Transcript jhguh
Overview of the Centre
Name of the Centre: Sikkim Bioinformatics
SubDISC Centre
Year of Establishment: November, 2001
Name of Coordinator: Shri.B.C. Basistha
Coordinator Incharge: Shri. D.T. Bhutia
North East State Bioinformatics Interactive Meeting 11th – 12th November,2010
Details of the staff members working in
the Centre
Mrs. Rabina Gurung
Mr. Laydong Lepcha
1 Post of Tech. Asst
1 Post of DEO
1 Post of I.O. is in verge to of
vacant as the current IO has
got permanent job in some
othe dept.
Data Entry
Non Regular
Non Regular
Resources created at the Centre
1. The Centre is equipped with a dual processor server
P-4 PCs, Laptops, Scanners, DeskJet and laser
printers, digital camera and a Xerox machine.
2. Internet facility:
The Centre ha 24 hours internet connectivity
provided by the State National Informatics Centre
through RF Antenna.
3. The coming up of New building of Dept. of Science &
Technolgy will help to establish better infrastructure
4. Procurement of 2 Nos. of 5Kv UPS is under progress.
5. 2Nos. Of book shelves, 2 Nos. of Godrej almirahs are
going to be procured shortly.
North East State Bioinformatics Interactive Meeting 11th – 12th November,2010
Network Connectivity
The centre has 512 kbps leased line internet connectivity
along with 24 hours internet connectivity provided
through RF Antenna by State National Information Centre
Internet connectivity is provided free to researcher and shcolars
for browsing the informations of their research works.
North East State Bioinformatics Interactive Meeting 11th – 12th November,2010
Computer Lab of the Centre
North East State Bioinformatics Interactive Meeting 11th – 12th November,2010
Centre’s WEBSITE
North East State Bioinformatics Interactive Meeting 11th – 12th November,2010
200 species of Medicinal Plants
300 species of Orchids of Sikkim Himalayas
36 species of Rhododendrons of Sikkim
Scientific fraternity working in various Scientific fields in Sikkim
381 species of Birds of Sikkim
285 species of Butterflies of Sikkim Himalayas
North East State Bioinformatics Interactive Meeting 11th – 12th November,2010
Flash Animation package on Various Bilolgical processes has
been developed and are released to help the students to
understand the process easily.
Flash Animation on HIV and AIDS is being developed by the
centre. Which will be used as a teaching aid as well as for
general awareness.
North East State Bioinformatics Interactive Meeting 11th – 12th November,2010
The Centre acts as an information retrieval center for providing information on
various bioresources of the state and related fields, downloading
bioinformatics tutors,lectures,literature search etc.
The center’s library facility if provided free to the researchers and scholars
working on various fields of science the center has good volumes of books
and magazines on Bioinformatics,Biotechology,Biochemistry,Molecular
The center has compiled the published research papers on bio-resources of
Sikkim which very useful for researchers working on various bioresources of
The on line journal facility activated recently is also extended to all
researchers and scholars of different institutes and colleges,government
departments,doctors and medical staffs of hospitals etc.
• Free internet facility is provided for researchers and
JRF’s of different undergoing projects and centers
housed in Sikkim State Council of Science &
Technology, researchers and scholars of different
institute and college and schools.
• The database prepared by the center is made online and
is uploaded on the centre’s website
IV Volume of News letter “Biogyan” is under print. The
news letter edition is also been launched in our website
Online access of journals provided by Delcon through
Department of Biotechnology,Government of India has
been activated and is been used by the researcher and
Regarding the same wide publicity amongst the scientific
Fraternities of different scientific institutes, colleges,
government departments,doctors of hospitals etc has
been made informed through print media and information
Reprints of Flash animation CDs on life processes developed
by the centre is been made taking up the increasing
demands from various schools,college,departments. The
CDs is been used as a teaching aid to have pragmatic
approach of teaching.
