color pattern in the garment shape. X's
are drawn black against light colors and white against dark colors.
Gray: places the X's on a plain gray background in the garment shape.
White: X's are black against a white background.
Use this option with Gray or White Stitch Color
options to show pattern areas. Color
demarcation provides a line which separates
areas of color. You may specify the thickness of
the line here. 0 removes the line altogether while
3 will produce the thickest line.
DesignaKnit will number the stitches
on the printout from:
left to right (123456),
right to left (54321)
the center outwards, placing the
middle stitch either to the right or
left (32112 or 21123).
This format will generate text instructions for
the rib and neckband of Standard garments,
along with the information contained in the
View Info panel and tensions.
Check those items you want to include.
Please note this format is not appropriate for shapes generated or
modified in Original Pattern Drafting.
This format is for garment pieces only.
The Knit Leader uses full-size
templates and the printout will take
several sheets of paper which you
piece together. If you are knitting a
vertically symmetrical piece, in order
to economize on paper, you may want
to print the right half only.
The Knit Radar uses half-size templates and the
printout may take several sheets of paper which
will have to be pieced together. If you are
knitting a vertically symmetrical piece, in order
to economize on paper, you may opt to print the
right half only.
This format is for garment pieces only. The printout will be an outline only of the garment
pieces. You may opt to scale the outline or to accept the scaling DesignaKnit imposes in
order to fit each piece on a single sheet of paper.
This option is almost the same as KL and KR except you have the
ability to scale to a very small drawing. This smaller print out is
handy to keep with a written pattern.
By default the GN format makes the notation
hug the shape outline so that the text will
appear at the point to which it refers.
In certain circumstances, depending on the complexity of the shape, two or
more text instructions may overprint each other. If this happens, you can
override the default to make DesignaKnit print the text in columns: the
instructions will appear vertically as near to the place to which they refer, but
the text will be arranged to the left on the left hand side of the page and to the
right on the right hand side of the page.
GN is the most commonly used print out option as it gives
you the knitting instructions in Garment Notation.
GN print out result.
Garment Notation is an easy way to give all the information needed in a very
small space.
(65) Number of stitches left.
1s = 1 stitch 10 indicates the amount of rows between
actions and x1 indicates the amount of times to repeat.
216: Indicates the row number you are to do the action on.
-Indicates to decrease or remove stitches.
If this were + you would add or increase stitches.
The instruction would be:
On row 138 decrease 1 stitch every 3 rows 26 times. When
all decreases are done you will be at row 216 ready to follow
the new set of instructions.
First, knit a sample swatch. It is
important that this swatch is knitted with
the same stitch pattern as the garment;
the larger your sample the closer
DesignaKnit will be in its calculations.
Weigh or measure the sample and enter the amount of yarn used.
Then enter the yarn units Oz. Inches or what ever unit you are using to
calculate the swatch.
Given the enormous variation in knitting techniques, yarns, measuring
equipment and so on, it would not be wise to accept the information calculated
here as anything other than a rough guide. Soft Byte and its agents are not
responsible for any decisions made based on these calculations.
This format will produce the appropriate
template for a punch card, reader card or mylar
sheet for the configured knitting machine.
The pattern will be adjusted according to the positioning
of the garment pieces on the stitch pattern.
DesignaKnit assumes the garment piece will be hung
centrally on the machine's needle bed.
This format produces a single repeat of the stitch pattern
shown in the symbols assigned to the yarn colors. When
selecting this format from the Print Pattern Pieces dialog
a single repeat of the pattern associated with that
garment piece will be produced..
Choosing either CC from the Print Stitch Patterns dialog or IC from the Print
Shapes dialog will produce a report of all the color changes in a swatch or
piece. The former will show only the color changes in a single repeat of the
pattern while the latter will show all the color changes in an entire garment
piece and is only available for an integrated piece.
Undo last action.
Copy Selection to clip board.
Copy Sleeve to clip board
View indicates how and what
is displayed on the screen.
Click on the options to
allow you to see the
information you need.
Monochrome Display off.
Normal View.
Choose the unit of measurement you
are most comfortable working with.
This setting choice will be consistent in all modes of the program.
Note: If you need precision Cm should be your choice.
Things to remember about Units of Measure:
In most dialog boxes centimeters and inches are displayed to one
decimal place. Measurements entered with two decimal places will
be rounded up or down to the nearest single place, 33.25 will become
33.3 and 33.24 will become 33.2, whether centimeters or inches.
Files saved in inches, if opened when the program is set to centimeters,
will automatically be changed to metric measurements, and vice versa.
Use centimeters if the pattern you are taking the
measurements from is in centimeters.
Use inches if the pattern you are taking the
measurements from is in inches.
When the pattern is finished you can easily convert to
the opposite unit of measure by simply changing the
option under Options/Units of Measure.
Clicking on Options/Tension in
all DesignaKnit Modes will
bring up this same dialogue box.
Notice box 1is asking for the stitches per 4”
Box 2 is asking for the stitches per 1” This is set under
Options/Units of measurement.
Important Tension Facts
Only one tension setting is used throughout DesignaKnit. If
you set 7 stitches 10 rows per inch in Stitch Designer. The
same tension is applied in Original Shaping and Standard
The garment will be recalculated instantly if you change the
tension setting. This makes if very easy to use 1 well fitting
garment and knit it on any gauge machine with the yarns of
your choice.
Allows you to change the ease settings
of the open garment file.
Body Sizes
Takes you to the Standard Sizes table
Takes you to the Custom Sizes table
Takes you to the Measurements chart
Copy contents of the charts to paste
into a word processor.
This option allows you to store your custom
measurements on file for easy access.
When you open this screen you will find 3 sets of measurements. They are just random
numbers used for example. Please do not attempt to use them to create a garment.
Display area for saved
measurement flies.
Navigation Bar
First File
Next File
Last File
Previous File
New File
Sorts the list in
group order.
Delete File
Adds the size information
from the opened pattern file.
Category Boxes
These boxes are used to contain
information to help DesignaKnit
Sort your files.
If you enter Baby in this box and you choose adult
range under New Garment you will not see this set
of measurements under From Custom Size.
Use drop down arrows to
make these selections.
When you click on a box to
add the measurement
DesignaKnit shows you the
exact place on the body to take
the measurement.
Name should be the person this measurement set
belongs to. This is for your ease in identification.
This section is for
specific preferences you
wish to apply each time
this set if measurements
is applied to your
template. It is optional.
You do not have to fill it
in. You can apply specific
styling options after the
custom measurements
have been applied.
Fill in the measurements and Click OK
Quick Review
Icons = Those little pictures we
click on to activate an option.
The icon I click on when I
don’t understand.
What I click on when I goofed.
Dialogue Box = The little window
screens that open they allow us to tell
the program what our choices are.
Garment Type
Dialogue Box.
The place where you
enter your choices.
What the Icons mean.
Let’s create a garment without all the confusion.
Left Click Standard Styling Mode Icon.
Left Click New Garment
Click on the choices
you want to apply to
your garment.
Enter the tensions from
your swatch.
Click the ease option you wish to use.
Click OK
Click on the Standard size chart
or your Custom size chart.
Change any of the
measurements or the
ease factors. Click OK
Your garment is
ready to knit.
Click File Save
As and give it a
The Garment can be knit form a print
out of the pattern.
Or knit from Interactive Knitting Mode.
Press ESC Key to Exit