Transcript Slide 1

The Association of Municipal Electricity Utilities (Southern Africa)
AMEU GH Branch meeting
Wellington Town Hall
AMEU Committee & Executive
Council Meetings
Peter Fowles
16 May 2014
The Association of Municipal Electricity Utilities (Southern Africa)
• Wednesday 12 February 2014
Standing Committee - CANCELLED
Legal & Statutory Committee
Tariff Committee
Education & Training Committee
• Thursday 13 February 2014
– Technical Committee
– Publicity and Papers Committee
• Wednesday 5 March 2014
– Executive Council (Namibia)
The Association of Municipal Electricity Utilities (Southern Africa)
Standing Committee meeting
• Financial Statements
– 2013 budget
• Budgeted surplus of R88 353
• Projected result – loss of R13 562 (Convention income lower +
LGSETA funding)
• March 2014: unaudited results indicate a surplus
• Possible fee increase along with `expanded services’
• Convention 2014
– 5 to 8 October 2014 at Gallagher Convention Centre
– Possible Centenary Convention also in Johannesburg
resolved – at Sandton City ICC
– History book committee been established
The Association of Municipal Electricity Utilities (Southern Africa)
Standing Committee meeting [cont]
• Operational and Governance workshop
– Held on 12 November 2013 and facilitated by Consultants
– Report discussed at Executive meeting on 5 March
– Internal report on options and proposals to implement the
report action items requested
The Association of Municipal Electricity Utilities (Southern Africa)
Legal & Statutory Committee
• Boundary disputes
– Eskom template requested – internal checklist for
handovers/takeovers provided
– SALGA/Eskom Framework Agreement prepared for signing
at SALGA National Assembly – 29 November –includes info
requirements, street lighting, SDA’a and surcharges
– Drakenstein – problem in obtaining information from
– SALGA report to AMEU meeting requesting support
– Meeting with Eskom management on 14 February 2014 to
agree on MOU
– Executive Task Team Workshop – 25 March 2014
The Association of Municipal Electricity Utilities (Southern Africa)
Legal & Statutory Committee (cont)
• Electricity supply bylaws
– Drakenstein aiming to promulgate amended bylaws by
May 2014 to address:
Legality of embedded generators and regulate co-generation
Definition of consumers – become `customers’
Safety requirements related to EG installations
Tariff designs for purchase of energy from EG
Align the bylaws with the PAJA, CPA, MFMA, MSA, ERA and MFPFA
– The draft bylaws will be available for comment at the end
of February 2014
– BY-LAWS MUST BE CLEAR - March 2014 e-Bulletin
The Association of Municipal Electricity Utilities (Southern Africa)
Legal & Statutory Committee (cont)
• Construction regulations
– Revised regulations promulgated last week in January 2014
– February 2014 e-Bulletin
– Will advise members when information available
The Association of Municipal Electricity Utilities (Southern Africa)
Tariff Committee
• Electricity Cost of Supply Study And Green Electricity
Tariff – GENESIS Analytics
– Project for NMBM with support from SALGA-GIZ as part of
SAGEN (South African - German Energy Programme)
– Complicated as data was limited – lot of data manipulation
– Working Cost of Supply (COS) Model handed to GIZ for
distribution – spreadsheet tailored to NMBM needs
– Guidelines for other municipalities will be available –
March 2014 e-Bulletin
– What else can SALGA-GIZ do to assist munics with RE?
The Association of Municipal Electricity Utilities (Southern Africa)
Tariff Committee [cont]
• NERSA – Electricity Resellers
– November 2013 meeting discussion it was reported that
NERSA was focusing on `resellers tariff’
– Agreed that a meeting with AMEU to be arranged before
consultation paper issued. – 11 March 2014
– NERSA looking at principles and policies and will issue a
consultation paper in April 2014 – 7 April 2014
– Complex issues which need to be handled with sensitivity
due to revenue impact on Munics and Eskom - AMEU
The Association of Municipal Electricity Utilities (Southern Africa)
Tariff Committee (cont)
• Eskom – funding of supplies
– Meeting with NT – 3 July 2013 as national problem
– AMEU letter to NT – 10 July 2013
– Follow up meeting now 4 March 2014 – no response yet
from National Treasury
• Eskom's alternative tariff for municipalities
– NERSA consultation paper
• Date for comment – 28 November 2013
• Public hearing – 4 December 2013
– Only two presentations
– No decision yet issued
The Association of Municipal Electricity Utilities (Southern Africa)
Education & Training Committee
• AMEU Electrical Training Working Group
– AMEU became custodian of the WG – demise of LGSETA
– Working on several important issues
• Packaging of learning material – standard in all munics
• Managing of “on-job” training and assessments & teaching
• Input into development of trade test content
• Standardisation of practises for trade testing in training centres
and trade test centres
– Approach to LGSETA to reconsider funding – no response
– Convenor requested to arrange meeting with municipal
representatives being funded by their own municipalities –
held 9 and 10 April 2014
The Association of Municipal Electricity Utilities (Southern Africa)
Technical Committee
• Review of the EDI’s Asset Status Report (ADAM)
– Estimate of backlog in 2008 – R27bn
– Not much done but study will indicate areas of
improvement – project delivery by 31 March 2014 draft
report presented on 26 March 2014
• Backlog assessment and update
• Priority Matrix and short term implementation
• Update ADAM business case (funding mechanisms & options)
– Samples:
• 21 municipalities and 2 Eskom regions
• 60+ municipalities to prioritise generic projects
• Invite inputs on problem areas
– Website –
The Association of Municipal Electricity Utilities (Southern Africa)
Technical Committee
• Renewable Energy Workgroup - report
– Guideline on the installation of embedded generation and
the impact it may have on the revenue of municipalities;
– Help municipalities make important decisions in respect of
SSEG within their areas
– Eskom Grid Access Unit (GAU) committed to working with
municipalities in support of IPPs embedded in networks
– GIZ Technical Workshop on integration (e.g. technical
connection rules, safety etc) of SSEG - Invitation to
nominate a date 25,26 or 27 June 2014
• Markus Poeller facilitating plus technical expert from German
municipal electricity utility to share their experience
The Association of Municipal Electricity Utilities (Southern Africa)
Technical Committee (cont)
• Electrification/NEAC
– Master Plan was due November 2013 but still not
complete due to challenges
municipal data
electrical network
Manpower and GIS tools
– 2014/15 allocation letters distributed - changes in the
allocations for 2014/15 for INEP (msg 28 February 2014)
– Pre-engineering allowance of R1.5m per munic
– Department of Human Settlements (DoHS) policy on
internal wiring costs of homes built for low income
The Association of Municipal Electricity Utilities (Southern Africa)
Publicity and Papers Committee
• Website
– Undergoing modernisation to accommodate increasing
use of mobile devices
• AMEU News
– June 2014 edition being prepared
• E-Bulletin
– Apologies for late publication of April edition
The Association of Municipal Electricity Utilities (Southern Africa)
Publicity and Papers Committee
• Convention 2014
– 39 submissions received by deadline of 2 April 2014
– Rating process begun
• Honorary membership
– No nominations considered due to cancellation of Standing
Committee meeting – Executive resolved on 5 March to
receive nominations from Branches following March/April
• SALGA Support of AMEU
The Association of Municipal Electricity Utilities (Southern Africa)
AMEU GH Branch meeting
Wellington Town hall
– 16 May 2014