Research in Bioresource of Sikkim
The centre has successfully finished up compilation of 3rd
volume,Number-1,2,3 of published research papers on
bioresources of Sikkim. The Number-1&2 issue is in respect
to the floral bioresources of Sikkim while the Number- 3 is in
respect of faunal bioresources. The contents of these volume
shall be launch in centre’s website
Flash Animation on Human Immuno Deficiency Virus for
sensitizing the youth and students on Acquired Immuno
Deficiency Syndrome has been developed and is now in final
editing process.
Upgradation of centre’s website is done on regular basis.
Bibliography Bioresource Vol. III, No. 1
Balaraman, N. A critical Appraisal on the feeds and fodder availability
in Sikkim. Journal of Hill Research. Vol. 1,No. 1,Jan-June 1987. Pp. 54-59.
Patiram & Rai, R.N. Adsorption and availability of phosphorus in limed acidic soils of Sikkim.
Journal of Hill Research. Vol.1,No. 1, Jan-June 1987. pp. 39-44.
Sing,K.A., Rai,R.N. Pradhan, I.P. Agro-forestry System in Sikkim Hills. Indian Farming. Vol.
41,No.3,June 1991. Pp. 7-10.
Singh, M. & Singh, G. Assessment of genetic Variability, correlation and bath analysis in
soybean(Glycine max)under mid hills of Sikkim. Journal of Hill Research. Vol. 9, No. 1, 1996. Pp.
Kumar, R. & Deo, C. Biochemical evaluation of different passion fruit (Passiflora edulis) cultivars
raised in Sikkim. Indian Journal of Agricultural Science. Vol.74,No.09,October 2004. Pp. 555 – 556.
Tripathi, K.P., Singh, B. & Jain, R.K. Characterization of Medicinal plants used by different tribes
in the Sikkim Himalayas. Journal of Non-Timber Forest Product. Vol.16,No.2, 2009.pp. 111-118.
Mishra, S.M. & Gupta, D.K. Chemical Control of Powdery Mildew of Pea in Sikkim. Indian Journal
of mycology & Plant Pathology. Vol. 14,No.2,Aug-1984. Pp. 200.
Rai, Y.K . & Rai, L.K. Citrus reticulata in the Mamlay watershed, Agroforestry Practice and market. Journal of Hill
Research. Vol. 7,No.2, Dec. 1994. Pp. 157-160.
Yonzan, H., & Tamang, J.P. Consumption Pattern of Traditional Fermented Foods in the Sikkim Himalayas. Journal
of Hill Research. Vol.11, No.1, 1998. Pp. 112-115.
Singh, K.A. Cutting Management of Oat Varieties at Mid hill of Sikkim. Journal of Hill Research. Vol. 7, No. 2,
Dec.1994. pp. 153-154.
Upadhaya, R.C. & Patiram. Ray, S. Decline Status of Mandarine Orange(Citrus Reticulata Blanco) in Sikkim.
Journal of Hill Research. Vol. 7,No. 2, Dec. 1994. Pp. 83-89.
Srisvastava, L.S., Rai, S. Disease Problems in Bhindi in Sikkim. Indian Horticulture. Vo. 43, No.1, July –
September 1996. Pp. 22-23.
Bibliography Bioresource Vol. III, No. 1
Srivastava, L.S. Diseases of Ginger and their management in Sikkim. Training Manual Insect pest
and Disease management through Bio-intensive IPM and Biotechnological Approaches. April 2130, 2010. pp.124-127.
Dash, S.S. & Singh, P. Distribution and diversity of Polygonaceace in Sikkim. Journal of Hill
Research. Vol.9,No. 2, 1996. PP. 380-394.
Gupta,U. Distribution of Solanaceous plants and rapid method by estimation of solasomine in dry
berries from north Bengal and Sikkim. Journal of Hill Research. Vol. 8,N0.2, 1995. Pp. 235-258.
Patiram, Rai,R.N. & Singh,K.P. Effect of liming on cationic relationships of Potassium, Calcium
and Magnesium of acid soils and maize plants in Sikkim. Journal of Hill Research. Vol.1,No.2,
July-Dec ember 1987. Pp. 82-87.
