Business Process Model

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Transcript Business Process Model

ebXML Overview

Cory Casanave Data Access Technologies

[email protected]

(305) 234-7077

The Internet Computing Model

Portals Business Party      Collaboration of independent entities Document exchange over internet technologies  Large grain interactions No required infrastructure * Long lived business processes Business transactions Copyright © 2001-2002, Data Access Technologies, Inc. Business Party

Requirements for the “ICM”

   Contract of Collaboration  Shared business semantics  Meta-Model (EDOC ECA/BPSS) and representation (I.E. XMI, ebXML-BPSS)  Shared Repository for Contracts (MOF, UDDI, ebXML) Connectivity (middleware) which meets requirements of the contract Implementation of each contract role providing connectivity (application server) Copyright © 2001-2002, Data Access Technologies, Inc. Business Partner Instance Data Business Partner Repository Contracts (Metadata) Contract of collaboration can be mapped to the format of various technologies. (ebXML, Soap, .NET)

Two levels of interoperability

Business Partner Collaboration Partner Profile Repository Copyright © 2001-2002, Data Access Technologies, Inc. Instance data interoperability ebXML Over Soap Metadata (contract) interoperability Business Partner BPSS Collaboration Protocol Agreement Collaboration Partner Profile Repository

Parts of ebXML Specification

 Requirements (RE)  Technical Architecture (TA)  Business Process Specification Schema (BPSS)  Collaboration protocol profile & agreement (CCP)  Message Service (MS)  Registry Information Model (RI)  Glossasry (Gloss) Copyright © 2001-2002, Data Access Technologies, Inc.

ebXML Architecture

Business Process Business Transactions Context For Built With Register Core Data Blocks Partner Role BP Specification

Design time

Implement other Partner Roles CPP Business Service Interface Internal Business App Copyright © 2001-2002, Data Access Technologies, Inc. CPA Transport Package


CPP Business Service Interface Internal Business App

Summary of ebXML terms

      BPSS  Business Process Schema Specification – Meta model in XML (A Choreographed set of business transactions between partners)  UMM  UN/CEFACT Methodology & UML profile for EDI specification Core Components  Common data structures for message interchange in a context CPP  Collaboration Partner Profile – Lists partner processes & technologies CPA  Collaboration Protocol Agreement – Runtime partner binding Reg-Rep  Registry & Repository – Storage for metadata and partners TRP  Transport Routing & Packaging – Wire protocol Copyright © 2001-2002, Data Access Technologies, Inc.

Political Split

 Oasis  CPP  CPA  Reg-Rep  TRP  UN/CEFACT  BPSS  Core Components  UMM Copyright © 2001-2002, Data Access Technologies, Inc.

Standards for Global Internet Computing UML4EDOC



XML Standards

XML Schema & DTD

 Description and packaging of data 


 Basic messaging and packaging  Extensions for Soap-RPC with WSDL  May be extended to support collaborative messaging Copyright © 2001-2002, Data Access Technologies, Inc.

ebXML Added Value

 Specification of business process and data for collaboration  Link between BPSS, Repository and Transport  Choreography of async services  Timing and security parameters  Packaging of complex MIME packages  Long lived process identity  When web services need to be more than a simple request/reply Copyright © 2001-2002, Data Access Technologies, Inc.


ebXML EDOC Transport Distribution Repository Runtime Collaboration Process Model Enterprise Integration Components Information Model MDA Copyright © 2001-2002, Data Access Technologies, Inc.

Standards for collaboration

Business Collaborations Contract of Interaction Content Model Recursive Composition Detail sufficient to drive communications Computing Models Supported EDOC-ECA Yes – Community Process Yes – Protocol with Choreography & Object Interface ebXML-BPSS Yes – Multi Party Collaboration Yes – Binary Collaboration with Choreography and Business Transactions Yes – Document Model Yes – Recursive Composition into Enterprise No – Requires technology mapping Uses external forms, such as XML Schema No – Only “B2B” Yes – As ebXML transport. BPSS includes timing and security parameters.

Internet document exchange, entities, business processes, objects and events Internet document exchange Copyright © 2001-2002, Data Access Technologies, Inc.

The model driven architecture for web services and collaborative internet computing

EDOC Solution Triad

Model Driven Architecture Service Based Architecture Components Copyright © 2001-2002, Data Access Technologies, Inc. Development Process Tooling & Infrastructure Standards

Two levels of interoperability

Business Partner Instance data and interoperability ebXML Over Soap Bridge Biztalk Over Soap Business Partner Metadata (contract) interoperability ebXML BPSS Purchasing Model Normal Form Copyright © 2001-2002, Data Access Technologies, Inc. Each can be transformed .NET

EDOC as the normal form

EDOC-UML MDA Mappings The standard way to model and tool for multiple technologies Copyright © 2001-2002, Data Access Technologies, Inc. Web Services (WSDL) ebXML (BPSS) J2EE (Java RMI) Corba (IDL/CDL) MOM (FCM)


        Both define document interactions across ports An async EDOC protocol requires a pair of WSDL ports WSDL adds connection and endpoint detail EDOC choreography specifies how multiple WSDL interactions will work together EDOC provides a way to model the component behind a set of services EDOC shows how service components can be composed of other service components EDOC integrates with the information model, events and workflow WSDL is appropriate as an EDOC technology mapping Copyright © 2001-2002, Data Access Technologies, Inc.

