March 17, 2011 Warm Up - Lindley 7th Grade Social Studies

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Transcript March 17, 2011 Warm Up - Lindley 7th Grade Social Studies

What are the two great deserts found in China?
Gobi and Ganges
Gobi and Taklimakan
Haung He and Yangtze
Mekong and Taklimakan
2. Which is a leading cause of death in China?
Skin cancer
Respiratory and heart disease
Injuries from automobile accidents
Injuries related to industrial and factory accidents
SS7H3 The student will analyze continuity
and change in Southern and Eastern Asia
leading to the 21st century.
a. Describe how nationalism led to
independence in India and Vietnam.
b. Describe the impact of Mohandas Gandhi’s
belief in non-violent protest.
c. Explain the role of the United States in the
rebuilding of Japan after WWII.
demonstrate an understanding of the
continuity and change in Southern and
Eastern Asia leading to the 21st century.
because I need to show that I understand that
the beliefs and actions of a country can
resolve conflict
How can the beliefs and actions of one’s
leader/country resolve conflict?
Putting Up a Fight: have students answer:
"What is something you have that you would
put up a serious fight for--even risk your life
for--if someone tried to take it away?" (This can
be a material thing, like a gold chain, or
something intangible, like a good reputation.)
Then have students answer: "Why is this so
important to you?"
In order to show that they understand,
students will accurately respond to the
questions during today’s activator and choice
board activity
Describe what a club
meeting would be like
with an autocratic leader
Explain the role of the
United States in the
rebuilding of Japan after
World War II.
Use a Venn diagram to
compare and contrast the
independence of India
and Vietnam
Use the Frayer Model to
explain one of the
following; autocratic,
oligarchic, and
Write an open ended
Explain a time when you
question about Mohandas demonstrated
Gandhi and answer it.
How can different forms
of leadership affect the
role of citizenship in
terms of voting rights and
personal freedom?
Write an acoustic poem
Write a journal entry on
using one of the following How you would feel if
government systems.
you lost your freedom.
Stand up/Sit down- Share one of your think tac
toe choices.