Transcript Document

Javier Armaolea
Vice president of ETDF-FEFD
European Training & Development
European Training &
Development Federation
Fedération Européenne pour la
et le Développement
Diversity Management
Learning Process:
“Configuration and development a cultural
competences model and a methodological guide
for the actors (trainers/teachers/managers)
involved in the integration and access of (Ethnic
minorities) diverse groups in the labour
Project Characteristics
PROJECT OVERVIEW: What do we set out to achieve (aims and objectives). How
does the project fit into the Leonardo programme
WHY ARE WE PROPOSING THIS PROJECT? Details of what is innovative about this
Key activities of the project, including arrangements for management of the partners,
monitoring of the project and evaluation.
The Lisbon strategy pays close attention to the integration the immigrants in
the labour market. The 2007 Lisbon National Reform Programmes (NRP)
show that many Member-State authorities rank migration and integration
issues among their key policy challenges. From the Commission’s side, a
series of initiatives to step up policy efforts were set out in the Communication
“Towards a Common Immigration Policy”, which was adopted last December.
The focus is on two main types of policies. The first set of initiatives promotes
the inclusion of immigrant workers in EU labour markets. This is particularly
important for the large number of immigrants with low qualification already
settled in the EU. The initiatives mainly consist of active labour market
policies (focusing on training measures, wage subsidy schemes and the
involvement of employment services). The second set focuses on the EU labour
market’s need for migrant work. In particular, it looks at policies facilitating
access to the EU labour market for flows of qualified migrant workers in order to
alleviate existing labour and skill shortages.
The Lisbon During the 2000-2006 European Social Fund programming period, the
Fund provided considerable support to the integration of immigrants. Training was
one of the key measures to help migrants integrate into society and into the job
market. Each year, the ESF assists - through training and other projects – some
600,000 people with a migrant background or from ethnic minorities - and it is
aiming to increase this number considerably during the 2007-2013 programmes.
Migrants are identified as one of the key target groups for the ESF (European Social
Fund) 2007-2013 period and nearly all Member States address immigration in their
ESF programme priorities. Furthermore, Member States have to report on what they
are doing to help increase migrants’ participation in employment.
The Migrant women are at a distinct disadvantage, in many areas of their lives,
compared to both migrant men and native women. This is one of the main findings of
a study, carried out by RAND Europe on behalf of the European Commission, on
the role of migrant women in the EU labour market.
According to the commission there are 14 barriers which prevent members of ethnic
minorities from fully participating in the labour market:
Taking into account this scenario our European consorcium propose to work in
CULTURAL COMPETENCES (Priority 5: Raising competence levels of groups at
risk) that focus on integrating groups with particular difficulties on the labour
market, as immigrants and those with a migrant background, and ethnic minorities,
by developing their work-related skills and competences also increasing the interest
and participation of men or women in those VET fields in which they remain
Taking into account this scenario our European consorcium propose to work in CULTURAL COMPETENCES (Priority 5: Raising competence lev
Cultural competences understood them as key competences for LLL and a major
factor of innovation. Moreover, The report "Creating an Innovative Europe" (the Aho
report) recommends urgent action to better exploit the EU's innovation potential and
for that reason we want to introduce a strategy to facilitate the creation and marketing
of new innovative products that we will point out afterwards.
The users/beneficiaries will be on one hand the trainers/teachers. And on the other
hand According to the priorities of the General call 2008-2010 of the Community's
Lifelong Learning Programme. Special attention is given to facilitating the
participation of sectors, social partner organisations and companies, in particular
small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), in all Leonardo da Vinci actions, then
the managers will be also users and finally adult learners (Inmigrants)
Needs analysis (regarding companies managers as beneficiaries): Nowadays the
diversity is a characteristic that Europe characterizes cultural and socially,
representing as a worthy increasing phenomenon of study. The woman incorporation
to the labour market, the ageeing population, the European unique market, the
migration movements and the use of multidiscipline equipment within the
organizations are increasing the European labor force social and professional
diversity . The work groups are diverse as far as gender, age, culture and functional
area. This diversity increase has aroused an enormous interest in the companies on
new methods of management that respond in an effective way to diverse labor force
There is an important lack of knowledge and skills to among the trainers/ teachers
related to issues of social inclusion of this ethnic minorities in the learning
environment as labour intervention, career guidance processes, legal and obligation
guidances, intercultural sensitiveness, lack of intercultural values promotions…
The recognition of the diversity as a competitive advantage and the acceptance that it
constitutes an inherent characteristic to the globalization phenomenon, many
organizations have been taken to implement new management diversity initiatives.
