Insect - Modesto Junior College

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Insect Body Parts

ab - abdomen 

mtn – metanotum

an - antenna  mtt – metathorax cpe – compound  oc – ocellus eye  ov – ovipositor cr – circus  prn – pronotum epm – epimeron  prt – prothorax eps – episternum  ps – pleural suture hd – head  sp – spiracles la – labium  st – sternum md – mandible  tg 1-10 – terga msn – mesonotum  th – thorax mst – mesothorax


 The head is the hardened (sclerotized) anterior region of the body that bears the eyes, antennae, and mouthparts

Mouth parts

Maxillae and mandibles are called Stylets

Labium- houses the feed channel and salivary tubes

Stylets- Pierce the tissues and contain section tubes

Labrum- Acts like a scabbard

Proboscis (tongue) uncoils by an increase in blood pressure.

Two General Types of Mouthparts chewing and piercing-sucking (opened)

an – antenna           cl – clypteus cpe – compound eye fr – frons la – labium lap – labial palpus lb – labrum md – mandible mx – maxilla mxp – maxillary palpus oc – ocellus

Types of Antennae

       A – setaceous B – filiform C – moniliform D – elbowed E – clavate F – capitate G – lamellate       H – ringed I – aristate J – serrate K – pectinate L – bipectinate M – plumose

Types of Antennae

 Setaceous


- Thread like

-Uniform segs.

- Grasshopper




-Globular or Rounded

-Usually Uniform

- Common in Beetles & Termites


 Wasps, Ants, Bees, Beetles




-Leaf like, laminated







 Flies


- Saw like

- Uniform segs.

- Coleoptera only


- Comb. like - Certain moths and beetles


 Second set


- Feather- like

- Flies and Moths

Salivary Juices

1. Softens cell wall

2. Anesthetizes

3. May Pre-digest

4. Anti Coagulants

5. Spread diseases


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2 nd major body part - 3 segments (sometimes 4) If a 4 th segment is present it is called an alitrunk. Actually seems to be the 1 st Abdominal, but it’s the narrow waist in bees, ants, and wasps

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a) Prothorax- Bears 1 st pair legs b) Mesothorax- Bears 2 nd pair legs and 1 st pair wings c) Metathorax- Bears 3 rd pair legs and 2 nd pair of wings B and C = Ptera Thorax

General Wing

        A – anal vein aa – anal angle am – anterior or costal margin ap – apex C – costa cc – closed cell Cu – cubitus cu-a – cubito-anal crossvein         h – humeral crossvein M – media oc – open cell pm – posterior margin R – radius r-m – radio-medial crossvein Rs – radial sector Sc – subcosta

Wings 

Ptera- Winged

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2 full sets of wings Dipterous- 1 pair Apterous- no wings

All immature insects are apterous

Wing veination for I.D.

Wing Form

- Elytra- Tough hard wing

- Hemelytra membranes ½ heathery ½


Forewing leathery


Membranous- clear delicate nerve like

General Insect Leg

 cx – coax  fm – femur  pt – pretarsus (claws)  tb – tibia  tr – trochanter  ts – tarsus

Leg Shapes and specialization

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1. Cursorial- wacking Legs are basically all the same size and shape

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Saltar- To Jump

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Rrapten- Claw like Predators

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4. Fessorial Digging Legs

Parts of the leg

Leg Shapes and specialization


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Pre-Natal Swimming Flat or Paddle like

-Thorax Houses Powerful locomotors muscles for



Contains part of the digestive tract, circulatory system and respiratory system.