EDOC and J2EE – JSR 159

Title: Java Process Component API (JPC) .

 The goal of [JSR 159] is to provide J2EE developers with the ability to compose an application out of service level components (where service composition. service in this context means a loosely coupled, event based process). Today, J2EE developers build applications that implement a service; however, there is no formal way to describe the full semantics of a service to the J2EE container. There is no formal concept of a service as a J2EE component nor is there a formal concept of  For some time, the computing industry has struggled to find a component abstraction that balanced the need for type safety with the need for loosely coupled, event based composition. The most recent and most promising solution to this problem is the EDOC Component Collaboration Architecture. In addition to standing alone as a service component architecture, CCA is closely related to the WSDL model for web services. Both are loosely coupled, port based models of service integration; however, the CCA goes much further to explicitly define a rich collaboration model. Their similarities make it practical to view WSDL

as a web service adjunct to CCA rather than a different, competing technology.

Copyright © 2001-2002, Data Access Technologies, Inc.

From the enterprise to technology viewpoints EDOC collaborations as the basis of multiple viewpoints

Copyright © 2001-2002, Data Access Technologies, Inc. Police Dispatcher Role

Digital Map Census Data Police Records House Drawings Aerial Photos

Multiple roles in a collaboration

Copyright © 2001-2002, Data Access Technologies, Inc.

Roles to Systems

Role Collaboration

Framework, Middleware & Container

Operating System Hardware

Copyright © 2001-2002, Data Access Technologies, Inc.

Component in Role WEB SERVICE!

Interaction (With Information) Implementation Net

Vision Building and adapting systems for collaboration, reuse and change

Loosely coupled enterprise architecture

 Independent enterprise components  Representing business concepts  Link via open standards Open Standards Copyright © 2001-2002, Data Access Technologies, Inc.

OMG Model Driven Architecture (MDA)

 High level – platform independent models  Technology Models  Mapping  Custom   Standard Standard Models produce technology specific standards artifacts Copyright © 2001-2002, Data Access Technologies, Inc.

Technology Independence

What some infrastructure Business Business Logic Component Adapters ebXml BizTalk Rosetanet EJB Copyright © 2001-2002, Data Access Technologies, Inc. Business Logic Component Adapters EJB MQ Corba CICS

Automated MDA

UML Design Profile (E.G. EDOC) Infrastructure Mapping (E.G. XML) Tools Produce & Integrate Mapping is tuned to the infrastructure Copyright © 2001-2002, Data Access Technologies, Inc. Enterprise Components Framework & Infrastructure (E.G. XML)

High level tooling & infrastructure


 We must be able to create better applications faster  We must separate the technology and business concerns, enable the user  Tooling + Infrastructure  Executable models are source code  Tooling must be technology aware  Infrastructure must support tooling, not manual techniques  Model based component architectures Copyright © 2001-2002, Data Access Technologies, Inc.

High level tooling & infrastructure


 We must be able to create better applications faster   We must separate the technology and business concerns, enable the user Tooling + Infrastructure  Executable models are source code  aTooling must be technology aware  Infrastructure must support tooling  Model based component architectures Copyright © 2001-2002, Data Access Technologies, Inc.

Iterative Development

Business Model Design Automation Build Build Build Build Build Release Build Deploy Infrastructure Development Copyright © 2001-2002, Data Access Technologies, Inc.

Business Component Marketplace

       The business component marketplace is projected to be a 10b market in 5 years Consider the value of XML components that wrap popular legacy New application functionality built from components Components for integration and transformation XML and web services makes an excellent basis for such components Technology components, such as for repositories and DBMS Marketplace my be inside the enterprise or commercial Copyright © 2001-2002, Data Access Technologies, Inc.

Net effect

 Using these open standards and automated techniques we can;  Achieve the strategic advantage of an open and flexible enterprise  Produce and/or integrate these systems FASTER and CHEAPER than could be done with legacy techniques  Provide a lasting asset that will outlive the technology of the day Copyright © 2001-2002, Data Access Technologies, Inc.

Role of the OMG

 While web services have huge potential but the enterprise needs to see how to bring these technologies together to solve business problems  The OMG can bring business focus and unification to web services by applying Model Driven Architecture (MDA);  Bridging technologies  Unifying tools  Automating the development process  We have just adopted EDOC for this vary purpose Copyright © 2001-2002, Data Access Technologies, Inc.


Copyright © 2001-2002, Data Access Technologies, Inc.


Cory Casanave Data Access Technologies

[email protected]

(305) 234-7077 Copyright © 2001-2002, Data Access Technologies, Inc.