ModProd Mtg - Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare

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CMS Tracker Week, CERN, 26-29 April 2005
Report from
Module Bonding
Working Group
Salvatore Costa
Università di Catania and INFN – Sezione di Catania
Salvatore Costa - Catania
CMS TrackerWeek - Module Production
27 Apr 2005
Global info on production bonding of the Modules
Global review of Module bonding quality indicators
Open issues
Selected highlights from individual Center reports
Salvatore Costa - Catania
CMS TrackerWeek - Module Production
27 Apr 2005
CMS Tracker Week, CERN, 26-29 April 2005
review of Module bonding quality
that is,
Module Pull Test results
Salvatore Costa - Catania
CMS TrackerWeek - Module Production
27 Apr 2005
# Modules Pull Tested
Salvatore Costa - Catania
CMS TrackerWeek - Module Production
27 Apr 2005
Mean pull forces
Salvatore Costa - Catania
CMS TrackerWeek - Module Production
27 Apr 2005
Mean pull forces
Salvatore Costa - Catania
CMS TrackerWeek - Module Production
27 Apr 2005
StDev/Mean of pull forces
Salvatore Costa - Catania
CMS TrackerWeek - Module Production
27 Apr 2005
StDev/Mean of pull forces
Salvatore Costa - Catania
CMS TrackerWeek - Module Production
27 Apr 2005
CMS Tracker Week, CERN, 26-29 April 2005
Open issues
Salvatore Costa - Catania
CMS TrackerWeek - Module Production
27 Apr 2005
Hybrid-related issues
1. Bonding problems on PA encountered while bonding APV’s
to PA in some TIB hybrids [mentioned by Alan/Gabriella]
 Display additional warning in Pre-bonding section of DB
• Faulty hybrids, with intermittent FHIT errors, erroneously
sent to CERN from HAS, then to Gantry Centers and some
already built into modules. [mentioned by Gabriella]
 All Gantry and Bonding/Testing Centers alerted
 I plan to generate from DB and distribute affected
Module list
Salvatore Costa - Catania
CMS TrackerWeek - Module Production
27 Apr 2005
ModProd DB Browser Tool
At Gian Mario’s request, non-prod quality objects
(modules, sensors, hybrids) now excluded:
Salvatore Costa - Catania
CMS TrackerWeek - Module Production
27 Apr 2005
Jigs for TEC Module bonding
We are continuing to monitor the preparation of attidional jigs for Center backup in TEC.
This is a table already showed at last Meeting, but with updates added yesterday.
TEC Center
Module Types to
bond (# Mod)
Who made jigs
(# jigs)
Aachen (1)
Backup center for
this Ring’s
Who makes
additional jigs
(# jigs)
Aachen (2)
Hamburg (2)
R1p,R1s, R3
Hamburg (2/2/2)
Strasbourg (1)
Vienna (1)
Told Didier they can
make jigs for other
in preparation
Karlsruhe (1)
Not decided yet
Not decided yet
Can make R2 jigs
for other centers
Karl./Zurich (1+1)
R4 (1100)
Salvatore Costa - Catania
Karl./Zurich (2)
R6, R7?
CMS TrackerWeek - Module Production
Has R7 jig on loan
from Strasbourg
27 Apr 2005
CMS Tracker Week, CERN, 26-29 April 2005
Selected highlights from
individual Center Reports
Salvatore Costa - Catania
CMS TrackerWeek - Module Production
27 Apr 2005
Catania: new facilities
New bonding machine: Delvotec 6400 (100 kHz)
Since March 8th
Oldest of 2 Hughes dismissed
Now in clean room: Delvotec, newest of 2 Hughes
Bonding times down:
Reliability improved:
Machine failure rate: negligible
Bonding failures: negligible
PHL- (DEAD) channels: none so far
TIB34: 8’ 10” vs. 45’ + x
TIB12: 12’ 15” vs. 65’ + x
Backs: 15” vs. 1’ + x
45 modules bonded w/ new machine
Programs for all module types ready: TIB34, TIB12, TIB12sl, TIB12sr (back/front/pulltest/after_pulltest)
Usable bonding parameters window narrower than in Hughes
Best Pull forces achieved: ~10g
New operators
2nd operator fully trained since last meeting already.
3rd operator: Russian engineer with temporary contract.
Salvatore Costa - Catania
CMS TrackerWeek - Module Production
27 Apr 2005
Catania’s Delvotec 6400
Salvatore Costa - Catania
CMS TrackerWeek - Module Production
27 Apr 2005
Other Center’s highlights
• FNAL: Last 2 weeks found problems related to excessive flex of PA
ends. Had to ask assemblers to move glue points. This helped but not
yet satisfactory.
• Firenze: In some latest TIB modules dirty area of PA near end (but not at
end) made bond difficult there.
• Padova: Uploaded pull test data after shipping modules to Pisa  usual
DB problem: pull test appears performed in Pisa
 recommendation: upload all of your data before shipping modules
to another center
• Torino: Due to share with Alice had to change Delvotec’s U/S frequency
from 100 to 60 kHz. New parameters. Similar performance.
• Vienna: Bonded 25 modules with new Delvotec 6400 (140 kHz). Pull
forces were marginally better than 100kHz. Observes whiskers on 2nd
bond (on PA).
• Zurich: Machines now equipped with additional USB camera (+ PC) to
ease the strain of looking all the time through microscope during
bonding. Model details available.
Salvatore Costa - Catania
CMS TrackerWeek - Module Production
27 Apr 2005