Singh, K.P., Basu, A. & Rai, R.N. Effect of dates of Sowing and row spacing on yield of forage
Oats in Sikkim. Journal of Hill Research. Vol. 1, No.2, 1989. Pp.157-160.
Das, A. Effect of Different Levels of Concentrate Supplementation on growth performance of
Sikkim Local kids Fed Mixed Jungle grass based diet. Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology. Vol.
8, No. 2, July 2008.pp. 213-218.
Nair, A.K. Effect of farmyard manure and fertilizer levels on yield of maize (Zea mays) and
succeeding rice bean (Vigra umbellate) crops in Sikkim. Indian Journal of Agricultural Science.
Vol.70,No.4, April 2000. Pp. 39-40.
Sharma,M. Pradhan,S. Subba,K.B. & Basistha, B.C. Effect of Growth Regulators on the in-vitro
Multiplication of Nucellar Seedlings of Citrus reticulate Blanco. Journal of Hill Research.
Vol.22,No.2, 2009.pp.110-113.
Bibliography Bioresource Vol. III, No. 1
Patiram, Upadhaya, R.C. & Subba, J.R. Effect of Management Practices of
Sikkim Mandarin productivity. Journal of Hill Research. Vol. 16,No.1,
June 2003. Pp. 51-53.
Pradhan, S., Sharma,M. Subba, K.B.& Basistha, B.C. Effect of various cultural conditions on invitro germination of immature seeds of citrus reticulata Blanco. Journal of Hill Research.
Vol.22,No.1, 2009. Pp.39-42.
Agrawala, D.K. & Chowdhery, H.J. Eria Globulifera Seidene Addition to the Orchid flora of Sikkim
and North west Himalaya. Indian Journal of Forestry. Vol.32,No.1,March 2009.pp. 103-106.
Rai, P.C., Sarkar.A. Bhujel,R.B. & Das,A.P. Ethonobotanical Studies in Some Fringe Areas of
Sikkim and Darjeeling Himalayas. Journal of Hill Research. Vol. 11,No. 1, 1998.pp.12-27.
Avasthe, Y. Avasthe, R.K. & Bhutia, D.T. Fertility Status of some soils of Sikkim. Journal of Hill
Research. Vol. 7, No.2, 1994. Pp. 63-68
Srivastava, L.S. & Verma, R.N. Fungicidal control of white rust of mustard in Sikkim. Indian
Phytopathology. Vol. 43, No.1, March 1989. Pp. 84-86.
Patiram. Furrow Application of Lime is economically to Rectify the Acid Soils of Sikkim. Indian
Farming. Vol. 44 No.2, May 1994.pp. 21.
Srivastava, L.S. Further evaluation of Some selected fungicides against Powdery Mildew of Pea
can be controlled in Sikkim. Pesticides. Vol.16,No. 11, Nov. 1982. Pp. 3-4.
Shukla, B.K. & Maiti, A. Genus Crotalaria L. in Sikkim. Journal of Hill Research. Vol. 9,No.2,1996.
Pp. 242-250.
Upadhyay, R.C., Srisvastava, L.S. In Sikkim Cultivating avocado Scientifically. Indian Horticulture.
Vo.43, No.1, Oct– November 1996. Pp. 27-30.
Ganguly,G., Sarker,K. & Mukhopadhyay, R. In Vitro study on Gametophyte Development of
Epiphytic Fern, Arthromeris himalayensis (Hook.) Ching, of South Sikkim, India. American Fern
Journal. Vol.99,No.3,July-Sept.2009.pp. 217-225.
Bibliography Bioresource Vol. III, No. 1
Patiram, Upadhaya, R.C. & Subba, J.R. Effect of Management Practices of
Sikkim Mandarin productivity. Journal of Hill Research. Vol. 16,No.1,
June 2003. Pp. 51-53.
Pradhan, S., Sharma,M. Subba, K.B.& Basistha, B.C. Effect of various cultural conditions on invitro germination of immature seeds of citrus reticulata Blanco. Journal of Hill Research.
Vol.22,No.1, 2009. Pp.39-42.
