Notice Writing

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Dear friends Today we are going to learn
Notice Writing
By: Dipak Parikh
A ‘notice’ is piece of writing specially
made on occasions to attract the
attention of a prospective group of
 The nature of notice may differ from
profession, institution, depending
upon the business or transaction it
Notices are made to be put up on the
notice boards of schools, colleges,
companies, government offices, courts,
stock markets, hospitals, clubs,
sanatoriums, zoos, gardens, parks and
other public places.
Characteristics of a Good Notice:
(1) Eye-catching caption.(Heading)
(2) Readable and legible print (either
hand written or printed)
(3) Points arranged in logical order
according to priority.
(4) Topic sentences as introduction.
(5) Short matter either in point wise
order or in prose order.
Name of the Institute
Notice(The word Notice must be
Heading of the Notice
Full Date
Body of the notice in about 6-7 sentences.
(First paragraph, left- aligned)
Details of further enquiry and assistance if
any. (Second paragraph, left- aligned)-
(*Signature, name and designation of
the person issuing the notice.)
There is a wide range of topics of notices.
However, the main points of important
and most likely to be asked notices are
given below.
(1) Notice for any function 0r event:
Try to include the following points:
Date, time and venue of the event.
Who can participate
Rules and regulations such as dress
code, what to carry etc.
Participation fee, if any.
Registration procedure and last date.
(2) Notice for
Picnics/tours/trekking/camps/visits to
exhibition, museum, industry, company,
zoo, fair etc.
Include the following points:
•Date, time and location
•Who can participate?
•Mode of conveyance to the location,
facilities such as meals, accommodation
*Rules and regulations such as dress
what to carry and what not to carry etc.
*Charges of participation.
*Registration with the class teacher and
the last date.
(3) Notice
for lost and found items, articles
that were lost or found.
Include the following main points:
*Date, time and place where it was lost or
*Details of the article such as shape, size,
colour, manufacturer etc.
*Give detail of To whom the article should
be returned, his contact no. and reward-
-that would be given to the one who
finds it.
* Incase you found the article, mention
the expected reward, your contact no.
and time to contact.
(4) Notice for general instruction such as
society meeting, teachers-parents
meeting, employees meeting, board
meeting, etc.
Include the following main points:
•Date, time and venue of the meeting
• Purpose of the meeting.
(5) Notice for revised uniform, fees
structure, exam date, library rules,
hours, employees’ dress code, etc.
Include the following main points:
*Details of the corresponding revision.
*Date from which revision is applicable,
penalty, etc.
* Reason for revision, if any.
A notice should contain all the necessary details such as
Name of the issuing agency (school, etc.)
Subject and date of issue/release of the notice
Event (what?)
Date/time/duration (when?)
Place/Venue (where?)
Authorized signatory: Name and signature
Specimen of notices
(1) Imagine that you are the principal of
your school and prepare a notice for
display on the school notice board,
warning the students against, buying
food from roadside vendors.
Ajwa Road, Baroda
March 1,2013
Many cases of serious food poisoning of
students have been reported recently.
Therefore all the students are hereby
requested and advised to bring only homemade eatables to school. Beware of the road
side vendors and keep yourself away from
eating their food-stuff.
Sardar Vallabhbhai Vidyalaya, Baroda.
You are having a small function in
your class as a Christmas celebration.
Write the programme that will be put
up on the blackboard.
December 11, 2013
Place: Std.9B Classroom.
Date: 24th Dec. 2013
Time: 10 a.m.
 (2)
(1) Welcoming Santa Claus
(2) Singing of Christmas Carols
(3) Musical Chairs
(4) Snacks and giving away Presents
(5) Santa’s Christmas Address
Merry X’ mas to Everyone
(3) Your class is organizing an Essay
Contest. Write a notice to be put up on
the School notice board.
February 28, 2013
Std.9B is glad to announce an Essay
Contest for all students of std. 9.
Topics: (1) India of my dream
(2) The Decline of Movie
(3) The World in the year 2025.
(1) Essay to be written only on foolscap
paper. Word limit: 500 words.
(2) Name, class and division to be
written on the top right hand corner of
the first page of the essay.
(3) Essays to be submitted to Mr Rohan
Trivedi or Mrs Moksha Bhatt or Ms
Hina Patel.
(4) Last date : 8th March, 2013
(5) Three prizes to be awarded in all.
(6) Names of the winners will be
displayed on the school notice board on
10th March, 2013
(7) Prizes sponsored by Joshi and
(8) For further information, contact
Master Dhrumil Parikh , std. IXB.
All the Best To Everyone.
 (4) You found a precious ring in the school
campus. You handed it to the lost and
found department of school. As an incharge of the lost and found department,
draft a notice for the same.
Harni Road, Baroda
Precious Ring Found
8th March, 2013
 A precious diamond ring has been found
from the school playground near the
tennis court. Who-so ever is the owner of
the ring, should contact Mr. Parikh,
assistant in-charge of the lost and found
department. The claimer should prove that
the ring belongs to him/her.
Despite repeated instructions, students
are violating the rule of not wearing
precious jewellery in school. The school
has therefore decided to impose a penalty
or Rs. 50/- if anyone is caught-
-wearing expensive ornaments in the
sd. (signature)
(In-charge, Lost and found Dept.)