WHAT ARE STEROIDS? - UA Campus Health Service

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Transcript WHAT ARE STEROIDS? - UA Campus Health Service


A synthetic compound designed to mimic the effects of the male hormone testosterone.

Who Uses Steroids?

• • • • • • • Olympic athletes Professional athletes Fitness Buffs/Gym “rats” Law enforcement Construction Workers Bodyguards/Bouncers Teens

Why are steroids abused?

• • • • • • Increased athletic performance Increased attraction of the opposite sex To medicate a traumatic experience such as rape or being bullied or beaten up Reduce body fat and increase muscle mass Muscle dysmorphia To fit in. Peer pressure

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Signs of steroid use

Increased muscle mass Acne/Oily skin/Back acne Hair loss Increased interest in self appearance Metrosexual qualities Begins reading bodybuilding or fitness magazines Isolation from social groups Begins hanging out with other “big guys” Change in wardrobe Secretive behavior Red blots on skin More self-care or grooming Loss of prior self Drastic change in eating habits

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Where do steroids come from?

Pill or injectable To the U.S. from Mexico and Europe Sold on the black market Via the internet Home labs; order powder and make own for cheaper cost Most gyms have at least one major dealer Can spot dealer as self-user who is very social and will usually approach and speak openly of steroids Legal consequences are not stringent and carry little punishment Expensive addiction-users usually develop financial problems

Are males the only steroid abusers?

• • • • • Traditionally yes Female use has more than doubled in the past decade Females use more for weight loss or toning Female athletes face the same pressure as males Body image issues are the number one reason given by female abusers

• • • • • • • • • • • • Physical side-effects of steroid abuse… Impotence Sexual dysfunction Rage behavior (Individuals who have pre-existing anger problems) Irreversible development of breasts Jaundice Distinctive persistent bad breath Constant aches and pains due to quick muscle growth More susceptible to injury Cysts Fatigue Restlessness Loss of sleep

Physical side effects continued… • • • • • • • Long term effects Heart attack Stroke Cancers Abcesses Shrinking of testicles In adolescents irreversible effects on growth cycle Most long-term effects are unknown…most abusers die at an early age

Physical side effects in women • • • • • • Deepening of the voice Cessation of menstrual cycle Development of male characteristics Growth of facial hair Decrease in breast tissue Sexual reproductive defects

Psychological effects of steroid abuse • • • • • • • “Roid rage” – most often in individuals predisposed to anger Manic episodes Feelings of euphoria Feelings of invincibility Major depression Suicidal thoughts and tendencies Decrease in social coping skills

Are steroids addictive?

• • • • No definitive studies yet Steroid abuser’s psychological state predicts an addictive style Steroid abusers continue to use even after adverse effects Withdrawal symptoms of depression, body image issues, drug seeking, point to addictive behaviors

Cross addiction patterns • • • • Steroid abusers tend to be abusers of other drugs Most common is opiates such as vicodin, percocet, oxycontin, heroin In studies upwards of 50% of admitted steroid abusers also abuse some opiate Most also stated they obtained both drugs from same dealer – steroid dealers are smart and will “cash-in” on the cross addictive behaviors

How is steroid abuse treated?

• • • Sierra Tucson With new evidence suggesting steroids are addictive Steroids are treated in the same format as any other addictive drug and many rehab centers offer these programs 12-step programs, NA groups, inpatient therapy, dual diagnosis centers if other psychological issues have surfaced

• • • • • What to do if someone I know is abusing steroids?

1 st step is to seek professional help Let individual know of your concern Stay away from feeding their addiction by complementing the way they look Be sure to respect the individual and speak to them in an understanding manner Steroid abuse is becoming more and more prominent and carries many consequences…not to be taken lightly (i.e. Parents who want their kids to perform well athletically)

Help is available: On campus – Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) 520-621-3334 Off-campus – Sierra Tucson 1-800-842-4487