Electrical Billing and Rates

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Electrical Billing and Rates
Energy Conservation in Industry
Stephen Terry
Where Does Electricity for Industrial
Plants Come From?
• Most from Investor Owned Utilities (IOU’s) like
CP&L and Duke Power
• Electricities and NC Co-ops in small towns and
rural locations
• May be generated on-site in Combined Heat and
Power CHP) applications
How is Electricity Generated?
• Nuclear plants are baseloaded since they are cheap
to operate and need long hours to pay back initial
• Coal / Oil / Gas Boilers – moderate cost
• Natural Gas Turbines – expensive to operate, used
only for peak use
Power vs. Energy
• Power is a rate quantity - 1 kW = 1 kJ/sec
• Energy is measured using kJ or kWh
Note: 1 kWh = 1 kJ-hr/sec = 3,600 kJ
Energy =
 Power  d (time )
Parts of an Electric Bill
• Service Charge: Constant regardless of electrical
energy use. Typically between $5 and $500 per
• Energy Charge: charge based on amount of energy
(kWh) used
• Demand Charge: charge based on highest power
required during interval
• Taxes, Rebates, and Other Charges
Residential Bill
• Small service charge: for CP&L = $6.75
• Energy Charge: about $0.095/kWh for energy
used in the summer and $0.085/kWh for winter.
• Demand Charge: does not apply since household
is small user
• Taxes, Rebates: varies with user
Commercial / Industrial Billing
• Industrial plants can use 1,000 kW or more of
• Power company must build capacity to meet the
maximum load, even if it is used only a few hours
per day  air conditioners in the summer.
• Peak loads occur infrequently and must be met
with expensive generation equipment (i.e., gas
turbines), which increases cost to generate power.
Demand Intervals
Power, kW
12:00 AM
4:00 AM
8:00 AM
12:00 PM
hour of day
4:00 PM
8:00 PM
Billing Demand
• The demand interval is usually 15, 30, or 60
minutes (see rate schedule).
• The maximum value of the power for all intervals
in a month is the peak demand.
• Billing demand = peak demand, unless it is well
below historical peaks or contract demand.
Demand Ratchet Clause
• Some older rate schedules specify that the billing
demand is the maximum actual demand for the
last 12 months.
• It can also be either the current month’s peak
demand or 80% of the contract demand.
• This is so power companies can recoup investment
in power generators.
Industrial Electric Bill
 Based on rates from CP&L Large General Service 97 rate
for a typical industrial plant energy and demand usage.
Charge Type
350,000 kWh
1,000 kW
3% of bill
Time of Use Rates
• It’s more expensive to make power during the day
when everyone wants it rather than at night.
• Time of Use rate rewards customer using power at
night with lower rates at night. However, rates
during the day (on-peak) and the peak demand rate
is usually higher.
Time of Use Rate Example
Power, kW
12:00 AM
4:00 AM
8:00 AM
12:00 PM
hour of day
4:00 PM
8:00 PM
TOU Example cont’d
• Energy used in the blue shading is charged at onpeak rates ($0.03048/kWh for CP&L Rate 97)
• Energy used in the red shading is charged at offpeak rates ($0.02548/kWh)
• On-peak times are for non-holiday weekdays.
Weekends / holidays are off-peak
• Billing demand is determined to be maximum
power used during any on-peak interval
Sample Bill – TOU Rate
Charge Type
On-peak Energy
150,000 kWh
Off-peak Energy
200,000 kWh
Demand (summer)
1,000 kW
3% of bill
• TOU bill is more in this case. What is usage factor
(is this a 1, 2, or 3 shift plant?)
Usage Factor
kWh / kW demand
350,000 kWh/ 1,000 kW
350 hrs/month
16 hrs/day
Plant probably operates two full shifts, maybe three
shifts – with lower production at night.
• Time of use benefits companies that work seven
days per week and manufacture at night.
• Costs can be reduced by scheduling operations
around peak periods – load shifting.
• Costs can be reduced by utilizing thermal storage
for HVAC system and operating equipment during
off-peak periods.
Other Types of Rates
• Tiered Rate:
Example: Energy Charge –
First 10,000 kWh
Next 25,000 kWh
Above 35,000 kWh $0.03/kWh
Plant using 100,000 kWh would have an energy
charge of $3,450 or $0.0345/kWh
Duke Rate I
• Double tiered schedule based on ratio of kWh/kW
demand, then sub-tiered based on energy usage
within kWh/kW tier.
• These rates are difficult to compute, but generally
reward companies that operate more hours and
have flatter power profiles.
Average Energy Charge
• Many plants will use an average energy rate in
evaluating projects, which includes energy and
demand costs.
• This is not accurate since equipment affected may
not operate all of the time.
“Average” Errors
• Example 1: Turn lights off at night. For a time of
use rate, what is proper energy charge if lights are
turned off at 11 pm and back on at 6 am? How
about demand?
• Example 2: Adding a new air conditioner to
handle peak cooling. When does unit operate and
what is energy cost? How about demand?
Power Factor
• Some utilities will charge for power factor.
• Power factor is the phenomenon of peak current
draw being out of phase with peak voltage draw.
• This causes the power company to have to supply
more power than is registered on the meter.
• Major causes  electric motors that draw current
for magnetizing the windings (inductive loads)
Power Factor
• Solution: install capacitors to offset inductive
• Check to see if you’re charged for power factor
first, most NC companies aren’t!
Other Charges
• Fuel Riders – let power company adjust for highly
varying prices for their fuel
• Facilities Charges – extra equipment installed onsite, like a larger transformer or power fed from
two separate lines for redundancy.
• Over the past 15 years, some state have
deregulated electrical power.
• This means that billing for the three basic
components are separate and users may choose
their own suppliers:
• Virginia has partially deregulated its markets and
will fully deregulate in 2010.
• NC has no plans to deregulate anytime soon
• Experience has shown that most people see an
increase in costs with deregulation because
companies must compete with high cost of
electricity to places like California.
• Most power companies bill energy and demand.
• It is important to know your rate, on-peak hours
and all costs.
• Use proper energy and demand rates for
computing energy costs and savings.