Agrawala, D.K. & Chowdhery, H.J. Eria Globulifera Seidene Addition to the Orchid flora of Sikkim
and North west Himalaya. Indian Journal of Forestry. Vol.32,No.1,March 2009.pp. 103-106.
Rai, P.C., Sarkar.A. Bhujel,R.B. & Das,A.P. Ethonobotanical Studies in Some Fringe Areas of
Sikkim and Darjeeling Himalayas. Journal of Hill Research. Vol. 11,No. 1, 1998.pp.12-27.
Avasthe, Y. Avasthe, R.K. & Bhutia, D.T. Fertility Status of some soils of Sikkim. Journal of Hill
Research. Vol. 7, No.2, 1994. Pp. 63-68
Srivastava, L.S. & Verma, R.N. Fungicidal control of white rust of mustard in Sikkim. Indian
Phytopathology. Vol. 43, No.1, March 1989. Pp. 84-86.
Patiram. Furrow Application of Lime is economically to Rectify the Acid Soils of Sikkim. Indian
Farming. Vol. 44 No.2, May 1994.pp. 21.
Srivastava, L.S. Further evaluation of Some selected fungicides against Powdery Mildew of Pea
can be controlled in Sikkim. Pesticides. Vol.16,No. 11, Nov. 1982. Pp. 3-4.
Shukla, B.K. & Maiti, A. Genus Crotalaria L. in Sikkim. Journal of Hill Research. Vol. 9,No.2,1996.
Pp. 242-250.
Upadhyay, R.C., Srisvastava, L.S. In Sikkim Cultivating avocado Scientifically. Indian Horticulture.
Vo.43, No.1, Oct– November 1996. Pp. 27-30.
Ganguly,G., Sarker,K. & Mukhopadhyay, R. In Vitro study on Gametophyte Development of
Epiphytic Fern, Arthromeris himalayensis (Hook.) Ching, of South Sikkim, India. American Fern
Journal. Vol.99,No.3,July-Sept.2009.pp. 217-225.
Bibliography Bioresource Vol. III, No. 1
Panda, S. Increasing population of globally rare Rhododendron
niveum Hook. (Ericaceae) in Sikkim with a note on its stomata.
Pleione. Vo. 2,No.2, 2008. Pp. 217-221.
Tamang, J.P., Thapa, S. Tamang, N.& Rai, B. Indigenous fermented
food beverages of Darjeeling hills and Sikkim Process and Product characterization.
Journal of Hill Research. Vol.9,No. 2,1996. pp. 401-411.
Singh,K.A. & Singh,L.N. Intercroping of some temperate grasses at mid-hills of
Sikkim. Indian Journal of Agricultural Science. Vol.60,No.7,July 1990. Pp. 466-470.
Mehta,S.N., Upadhayaya, R.C. Thakur,P.K. & Rai R.N. Introduction of improved
Technology in East Sikkim Shows lasting Results. Indian farming. Vol. 40(xi),No. 4,
July 1990. Pp. 6-7.
Rai, R.N., Dhiman, K.R. & Singh, J. Lab to land Programme in Sikkim. Indian Farming.
Vol. 34,No.1,April 1986.pp. 39-42.
Krishna, A.P. ,Rai, S.C. & Sharma, E. Landuse Change Detection through remote
sensing-A Case Study of Mamlay watershed of Sikkim Himalaya. Vol. 7,No.2, Dec.
1994. Pp. 93-101.
Kumar,S. & Raju,D.C.S. Large Cardamom and its wild relatives in Sikkim Himalayas .
Journal of Hill Research. Vol. 2 No. 2 ,1998. Pp. 102-107
Srivastava, L.S. & Verma, R.N. Leaf Sreak (C.O Pestalotiopsis royenae)- A new
disease of large cardamom from Sikkim. Current Science. Vol. 58,No. 12,June 20,
1989. Pp. 682-683.
Bibliography Bioresource Vol. III, No. 1
Singh,D., Dey, M. & Singh, D.K. Lejeunea papilionacea Steph.(Hepaticae:
Lejeuneaceae)- An addition to Indian Bryoflora from east Sikkim. Bulletin
of the BSI. Vol.50,No.1-4,2008.pp. 212-215.
