VRML in Plasma Physics: two applications

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VRML in Plasma Physics:
two applications
Boyd Blackwell
- Plasma Research Laboratory, RSPhysSE, ANU
- partially supported by Princeton Plasma Physics
Laboratory under DOE contract xxxxxxxxx
Conceptual 3D Magnets  Plasma Confinement
 Simple, readily available interface (Web?)
– rapid design and evaluation cycle
Standard capable of describing complex objects
– levels of detail
– further use in detailed design (diagnostics)
– reusable data description (getting tired of GL)
Design of Plasma Devices
Choice of Magnetic Configuration
– most important!
– requires 1000s of hours of supercomputer time
 only parts can be made interactive (Ex 2)
Realization of Configuration (Example 1)
– 3D placement of sets conductors
– look for
• intuition about aspects of magnetic field shape
• mechanical interference, support possibilities
Design of the Wendelstein VII-X stellarator: Nuhrenberg et al.
GL  OpenGL
– initial work on H-1
– why use a programming language to
describe data?
 AutoCAD(PRL) / ProEngineer (Princeton)
– very detailed, but slow
– good for detailed design and
engineering phase
Advantages of VRML
Standard (non proprietary)
Readily available and fast on low cost hardware
• no dongles!
Viewers are cheap (free?), multiple vendors
Transfer from professional packages (to?)
Designed to be written by people/machines
– Editors/Creators not essential for this application
Many good books available, most on WWW
Example 1: 3D Magnet Concept
simplest interface from design codes
(C++, FORTRAN, IDL) to 3D viewer.
 Initial IDL 3D widget viewer used for
years, but
– poor navigation
– lacked depth cues
– static image almost meaningless
Lowest effort VRML model
require only list of [(x,y,z)(x,y,z),...]
“cylinder” element (VRML 1) using DEF
– messy - needs orientation, bad meshing
“Extrusion” model under VRML 2
– perfect fit to requirements
Sample of VRML 2
– a sampling of “nodes” in VRML 2 (from extrusion solution)
First attempt (VRML 1, DEF)
– very clumsy, but works (see fig on 1st slide)
Ex2: Evaluation of Plasma Shape
part of plasma shape design process
– magnetic surfaces exist in plasma
– colour code “bad” and “good”
“curvature” etc on surface
use shading to provide 3D cues
 high order rendering
– varying hues ( physics)
– varying light intensity( shape)
First, the uncoded surface
– relatively few facets required
Color per facet
• light shading is easy
Color per vertex
• light shading (on most systems)
– Indexed
See notes
in handout
map colours
to faces
for second
Gouraud colours AND shading
–7000 facets
(theta contravariant cpt)
Level of Detail - Object Hierarchy
complexity increases on close
 helps retain information about sub
– LOD examples
Future Work
Add AutoCAD->VRML (3D Studio?) nodes
at the highest level of detail (LOD)
 Add switches to control lighting, LOD,
colour/vertex or facet.
work in progress...
success depends if physicists find it useful
speed - gl accelerator boards look promising
beyond viewing….
– is the simple collision model useful to “test
– is the scripting language powerful enough
to program over inadequacies?