Transcript PowerPoint

The Economic Impact of Good Agricultural Practices
in Mango Production on Myanmar Farmers
Presented by
Khin Thu Thu
Yangon Institute of Economics
Rationale of the Study
 Today , the challenges for development become sustainable
environment, food security, food safety and sustainable
 All these issues call for appropriate policies, regulations and
implementation of the policy makers.
 Agriculture is expected to assure food security now and in the
future, is increasingly called upon to produce positive
environmental, social and economic benefits.
 Agriculture is a key contributor to meet these challenges and
therefore, the paradigm is dramatically shifting for its primary
producer or farmers to be harmony with new market demand for
safety and quality food.
 The farmers also become key role players for all challenges and
participation of farmers is required for all development
Basic Concept of Rationale
Worker Safety
To Adopt Suitable
Agricultural Methods
Farmers need to change
their traditional methods
to suitable agricultural
Food Quality and Safety
All developing countries which mainly depend on agriculture
sector to earn foreign exchanges, face with changing
international food markets and proliferation of standards and
With the expanding globalization trade, the market demand for
safe and quality food become increased.
To response the increased demand, each country tries to
participate in the global market and adopts suitable agricultural
methods to upgrade the quality and safety of food.
Agriculture producers also face with changing their traditional
methods to new methods.
( Whether they adopt the new methods or not)
Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) is formulated to designate
codes of agricultural production for safety and quality food.
GAPs rely on these principles:
Economically and efficiently produce sufficient, safe and
nutritious food;
Sustain and enhance natural resources;
Maintain viable farming enterprises and contribute to
sustainable livelihoods;
Upgrade the welfare of the workers.
Public and private stakeholders need to work together for
GAP implementation .
In Myanmar, agriculture sector has long been crucial and other
sectors of the economy is interrelated with agriculture sector
directly or indirectly.
Series of government designated agriculture as the main pillar of
the economy and also focused on agriculture sector to increase
foreign exchange earnings by exporting agro-products.
Myanmar government also lunched GAP to the farmers and
Myanmar GAP is based on ASEAN guideline GAP.
According to the current situation, GAP has not yet successfully
implemented all around the country, but some farmers and large
farm owners are now adopting GAP for fruits production,
especially in Mango.
This study will be emphasized to know the current conditions
and government measures on the development and promotion
of Good Agricultural Practices in Myanmar.
It will also focused on finding the constraints and benefits of
farmers who are adopting GAP.
Objectives of the Study
To know the government’s measures on the development and
promotion of Good Agricultural Practices in Myanmar
To identify the constraints in adopting GAP in Myanmar
To know whether GAP provides benefits to the farmer or not
Research Questions
Four research questions came out for this study
How is the government promoting the development of Good
Agricultural Practices?
What are the constraints for adapting GAP in Myanmar?
What are the benefits of farmers who are adopting GAP?
Will GAP be developed in the Future?
Research Methodology
This study will be used both qualitative and quantitative
research methodologies based on both primary and
secondary data .
The secondary data will be collected from the respective
government offices and departments. Published data, and
statistics will also be used for secondary data collection.
For primary data collection, in-depth interviews and focused
group discussion will be made for both GAP adopting farmers
and GAP non-adopting farmers.
Literature Review
The Role of GAP in Development
World agriculture in the twenty-first century is faced with three
main challenges:
1) To improve food security, rural livelihoods and income;
to satisfy the increasing and diversified demands for safe food and
other products; and,
to conserve and protect natural resources.
These challenges have been articulated by the international
community through the World Food Summit Plan of Action and the
Millennium Development Goals with specific targets to be met by
2015. (FAO)
The Implementation of GAP in Developing Countries
( Countries’ examples)
The Concept of Economic Impact
 Economic impact analysis (EIA) examines the effect of a policy,
program, project, activity or event on the economy of a given
 Economic impact is usually measured in terms of changes in
output or value added and associated changes in jobs
(employment) and income (wages).
 Generally, the economic impact measurement is mainly based on
the following areas:
(1) employment levels (jobs)
(2) value added (or gross regional product)
(3) aggregate wages and salaries
(4) wealth (including property values)
(5) business output (sales volume or spending).
 Each of these measures reflects a particular dimension of
improvement in the economic well-being of area residents,
Conceptual Framework of the Study
Capacity building
Quality of extension
Quality of training
Training follow up
What level of GAP
contents included
Food Safety
Produce Quality
Worker safety, Wealth
fare and health
Level of people
Findings and
Farmers application on GAP
Application of GAP
in Mango production
Economic gains by
farmers in terms of net
income, employment,
wealth (property)
Comparing with
Farmers who are not
adopting GAP in the
same indicators