Sharma, G. & Singh,K.K. Stand architecture, shade effect and stand tree density management in
the Age series of Alnus-Cardamom Plantations in the Sikkim Himalayas. Journal of Hill Research.
Vol. 17, No.2, Dec. 2004. Pp. 52-59.
Srivastava, L.S . Management of Leaf Streak disease of Large Cardamom through fungi toxicants
in Sikkim. Journal of Hill Research. Vol. 11, No. 1,1998. Pp.101-103.
Bhatt,M.N., Rajan, P.P. Kumar, R. & Subba, J.R. Managing Rhizome rot on ginger in Sikkim.
Indian Horticulture. Vol. 48 No. 4 Jan- March. Pp. 18-19.
Singh, K.P.& Rai, R.N. Maximization of maize yield by non monetary inputs in Sikkim. Journal of
Hill Research. Vol.1,No.2, July-December 1987. Pp. 137-141.
Panda, A.K. Medicinal plants of Sikkim in Ayurvedic practice.
Sharma, R., B. Sharma, & De, K.K. Micropropogation of Dendrobium fimbriatum Hook- An
Endangered orchid of the Sikkim Himalaya. Journal of Hill Research. Vol. 17, No.2, Dec. 2004. Pp.
Roy, B.N.& Thapa,M.P. Morphology and Marginal Vegetation of Khechupari Lake in Sikkim.
Journal of Hill Research. Vol. 11,No 2, 1998. Pp. 244-247.
Patil, C.S. New Record of Fungal Pathogen Aspergillus flavus link on Mulbery Silkworm Bombyx
mori L.from India. Current Science. Vol.58,No.12,June 20, 1989.pp.683.
Gupta, D.K. & Srivastava, L.S. New Records of Red rust in Sikkim. Journal of Hill Research. Vol.
7, No. 1, June 1994. Pp. 56.
Patiram & Upadhaya,R.C. Nitrogen Application enhances mandarin Production in Sikkim. Indian
Farming. Vol.45, No. 9, Dec. 1995. Pp.5.
Bibliography Bioresource Vol. III, No. 1
Avasthe. R. Nitrogen Management in Transplanted rice (Oryza sativa)in mid hill
acidic soils of Sikkim Himalayas. Indian Journal of Agronomy, Vol.54 No. I, March,
2009. Pp.47-51.
Shrivastava, L.S. Note: New hosts of Ampelomyees Quiqualis Ces. From Sikkim.
Journal of Hill Research. Vol. 13, No. 1, June 2000. Pp. 41.
Upadhyaya, R.C., & Patiram. Nutrient Status of Mandarin orange (Citrus reticulatA
Blanco) in Sikkim. Journal of Hill Research. Vol. 9, No.2,1986. Pp. 375-379.
Balaraman, N. Nutrition Status of Grassland of high altitude of Sikkim. Journal of Hill
Research. Vol. 1,No .1, Jan-June 1987. Pp. 12-17.
Singh, M., Singh, G. Bhutia,D.T. Awasthi ,R.P. & Gupta, D.K. P.K 472: a promising
soybean variety in Sikkim. Indian Farming. Vol. 45,No. 12,March 1996. Pp. 9 – 14.
Volume- IV
Online Journal of DELCON
provided by DBT,Governement of India
Training on Entrepreneurship developmental program in
Biotechnology held from 24th to 27th February,2010
conducted by Biotech Consortium India Ltd.New Delhi in
association with Sikkim State Council of Science &
Technology was attended by all the official of Bioinformatics
National workshop on Bioinformatics conducted by BIF
centre, North Bengal University from 14th to 16th
January,2010 was attended by all the officials of
Bioinformatics Centre.
