The Minister ’s Black Veil

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The Minister’s Black Veil
A Parable
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Nathaniel Hawthorne
1804 – 1864
Born in Salem, Massachusetts
Descended from a prominent Puritan family
Believed that evil was a dominant force in
the world.
• His fiction expresses a gloomy vision of
human affairs.
Inherited Guilt
• One of Hawthorne’s ancestors was a Puritan judge
who played a key role in the Salem witchcraft
• Another ancestor was a judge known for his
persecution of Quakers.
• Both Hawthorne’s character and focus as a writer
were shaped by a sense of inherited guilt.
• He was haunted by the intolerance and cruelty of
• He was not a Puritan and was born 112 years after the
Salem witchcraft trials.
Nathaniel Hawthorne
• Master of symbolism and allegory
• He wrote throughout his life.
• After graduating from Maine’s Bowdoin
College in 1825, he wrote a novel,
• Soon after the book’s anonymous publication in
1828, he was seized by shame and abruptly
burned most available copies of his book.
Nathaniel Hawthorne
• During the nine years that followed, he
honed his writing skills working in a room
he called “the dismal chamber.”
• This resulted in a collection of stories entitled
Twice Told Tales published in 1837.
• Although the book sold poorly, it established him as
a respected writer.
• Gave him sufficient resources and encouragement to
continue his writing.
Nathaniel Hawthorne
• In 1850, he published his masterpiece The
Scarlet Letter, a powerful novel about sin
and guilt among early Puritans.
• This book was extremely successful.
• Earned him international fame
• He soon wrote two more novels, The House
of the Seven Gables (1851) and The
Blithedale Romance (1852).
Nathaniel Hawthorne
• When his friend Franklin Pierce became president,
Hawthorne was named American consul at
Liverpool, England.
• He spent several years in England and traveled
through Italy before returning to Massachusetts.
• Used his Italian experiences in the novel Marble
Faun (1860).
• Hawthorne died four years later.
• He left four unfinished novels among his belongings.
The Minister’s Black Veil: A
• Parable: a simple, usually brief , story that
teaches a moral lesson.
• A type of Allegory which is a story with both a
literal and a symbolic meaning.
• In subtitling this story “A Parable,” Hawthorne
indicates that the moral lesson it conveys is
Connecting Literary Elements
• The veil that Mr. Hooper vows never to remove is
a symbol – something that has meaning in itself
while also standing for something greater.
• To understand the message expressed, analyze
veil’s symbolic meaning.
• Revealed through responses of parishioners
• Revealed in minister’s own deathbed explanation.
Reading Strategy
• Draw inferences about meaning.
• When message of work of fiction is
conveyed indirectly through symbols, the
reader must draw inferences, or
• Look closely at details, especially descriptions
and dialogue.
• Drawing inferences is a way of interpreting
a character’s behavior, statements, or an
author’s message.
• Description Dialogue:
• “He has changed himself into something awful,
only by hiding his face.”
• Inference: Villagers are frightened by the veil.
venerable: adj. commanding respect p. 342
iniquity: n. sin; wickedness (p.343)
indecorous: adj. improper (p. 343)
ostentatious: adj. intended to attract notice;
showy (p. 343).
• sagacious: adj. shrewd; perceptive (p. 343)
• vagary: n. unpredictable occurrence p. 344
• tremulous: adj. characterized by trembling
(p. 345)
• waggery: n. mischievous humor (p.345)
• impertinent: adj. not showing proper
respect (p. 346)
• obstinacy: n. stubbornness
Connecting to the Literature
• A secret, when kept too long can take on a
mysterious significance.
• It can cause people to fill in the missing
story and draw their own untrue
• In “The Minister’s Black Veil,” a Puritan
parson keeps a secret from an entire village
for his whole life.