Transcript Document

ANSWERS to Lesson
1.2.1 Questions AND
the HMK Questions
(pg 24/25)
1. Examine the contents of the vials and their
labels. Write down at least six patterns you
notice. For example: every substance with
the word sodium also has the symbol Na.
Anything with copper has Cu
#s are always after letters in formulas
Both acids were clear liquids
All OH were hydroxides
All gases have a little (g)
Anything with (aq) is a watery substance
2. The following symbols represent
elements. Identify each element.
a) Cu
b) H
c) Zn
3. How would you translate the following
words into chemical symbols?
a) sulfate
b) nitrate
c) Hydroxide
4. Compounds are substances that are made
up of more than one element. On your data
table (in the left hand margin) place a “C”
next to the number of each vial that contains
a compound.
Vial 1, Vial 2, Vial 3, Vial 5, Vial
6, Vial 7, Vial 9, Vial 11, Vial
12, Vial 13, Vial 14, Vial 15,
Vial 16, Vial 17
5. What do you think the symbols (g), (l), and
(s) stand for?
Solid, Liquid, Gas
6. How would you write the chemical
formula for ice?
H2O (s)
7. What do all the substances labeled (aq)
look like? What do you think the symbol (aq)
might stand for?
They are all a colorful or
colorless liquid. Aq = Aqueous
= a solid dissolved in water!
Making Sense Question:
When you turned the penny silver on the first
day of class, you used zinc, Zn (s), and sodium
hydroxide, NaOH (aq). Do you think the
penny was coated with silver, Ag (s)? Explain
your reasoning.
No because we
never added
any silver (Ag)!
Imagine you find a vial that is labeled Na2SO4
(aq). List at least three things the label tells
you abut what is in this flask.
It is a liquid. It has sodium. It
has sulfur. It has oxygen. It
has “sulfate”.
1. How many elements are represented by
the chemical formula for sodium nitrate,
NaNO3? Name them.
3 different elements: Sodium,
Nitrogen, Oxygen
2. What is the difference between CuSO4 (s)
and CuSO4 (aq)?
One is a solid, the other is the
same solid but dissolved in
3. If salt, NaCl (s) is dissolved in water, H2O
(l), how would you write the chemical
formula for the resulting salt water solution?
NaCl (aq)
4. If sugar, C6H12O6 (s), is dissolved with
water, H2O (l), how would you write the
chemical formula for the resulting sugar
water solution?
C6H12O6 (aq)