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Transcript SPACE – COMMUNITY …og IKT-bruk

NFC City
Co-locating NFC services in a
multi-service trial approach
IADIS International Conference on Information Systems
Lisbon, Portugal – March 13-15
Authors: Dag Slettemeås (SIFO), Bente Evjemo (Telenor RFS), Sigmund Akselsen (Telenor RFS), Arne
Munch-Ellingsen (Telenor RFS), Sindre Wolf (Univ. Tromsø), Viktoria Jørgensen (Univ. Tromsø)
Dag Slettemeås
NFC City
• 4 year open innovation project – Tromsø, Norway
• Establish and test a sustainable ”ecosystem” for NFC
• Partners;
• Operator (Telenor), bank (DNB), county
administration (Troms), bus company,
student welfare admin., service developers
(University of Tromsø, FARA), research
(SIFO, Telenor) – and users (students)
•Research aims;
– Develop ecosystem (actor cooperation,
business models)
– Develop services (single + integrated)
– Evaluate user experiences
• See these as interlinked – must be studied together
Dag Slettemeås
NFC – near field communication
• Short-range wireless technology
• Contactless – ”tap”
• Simplifies interaction with physical
environment – ”local services”
• Smart phones as interacting
Dag Slettemeås
NFC services
•Information services (smart posters)
•Social networking (check-ins)
•Service endorsement (likes)
•Loyalty (bonus cards)
•Physical access
Diverse set of services:
• Should work together (same phone)
• Shifting contexts / arenas of use
-Q: How to study?
Dag Slettemeås
Multi-service field trial
• Multi-service field trial
• 50 students – 50 Samsung Galaxy S III smart phones
• Realistic environment (campus + city)
• Multiple pilot services
• Extended testing period (+ 8 months)
user experiences
contextualised use
practice change
social dynamics
Dag Slettemeås
Data gathering
Triangulating data – mixed methods
• Inductive approach – interpretation
• Surveys/questionnaires
• Individual interviews
• Focus groups (+ work shops)
• Participant observation (+ walk-along interviews)
• Personal diaries
• Data logging (phones/touch-points)
Smart phones + NFC touch points:
• New potential for data harvesting
• Feed back to ecosystem / business model
Dag Slettemeås
Ecosystem challenges
• Field trial value:
 inform the ecosystem (make it sustainable?)
 consumer-centrism (NFC/users at the centre of the ecosystem?)
 user data harvesting (dynamic information system?)
• Pervasive systems (smart phones + NFC):
 interdependence reflected in design (actors, technology, contexts)
 provide new ways of conceptualising information systems (IS)
Dag Slettemeås