These initiatives are developed to reach integration objectives. It requires, also, the
specific acquisition of a series of skills or tools (denominated Cultural Competences)
The recognition of the diversity as a competitive advantage and the acceptance that it
constitutes an inherent characteristic to the globalization phenomenon, many
organizations have been taken to implement new management diversity initiatives.
These initiatives are developed to reach integration objectives. It requires, also, the
specific acquisition of a series of skills or tools (denominated Cultural Competences)
How are we going to generate and classify useful cultural competences
in Europe?
We will work in two ways. The first way will be through the educational system and
the 2nd way will research through management environment,
We will create specific resources to managers, trainers, teachers and education
professionals. To accomplish the results we want to implement the following project
among 6 partners from 5 European countries “Configuration and development a
cultural competences model and a methodological guide for the actors
(trainers/teachers/managers) involved in the integration and access of (Ethnic
minorities) diverse groups in the labour market.”
The project has got 5 planning phases during its implementation:
1.- Need analysis for developing this project. Check the cultural competences lack
among our users/beneficiaries (trainers, managers and adult learners) and identify
three different diversity strategies models implemented in Spain, United Kingdom
and Germany through politics, procedures and programs in the organizations and in
the vocational training System
2.- Translate these different models (experiences) in cultural competences.
Taking into account this scenario our European consorcium propose to work in CULTURAL COMPETENCES (Priority 5: Raising competence lev
3.- Concrete products- durable outputs development. Development of the didactic
resources (Products will be based on the following methodological / didactic
approaches: Teaching tools, good practices, DVDs, didactical and pedagogical
resources, linguistic learning methods, inclusion competences (cultural competences),
teaching models to conduct intercultural communication training, practices and
models to educate a person about diversity, skills for diversity effective
trainer/teacher, diversity training/facilitation skills, skills for communicating with the
immigrant communities...)
4.- Pilot Project implementation. The partners will use the didactic material and a CD
ROM will be edited gathering the didactic material.
5.- Disseminate, publish, and communicate the results, journals, workshops. (i.e. The
partnership provide a link as a network) ETDF (European Training
& Development federation) in a transnational networks
If we want to put in practice these cultural competences, we must provide to our
beneficiaries, (trainers/teachers/managers) with specific knowledge and material for
intercultural learning process in terms of cultural competences. Based of the needs of
the final users mentioned before, one of the results of our project will be Didactic
The measures that will be adopted for testing the materials on target users will carry
out by means of 3 ways of action:
a) We will publish and put the didactic material on disposal of all European
trainers/diversity management professionels/teachers in the major European training
website, that is European Training & Development Federation web site.
b) We will offer and send to all adult educational organizations and companies that
are in transnational network with the partners of the consorcium.
c) Also the countries that will receive the innovation transference will be the leading
agents in their countries expanding the cultural competences/skills.
This Didactic material will allow trainers/teachers/managers to introduce the cultural
competences and dynamics of the intercultural learning in the school and in the
organizations with creative/innovative tools to ethnic minorities. Some people will
consider there are a lot of manuals for diversity management, but our Didactic
Material will be specific for development of the cultural competences in Vocational
Training Schools and enterprises.
(Following the LLP Guide 2009 Part I: General provisions-5C-Generic tipology of
project results)
Results: 1.-The Didactic Material as a product and 2.- Methods 3.-Experiences.
1.-The didactic material will be the result of taking into account the already verified
and successful experiences in Spain, UK and Germany and besides other European
countries(Bulgaria ,Slovenia) will contribute with their commitment implemeiting
this Didactic Material in their respective schools/organizations during the project(3rd
phase: Pilot Project implementation). So, these two last countries will become aware
of the importance of cultural competences and could be the leading agents in these
countries expanding the message of intercultural learning in their countries. This is
the second result of the project: to make aware of the importance of promoting the
intercultural learning to these two partners.
The project itself will not invent cultural competences but will identify and innovate
the concrete cultural competences. Therefore, regarding to the impact of the project to
the beneficiaries the results concreted in didactic material of cultural competences
will cover training needs of managers/trainers/teachers improving their skills in
dealing with diversity.
We pointed out that there are 3 types of results. On one hand, the didactic material
developed among the principal partners experiences before and during the project
development. On second hand, the implementation of the didactic material of the rest
of partners in their respective schools/organizations during the project (3rd phase:
Pilot Project implementation). The indicators that will be used to measure the
progress of the work and the extent to which it will deliver the expected outcomes
will be the number managers/companies and teachers/schools within reach of didactic