DeLCON Consortium
Available Full Text of Electronic Journals and their coverage
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) text coverage of 03 resources with access from
1997,1999 & 2009 onwards)
American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) text
coverage of 08 resources with access from Vol.01/Issue 01 onwards)
American Association of Immunologist (AAI) (Full text coverage of
01 resources with access from 1916 onwards)
American Chemical Society (ACS) (Full text coverage of 37
resources with access from 1996 onwards)
American Society for Biochemistry & Molecular Biology (ASBMB) text coverage of 02 resources with access from 1995 onwards)
American Society for Hematology (ASH) (Full text coverage of 01 rresources
with access from 1946 onwards)
American Society for Microbiology (ASM) text coveragbe of
12 resources with access from 1995 onwards)
American Society for Plant Biology (ASPB) http:/
(Full text coverage 02 resources with access from 1926 onwards)
Annual Reviews (AR)
(Full text coverage of 23 resources with access from 2005 onwards)
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Prress (CSHL) (Full
text coverage of 04 resources with access from 1997 onwards)
Elsevier Science (Science Direct) (Full text
coverage of 415 resources with access from 1995 onwards)
Inforrma Health Care (IHC) (Full text
coverage of 07 resources with access from 1997 onwards)
Lippincott William & Wilkins Wolter & Kluwer/OVID (Full text coverage of 11 resources with
access from 1996-2005 onwards)
Mary Ann Liebert (MAL) (Full text coverage
of 07 resources with access from Vol.01/Issue 01 onwards)
Nature Publication (Full text coverage of 40
resources with access from 1997-2005 onwards)
Oxford University Press (OUP) (Full text coverage of 18
resources with access from 1996 onwards)
Society for General Microbiology (SGM) (Full text coverage
of 03 resources with access from 1995 onwards)
Springer Vargel
access from 1997 onwards)
(Full text coverage of 237 resources with
Wiley-Blackwell (Full text coverage of 86 resources with
access from 1997 onwards)
Scopus Databse (Elsevier Science)
SCOPUS online database)
(Full text coverage of
• Gurung, priya Darshani;Gurung,Rabina;Basistha,B.C.Sharma Prakash &
Lepcha,L. Bioinformatics an overview. Biogyan,vol-IV,3-7
• Sharma,Manjila. Antifungal acitivity of Cymbopogon citratus (DC)
Stapf.against sour rot disease of tomato caused by Geotrichum candidum
Link. Biogyan,Vol-IV,8-12.
• Lepcha,L., Basistha,B.C. Gurung,R.Gurung,P.D. & Sharma,P. H1N1
Influenza virus. Biogyan,Vol-IV,13-14
Research publications
• Sharma,M.,Pradhan,S.Subba,K.B.Basistha,B.C. Effect of growth
regulators on the in-vitro multiplication of Nucellar Seedlings of Citrus
reticulaata Blanco. Journal of Hill Research.Vol.22.No.2.2009.
• Pradhan,S.,Sharma,M. Subba,K.B. & Basistha,B.C. Effects of various
cultural conditions on in-vitro germination of immature seeds of Citrus
reticulata Blanco. Journal of Hill Research.22(1):39-42,2009.
• Basistha,B.C.,Sharma,N.P.Lepcha,L.Arrawatia,M.L. & Sen.A. A Ecology
of Hippophae salcifolia D.Don of Temperate and Sub Alpine Forests of
North Sikkim Himalayas – A case study- Paper accepted for Journal of
Symbiosis,USA Inc.
• Basistha,B.C. Understanding agro-technique of Sea buckthorn in Sikkim
Himalayas. Proceedings of International Seabuckthorn Association
Conference (ISA) 2009,Belukuriha,Russia. 1-6 September,2009.
YEAR 2010-2011
Publication of a Bioinformatics Fifth Volume News Letter
Conducting training/seminars/workshops and sensitization
programs on Bioinformatics and Biotechnology.
Encouragement to young researchers to take up research in
Bioinformatics and Biotechnology.
Collaboration with other research institutes of the state as well as
other national institutes to take research work in the field of
Bioinformatics and Biotechnoloyg.
Creation of New Database record of FLORAL DISEASES of Sikkim
Himalaya to help researchers to study its Mitigative aspects.
Renew of Virtual Private Network Certificate (VPN) of Centre’s
Furthers Links of Activities of Research at
Sikkim Bioinformatics Centre SubDISC