Arhitectura calculatoarelor

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Microprocessor-based Systems

Prof. Dr. eng. Sebestyen Gheorghe Computers Department [email protected]

    


 Introduction: short history &some concepts      The main structure of a computer: CPU, ALU, instruction execution strategies Microprocessors Specialized microprocessors (microcontrollers and DSPs) Communication Buses Memory design Memory hierarchies (cache, virtual memory) Input/Output interfaces Interrupt system Direct memory access Advanced computer architectures: – RISC – parallel and distributed systems 2


             Dancea I, - Calculatoare electronice – 1975 Nedevschi S. - Microprocesoare – 1994 Pusztai s.a, - Calculatoare numerice – Indrumator de lucrari de laborator Sztoianov E.s.a. - De la poarta TTL la microprocesor - 1987 Tanenbaum A.S. - Structured Computer Architecture –1990 Gorgan D, Sebestyen G.- Arhitectura calculatoarelor – 1997 Gorgan D. Sebestyen G. - Structura calculatoarelor – 2000 Gorgan D. Sebestyen G. – Proiectarea calculatoarelor - 2005

www. ??? AOA - The Art of Assembly Programming Course and Labs on-line: –


Short history

 Generations 0 – mechanical computers – (??-1940) – ?? - abacus – 17 – 19 th th – 18 century – arithmetical computing devices • Pascal – device for adding and subtraction • Leibnitz – device for basic arithmetical operations (+,-,*,/) century - Ch. Babbage (Cambridge) materials – beginning of the 20 • John Athanasoff th • H. Aiken – Mark I, II century – basic elements: relays – computers made of relays – differential and than analytical machine (Ada Byron-prima programmer) • main parts: memory, computing unit, card reader and puncher • a computer like a mill – processing data is like processing • Konrad Zuse – electro-mechanical computers – proposed the binary counting system for computers Ada Byron 4

First generation – 1945-55

– technology: electronic tubes – 1943-46 – P. Eckert & J. Mauchley – ENIAC – •

the first functional computer !!!!

• 18000 tubs, 1500 relays, 30 tones – J. von Neumann – IAS • the first scientist who wrote a book on computers • defined the classical computer model with 5 components: – memory, control unit, arithmetical and logical unit, input device(s), output device(s) – the idea of memorized program – Shanonn – information theory • defined the metrics for information: the bit • information = the opposite of entropy – Alan Turring – coding and decoding systems • Colossus – the Turring machine – other versions: EDVAC, ILLIAC, MANIAC, Wirlwind, UNIVAC – IBM 701,704,709 – first commercial computers – CIFA, MECIPT – Romanian versions 5

First computer generation

Eckart&Mauchley John von Neumann Shanonn UNIVAC 6

First computer generation


Second generation – 1955-65

– technology: transistor – Shockley&Brattain – first transistor (Bell labs) – first computer with transistors: TX-0 – IBM 7090 – transistorized version, IBM 1401 – Wirlwind – MIT – PDP-1, PDP-8, made by DEC company – CDC 6600 – first parallel computer – CETA, DACICC (Ghe. Farkas, L. Negrescu) – Romanian computers First transistor TX-0 PDP-1 8

3 rd generation – 1965-75

– technology: integrated circuits – computer families: • mainframes: IBM 360, IBM 370 • mini-computers: PDP 11 – Romanian computers: • Felix c-256, c-512, c-32 • Independent, Coral – clones of PDP-11 – improvements: • speed • reliability • small dimensions • high capacity memories (16k-512k) • new peripheral devices (floppy disk, hard disk) • display as operating consol (PDP11) 9




First integrated circuit Apollo HP Computer Seymour – LOGO 1967 HP (1972) 10

4 th generation 1975-90??

– technology: VLSI • advantages: speed, high integration ratio, high reliability, small costs and dimensions –

first microprocessor - Intel 4004 !!!!

