Systems Engineering in Systems Deployment and Retirement

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Transcript Systems Engineering in Systems Deployment and Retirement

Systems Engineering in Systems
Deployment and Retirement
Presented to INCOSE
by the
Minneapolis – St. Paul Chapter of
SOLE – The International Society
of Logistics
November 13, 2003
System Life Cycle Phases
Conceptual Design
Preliminary System Design
Detail Design and Development
Production and/or Construction
Utilization and Support
Retirement and Disposal
- Logistics Engineering & Management, 5th Ed,, B. Blanchard
Systems Concept
• Not to be covered – previously covered!!
• Conceptual Design and Development
• Systems Design
• Production and Construction
• What to cover in this meeting?
• Utilization and Support
• You are building this product and are going to deploy it. How do
you support it (keep it running)?
• Retirement and Disposal
• When is this phase in its operational (service) life?
• How are your firm, or the buyer, going to get rid of it?
Utilization Phases
Commercial Concept
Install Phase
Operation & Support Phase
Conversion or
Decommission Phase
• Support Analysis
• “Reliability,
Maintainability, &
Supportability - RMS”
• DoD/Military & Space
• Utilization and Support
• Retirement & Disposal
• Support Analysis
“Integrated Logistics Support
– ILS”
• Fielded System
• How to support the system?
• Leave It on the Loading Dock and Forget It?
• Have the Customer Mail it Back When It Fails?
• Have a Field Crew do Repairs? Whose Field Crew?
• How much will support cost for the life of the
• This Will Determine How You Support the System
• This Will Also Determine Who Will Pay for Support
Build & Install
• System “Key Dimensions”
• Complexity Varies
• Consumer products
• Copy Machines, Sump Pumps
• Industrial/Commercial products
• Lighting, Office Products
• Military systems
• Ships, Airplanes, Boats
• Space systems
• Shuttle, Space Station
• Mobility
• Non-mobile (fixed, semi-fixed)
• Moderately Mobile (vehicle)
• Highly Mobile (space)
ILS Elements (DoD/Military)
Commercial World has different mix and titles but tasks remain the same
Maintenance and Support Planning
Maintenance and Support Personnel
Supply Support (Spare/Repair Parts and Inventories)
Test, Measurement, Handling and Support Equipment
Technical Data, Information Systems and Database Structures
Training & Training Support
Computer Resources (Hardware and Software)
Maintenance Facilities
Packaging, Handling, Storage/Warehousing & Transportation
Disposal Planning
Post-Sale Time Stages of Systems
• Distribution/Installation and Initial Use
• Shipment, setup, construction/installation, test, acceptance
• System & Equipment Customer Support (postinstallation, continuing thru Service Life)
• This is where you find out if your repair analysis and cost
estimates were correct
• System & Equipment phase-out and Disposition
• This is governed by the initial support analyses made
during design. This cost may make or break a program
Initial Distribution & Customer
• Distribution and Customer Support –
• Physical supply and distribution
• Role of distribution
• Material management, packaging,
transportation, warehousing and handling
Customer Support (post-sale)
Customer support (post-installation)
Maintenance and repair
Field engineering and data; feedback & use
System Configuration Management
• Configuration Identification & Control Plans
• Hardware, Software, Firmware
• Configuration Status Accounting, Authentication
• Configuration Mgmt Performance Metrics
• Ongoing engineering change insertion
• Minor Upgrades (components)
• Major Upgrades (system)
LCC Operations Cost Categories
• operator labor,
• repair labor,
• support equipment
• recurring training,
• repair parts and materials,
• repair consumables,
• condemnation spares,
technical data revisions,
recurring facilities,
recurring item
• software maintenance
contractor services,
• engineering changes, and
• recurring warranties.
Operational/Field Data
• Operational Use Factors Are Significant
• We must know if a product is being used within the
parameters for which it was designed
• Service Can & Must Be Managed
• To be cost effective
• System Service Life Is Generally Long
• And in these times getting longer
• Maintenance Can Be Analyzed & Modeled
• This is an on going process for the life of the product
Operational/Field Data (cont’d)
• Life Cycle Costs >>
• LCC Can Be Calculated with empirical info
• This info can be used on future products as well as for
upgrades on the presently fielded product
• LCC of Design Options Can Be Compared
• See if the option we used was the best
• Minimum LCC Option is Preferred
• Always
SE Tasks, Skills and Methods
• Tasks & Skills
• Close-loop field failure
analysis (hardware)
• User feedback of
applications (software)
• Processes in use.
• Human use scenario.
• Environmental impact.
• Interface situations.
• Methods
• Weibull Analysis
• Post-installation
• Process analysis.
• Use analysis.
• Adaptation impact.
• Modification impact.
Maintenance & Phase Out Costs
• Maintenance & Support
• Maintenance Management
• Maintenance Personnel
• Spare/repair parts and
Inventory Control
• Test and Support Equipment
• Maintenance Facilities
• Operator and maintenance
training/training equipment
• Maintenance data
• Transportation and handling
• Systems modifications
• Retirement & Disposal
• Systems Management
• System/Product Retirement
• Disposal of non-repairable
condemned items
• Documentation
Phase-Out and Disposition
• Equipment phase-out and Disposition
• Phase-out and replacement costs
Phase Management Costs
Demilitarization Costs
Handling and processing costs
Environmental clean-up costs
• Unit Disposition, and
• Scrap (disposal)
• Reclamation
• Salvage and reuse of usable components
• Recycling of basic materials.
Analytical Models/Tools
• Categories of Software Tools
Reliability & Maintainability Predictions
Process Failure Modes and Effects Analysis
Level of Repair Analysis (LOR)
Life Cycle Cost (LCC) Analysis
• LCC Models
Reference Books
• DoD, Space & Large Systems
• “Systems Engineering and Management” 3rd Ed., by B. Blanchard &
W. Fabrycky
• “Logistics Engineering & Management”, 5th Ed, by Ben Blanchard
• “Product Assurance Technologies: Principles and Practices, by Dev
G. Raheja, 1995
• Military & Commercial Systems
• “Reliability, Maintainability, Supportability”, 3rd Ed. By SAE
International RMS Committee, 1995.
• “Reliability and Maintainability Guideline for Manufacturing
Machinery and Equipment, 2nd Ed. SAE International & NCMS,
Extension Education
• Stevens Institute of Technology
• Office of the SDOE Program, SEEM Department,
School of Engineering
• Systems Design & Operational Effectiveness
• “Design for System Reliability, Maintainability, and
SYS 645
• “System Supportability & Logistics” SYS 640
• One week courses
SOLE & References
• Visit web site at
• SAE International at
• CASA 8.0 Life Cycle Cost tool (free downloadable, see ) (9.47 MB)
• Commercial Service Concepts
• AFSMI at
• This brief presented by:
• Larry DeVries, CPL at [email protected]
• Joe O’Brien, CPL at [email protected]
LCC Tool
• What is CASA?
• The Cost Analysis Strategy Assessment (CASA) model is a Life Cycle
Cost (LCC)/Total Ownership Cost (TOC) decision support tool. CASA
can present the total cost of ownership depending on user selections:
including cost of RDT&E, acquisition/production, operating/support, and
disposal. CASA covers the entire life of the system, from its initial
research costs to those associated with yearly maintenance, as well as
spares, training costs, and other expenses.
• CASA uses standard LCC/TOC and logistics equations for the
computation of costs and resource requirements. CASA also enables
optimization of spares allocation to be performed.
• The link to free downloadable executable:
CASA 8.0 (free downloadable, see )
SOLE – The International Society of