Transcript Slide 1

AHP Postgraduate Training Project
Thursday 19 November 2009
NIPEC Headquarters
Pauline McMullan
AHP Project Lead
AHP Postgraduate Training Project
Aim of Project
Terms of Reference
Regional Professional Managers
Education Providers
Postgraduate Education Commissioning Cycle
Evaluation of the project
Launch of Website
Aim of the Project
• To scope the Training Needs for Postgraduate
education for Allied Health Professionals (AHPs)
in Northern Ireland and develop an accountable
and transparent commissioning cycle.
Terms of Reference
• To scope the totality of Postgraduate training
needs for Allied Health Professionals
• To develop a commissioning cycle for Allied
Health Professionals in Northern Ireland
• To establish an Educational Commissioning
Group to oversee the commissioning process
Regional Professional Managers
Scope current training provision
Current mechanisms for identifying training
Links with KSF and PDPs
Current mechanisms for approval of training
Service Need now and in the future
Challenges ahead
Education Providers
Scope Current PG Training Provision for AHPs
Mechanisms for Identifying Training
Identify Opportunities for MD/ID Training
Evaluation of Programmes
Ideas for the Future
Literature Review
• Lessons to be learned from Scotland, England
and Wales
• Recent Publications/Reports that will impact on
service development and training needs for
Nursing Post-Registration Education
Commissioning Cycle
•DHSSPS commissioning proforma
circulated to all HSC Trusts for completion
•On return, regional priorities are
discussed by the ECG
•ECG submit proposed commissioning
plan to the DHSSPS for agreement
•Programmes purchased by the DHSSPS
from Education Providers on behalf of
•DHSSPS have SLA with main Education
Outcomes – Short term
• Establishment of an AHP Postgraduate
Education Commissioning Cycle
• Establishment of an Education Commissioning
Outcomes – Long term
• Training programmes linked to service need
• Collaborative training programmes
• Training linked to Workforce Development
• Increased access to training for AHPs
Workforce Learning Strategy (2009)
• “The HSC as a learning organisation should aim
to support a culture of lifelong learning, ably
equipping staff for current and future work
roles, and supporting improved services to
patients and clients” (Workforce Learning Strategy, 2009)
Launch of Website
Details of AHP Postgraduate Training Project
Progress to date
Relevant documentation
Point of Contact
Contact Details
Pauline McMullan
Project Lead
AHP Postgraduate Training Project
Northern Ireland
[email protected]
028 9023 8152 (Tues and Wed only)
0782 5146 971