– high capacity memory circuits: ROM, RAM, DRAM (1-16ko) – first microprocessor-based microcomputers – first computers for personal use: • home-computers: ZX81, Spectrum • PCs: IBM-PC, XT, AT, Apple, Machintosh – Romanian computers: • M18 series, PRAE, aMIC, Felix PC,

Telerom-PC (Sebestyen, Electrosigma)





Intel 4004 Apple IBM-PC 12




Computer with TV set as display Portable computer (Osborn) IBM PS2 Motorola 68040 13




Bill Gates Steve Jobs si Steve Wozniak 14

Microprocessor’s evolution

first μP 1971 I4004 4 biti First μP on 8 bits 1972 I8008 8 biti 16ko 1974 8080 8 biti 64ko First successful μP First μP on 16 bits, bases for the first PC 1978 8086, 8088 16 biti 1Mo 1982 1985 1989 1993 1995 1997 1999 2002 2004 2006 2007 2008-9 80286 80386 80486 Pentium P. Pro P. II P. III P. IV P. IV Core 2 Dual Core I5, I7 16 biti 32 biti 32 biti 32 biti 32 biti 32 biti 32 biti 32 biti 64 biti 64 biti 64 biti 64 biti 16Mo 4Go 4 Go 4Go 64 Go 64 Go 70 To 70 To 70 To 70 To 70 To 70 To, 8Mo L3 cache PC-AT First μP on 32 bits Incorporated FPU pipeline P6 super-pipeline architecture MMX technology SSE2 technology NetBurst architecture Hyper-threading technology Multicore architecture (2 cores/chip) 2 processors/chip Nehalem architecture, multicore and hyper-threading 4cores/8 multithread cache 8Mo (L3) 15 2011 Sandy Bridge

Microprocessor’s evolution

Other microprocessor families:

– Motorola: 6800 (8 biti), 68000 (16 biti), 68020, 68030 (32 biti), 68040 – Zilog: Z80, Z8000 – Texas Instruments: - digital signal processors: TMS320c10/20/30/50/80 – Microchip: microcontrollers: PIC12/16/18 – MIPS, ARM, etc.


Moor’s law

4004 8080 8086 ‘286 ‘386 ‘486 Pentium Pentium 4 17

Tendencies and perspectives

    increase of integration ration – smaller switching elements (transistors): 45->35nm – increase of switching elements’ number • processors - over 1 billion de transistors • memory – over 64-512 billion power reduction – intelligent power distribution – dynamic power control: energy where and when it is needed – frequency limitation multi-core and multi-thread architectures – from 2 cores/chip to 128 cores and more – symmetric and asymmetric architectures (see Intel and Power PC) network-on-chip – network communication inside the chip instead of parallel buses 18

Tendencies and perspectives

     memory hierarchies – more cache memory levels (inside the processor) – virtual memory – access request anticipation external memories of silicon – no more hard and floppy disks of DVDs, flash instead multi-processor architectures – parallel architectures – distributed architectures computer networks – Interne – an indispensable computer resource – wireless networks mobile and portable computers: – laptops, graphic tablets – PDA, GPS – intelligent phones 19

Computer's performance parameters

   Clock frequency, – Higher clock frequency = higher performance – Doubled every 24 month, until 2005 – Limited by the power consumption and disipation – Today – 2-3GHz Number of Cycles Per Second – Older computers: 5-120 cycles – New processors: 1, 0.5, 0.25 CPI – CPI – Number if clock cycles for executing an instruction Number of instructions per second – MIPS, FLOPS – million of instructions per second 20

Computer's performance parameters

     Execution time of a program, – See Benchmarks execution time of a transaction set – Read-modify-save operations executed on databases in a concurrent way Memory capacity and speed – Gbytes, Tbytes – Access time: 70ns, 15ns, 0.1ns

I/O capabilities – HDD throughput Communication performances – bandwidth and speed 21

A microprocessor-based computer system

Simplified scheme:

Memory Memory μP

Address Data Commands

I/O interface I/O interface I/O dev.

I/O dev.


Structure of a Personal Computer (PC)

μP SVGA AGP Chipset N Mem Mem Net PCI Chipset S Keyboard Mouse 23

The multi-layer structure of a computer

  more abstraction levels/layers more access layers to the computer’s resources  virtual machines: – a programming language – a set of functionalities – ex: Java Virtual Machine, BASIC machine, etc.

 why multi-layer: – easier and more efficient programming – different kind of users – complexity reduction through abstraction and functional decomposition 24

Multi-layered computer structure

Application High level language Translation and interpretation (aggregate, compile) Translation (compile) Assembly language Translation (compile) Operating system ISA Conventional machine Interpretation (System calls) Microprogramming Digital circuites/hardware Interpretation (micro-program sequences) Decoding Translation Interpretation 25